Showing thumbnails for sub-albums in a Password protected album


As a public user, one can see:
Public Album 1 (with thumbnail)
Public Album 2 (with thumbnail)
Private (with ZP thumbnail of a lock and a gray X)

I have password protected the private album, but not the sub-albums within it.

So when one logs in with the password into the private album, there are three more sub-albums that are not individually protected. However one cannot see thumbnails, only the ZP lock logo.

Private sub-album 1 (with ZP thumbnail of a lock and a gray X)
Private sub-album 2 (with ZP thumbnail of a lock and a gray X)
Private sub-album 3 (with ZP thumbnail of a lock and a gray X)

Is there a way to make the private sub-albums show a thumbnail from their album rather than the ZP protected thumbnail?

Thank you so much for any help.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Subalbums inherit the protection of their parents. If you are not on please upgrade first.
  • Actually, upgrade to the nightly build.
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