new akismet plugin with php5 classes



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks for taking it over, very appreciated. I have updated the plugin entry.
  • Hi Vincent,
    Thanks for this plugin.
    However, How can i check that the plugin is working ?
    My catpha is sitll live with the akismet working ... Is the correct way to use this ?


    == In French, it's more accurate for me ==
    Salut Vincent,
    Merci pour ce plugin.
    Cependant, comment être sur que celui-ci soit fonctionnel ? Le Captcha est-il toujours nécessaire et/ou compatible avec aksimet ?
    Un petit Tuto ;)
    Merci beaucoup pour ton implication.

  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    you can check if the plugin works on your website by sending a comment with "viagra-test-123" as the author.
    Akismet always detect the comment as spam.

    maybe you could read

    information :
    - with 1.0.0, the akismet key is not checked by the plugin : if the key is invalid you have a fatal error when you send a comment.
    - with 1.1.0, the akismet key is checked by the plugin in the admin tabs, so this issue is fixed.

    according to me, captcha is not necessary on comment if you use Akismet.

    and in my case, I had maybe 20 spam a day before, and now, I have maybe 1 spam a week.
    so it seems to work :-)
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    be carrefull :
    - 1.0.0 : intial release for zenphoto =<
    - 1.1.0 : with improvements described above, for zenphoto >= 1.4.2 (beta included)

    Hervé Queyranne (who helps to on release 1.1.0) gives a patch on zenphoto to use the new release of Akismet (but it's a hack of zenphoto : do that at your own risks) :
    follow the link :
  • Ok, Thanks you. It's for the test on the 1.4.2 Beta release of ZP.

  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    Sometimes, I have some SPAM on my website and I notice that there is a time-out from akismet server (maybe server is too busy).

    I made some improvements on my plugin : if Akismet API key is invalid or akismet doesn't give a response to request, comments are moderated.

    before publish this new version, I need some tests :
    you can download a beta version here :

    thanks in advance to beta users.
    please report any bugs or any troubles on forum.
  • Ok Vincent, i'll test it since i have quite the same trouble !

  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    thanks !

    there is a new RC to download :

    I need to know if someone have some
    `====> $akismet->Exception : ...`
    in debug log (admin of zenphoto)

    follow install instructions in install.txt
  • Hi,
    At this time all works great for me. I have no error in the debug log section.

    I'll look for time to time.

    Thanks a lot
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    The 1.2.0 release of akismet filter plugin is published.

    Improvements of this release:
    - Migration on release 0.5 of Akismet PHP5 Class from Alex Potsides
    - Increase the timeout of akismet (hack of Akismet PHP5 Class)
    - If Akismet API key is invalid or if there is a timeout from akismet server
    - Comments are automatically moderated
    - Actions on comments (marked as spam/approved in comments list) are done on Zenphoto even if the returns are not sent to Akismet

    Infos and download here:

    @ acrylain & sbillard : no update is nedeed in plugin section (the actual link to my website is correct).
  • Hi,

    I tried to comment with the 'viagra' comment and it got through.

    I installed your plugin (Thank you for this) because I am getting spam despite the captcha.

    I'm using hte same key as another sub-domain and the plugin recognised it as valid.

    Any ideas as to why it's not working? (My ISP uses php 5.2.17)


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