Merge Albums from 2 zenphoto servers

Hi -

We have 2 development teams working on separate albums on 2 separate dev. servers.

Is there a way to just export / import an album, so that the separate albums can be placed on a third production server which would hold all the albums?

Going even beyond, it would be great to merge within the same album using the album import tool, if it were to exist.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenphoto is filesystem based so you can actually just copy over the actual folders of these two albums.

    But caution if you do not store info like titles, descriptions, tags within the images' metadata you will loose all this info. Of course you loose all info that cannot be stored in meta data like sorting, passwords etc.
  • There is an export capability for the metadata but that is only in the upcomming release. You can try it by downloading the development nightly build.
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