Alltough I'm newly registered, I've been using zenphoto and reading the forum for some time now. And i really love your software.
I'm using zenphoto 1.4.2-Dev at the moment, but the following problem also occurs in
I configured a gallery to be private. (So only registered users have access.)
Normal users (loged in, but without admin rights) now have the problem that they can't view any albums, that are not specifically assigned to them in the 'managed albums'-part of the rights section.
If they click a link to view the album in the menu, they are redirected to the login-page.
As I'm using the Zenpage-Theme the same occurs for Pages and News.
If a User is assigned the 'View Albums', 'View News' or 'View Pages' - Rights the gallery is working but also unpublished-Items are shown.
Is this behaviour intended or is it a bug?
I was able to track the problem back and wrote a little plugin that hooks to `isMyItemToView`-Filter in `checkAccess()` of template-functions.php
It's allmost a copy of the original function and just also grants access if e.g. `$_zp_current_album->getShow()` is true.
This workaround is certainly not the cleanest solution, but it partly fixes the problem for me.
only partly because:
The news section is still not working as it has other security checks inside, which I didn't find a workaround without modifying the core itself.
DEV: if what you are not seeing is images and subablums within the album, then maybe they are unpublished. The user needs "EDIT" subrights to see these.
Trunk: Same observation, but here the subright for "view unpublished" is needed.
Also be sure you are running the latest nightly builds in both cases.
I checked that and everything is published. they also show up on the gallery-index and are displayed correctly through `printAlbumMenu()`. Just when I open album.php, image.php, pages.php or news.php I get redirect to the login_page, as if I'm not logged in at all.
But as you couldn't reproduce my problem,
I did a clean install of the latest dev nightly on another test-server and I'm not experiencing the problems there, with no plugins enabled and on a new db. strange.
so my guess is I'm having problems either with a plugin or somehow my mysql-db got corrupted.
though the stored `rights`-value of `272497` in `zp_administrators` is correct.
I guess i have to do some more invastigation what causes this problem.
that's maybe cause it works on my test installation now.
I'll test it on my exsisting installation, and report back.
But the code changes look promising.
Thanks for your help.
zenpage - News is still not working though.
`isMyItem()` need some tweaking in this classes aswell.
click on a category takes you to the login-page again and on 'All news' every entry is marked with 'This article belongs to a protected category.'
and CombiNews entrys are marked with 'This entry belongs to a protected album.'
- combi-news seems to work fine.
- news articles still won't work.
In zenppage-class-news.php `isMyItem()` needs some changes.
On line 193
`if (!empty($mycategories)) {`
should be change to something like
`if (!empty($mycategories) || ($this->getShow() && $action == LIST_RIGHTS)) {`
i think.
- the changes made for albums screwed things on the backend.
users are now able to upload to all published albums +
the option to create an subalbum for there 'user album' has disappeared.
users will be shown all published albums in the albums manager tab instead of only the ones they have manage rights on.
also they will be given the possibility to 'edit album' in the admin toolbox if they are on an album page.
In class-album.php on line 1244 changing:
`if (GALLERY_SECURITY == 'private' && $this->getShow()) {`
`if (GALLERY_SECURITY == 'private' && $this->getShow() && $action == LIST_RIGHTS) {`
fixed the problem for me.
Please clarify if your comment means that the fixes will not be in any 1.4.1.x releases and I should use a DEV release to resolve this issue.
Thanks for the great work on the gallery.
The fixes have gone into the 1.4.2 release stream. That was (at the time of posting) represented by the DEV branch of the Zenphoto repostiory and the DEV nightly builds. However, 1.4.2 has gone into Beta now, so the Trunk branch and nightly builds now represent the up-coming release.
If you wish to have these fixes you will have to install the 1.4.2 Beta release.