Somehow the whole zenphoto has crashed and the admin page no longer comes up to allow us access -we just get a white page.
I understand from a previous forum post that -
White pages generally indicate PHP errors. Check your CGI logs and see what shows up.
But I have no idea what that means !!
Any step by step thoughts?
Anything need to be "on"?
sorry very uneducated in this area
sorry no idea where to turn to
You find info on how to install on our installation page:
Read the part about the files and folder, too. You should not overwrite/delete the /albums folder as that is were your images and albums are stored. Other data is stored in the MySQL database which you would have to backup manually using tools like phpMyAdmin. You probably will have to ask your host about that.
[Thu Sep 22 10:53:20 2011] [error] [client 69.36.***.***] sh: /usr/bin/readlink: No such file or directory, referer: http://206.130.***.***/fm/FileManager/FileManager.cgi?action=dir_listing&path=/var/log
[Thu Sep 22 10:53:18 2011] [error] [client 69.36.***.***] sh: /usr/bin/readlink: No such file or directory, referer: http://206.130.***.***/fm/FileManager/FileManager.cgi?action=dir_listing&path=/var
Thu Sep 22 10:53:04 2011] [error] [client 69.36.***.***] sh: /usr/bin/readlink: No such file or directory
hu Sep 22 10:32:18 2011] [error] [client 65.52.***.***] Negotiation: discovered file(s) matching request: /var/www/html/brilliant.**/index.html (None could be negotiated).
ho hum - technology !