

I am in the process of porting my theme over to 1.0.4 with subalbums. One of the "hacks" for hit counts and ratings seems to be pulling on a getImageID() function? Method? which returns an error in the image context:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Image::getImageID() in /home/.crunch/thinkdreams/ on line 672

Now I'm going to assume (you know what happens when you do that) the new Persistent Object stuff you've got in there has something to do with it. Could you possibly explain how you could obtain the unique ID for each image to possibly correct this minor issue? It'd be nice to fix the hack for the other people on the forum that will eventually be updating their themes.

Thanks! I hopefully should have my theme up to date soon. I'm going through all the custom stuff I've bolted on over time, and it's mostly working. Have yet to test EXIF and watermarking, but once that's done, I should have a working theme with subalbums.


  • trisweb Administrator
    That's been deprecated (my right with beta software ;-) and replaced with simply Image->id, accessed directly. You can ignore what I said in the Subalbums Preview thread, even though it is useful.
  • Cool. And that is your right to change your own software...

    I knew they were just hacks as it was. Pretty cool hacks, but hacks are made to be broken....and fixed...and broken....(etc.)

  • trisweb Administrator
    Still, it should be safe to assume methods won't go away between versions :) I'll try not to do that from now on...
  • trisweb Administrator
    Update: The template-functions getImageID() function now works as previously (SVN). Sorry for the confusion between the function and class names.
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