zpFocus breaks when browser window not big enough.

I don't know if I just noticed this or if I messed something up editing the php, but the format of zpFocus breaks when you make the window too small.

When your browser window is not big enough for the full format of the screen the page (from zenpage) breaks and is shown underneath the sidebar. When you have the browser window open at an acceptable width, everything is fine. I don't want the text of the page to wrap as it looks broken if browser is too small.

Any ideas how to best fix or what I might have messed up? I must have deleted a div somewhere. css makes my head hurt.


  • I'm not having any luck with forcing minwidth, I must be doing it wrong. Sigh.
  • I reinstalled default version and it does this. I finally found a hack to work, but I am not sure if this is sound.

    /* LAYOUT */
    div.wrap{width:100%;min-width:1000px;float:left;margin:0;background:url(../images/line1.jpg) repeat-x;}

    I added minwidth to div.wrap.
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