dynamic albums modification

Is there a method to changing dynamic albums that I can't seem to find? For instance, if I forgot to check a search field like Unpublished items, the only way I can seem to figure out how to change the dynamic album is to either A) modify it in the DB, or B) delete the album and re-create it?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No real convenient way but if you open the text file representing an dynamic album you see the search query the album uses. That is also shown at the bottom of the edit page of each album.
  • Yeah, I saw it at the bottom of the edit page, however it's not editable. Was just making sure that I wasn't missing something.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Perhaps we should have some interface for it if possible. Never got any request before as far as I can remember. So best open a ticket so it is not forgotten.
  • Just re-do the search and re-create the album. That is simplest.
  • Yeah just gonna do that or mod the .alb for it. No worries. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing a simpler way to do it.
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