User selection of images (Lightbox?) for submitted list

Just demoing ZP, in the hope that it'll be able to do what I need, and it looks great so far! However, I think I'm hitting a couple of issues which I can't see have been addressed before: I need to establish a gallery which users can a) search via a drop-down of pro-forma tags, b) select images from and add to a personal selection, or lightbox, then c) submit this image list to a mailing form. The recipient needs only to get the users' name, email, list of selected images, and comments. No downloads or transactions would take place. It wouldn't even be necessary to register the users, if this made things easier.

Am I barking up the wrong tree? Should I be looking at DAM systems to do this - or has anybody achieved a similar aim with ZP?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    a) There is a tag suggest plugin that should do what you wish
    b+c) Sorry, there is nothing like this available to my knowledge. It is of course possible but someone would need to program it. (I have no idea what a DAM system is btw...)
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