The links in the tags cloud in the image page seems to show results only when the tag consist of one word. I have tried all the available choices in Options-Search, with the same result. In case any of this matter, I'm using Zenpage, mod rewrite is activated, the gallery is in Spanish...
Thanks for any help on this!
Thanks for your reply. I'm using Zenphoto with the Zenpage theme. H-Sphere Apache, PHP5, MySQL.
Here's an example of an image page:
There are 3 tags: "anastasia linares", "competencias" and "danza activa 2011", but only "competencias"returns results with that tag.
A search for "anastasia linares" does shows all the photos with that label.
Thanks for your help.
The html_meta_tags plugin is enabled, also turned off mod rewrite.
Sorry, I still can't figure out what's the problem...
These are my search settings:
1. Search password: no password
2. Fields list:
Author, Byline, Byline Title, Content, Custom Data, Description, Extra Content, File/Folder Name, Image Caption, Image Credit, Image Headline, Image Title,
Tags - exact
Title, TitleLink
3. Search behavior settings: Treat spaces as AND
4. Do not return...: All unchecked
Many of the items in the Fields list are checked "just in case", actually I'm not sure how some of them relate to the metadata fields in Lightroom.
searching for `adriana mercedes solanilla` encased in backward ticks works. But encasing the terms in single or double quotations does not work. So this would lead me to suspect a problem with `magic_quotes`. Is that enabled in your PHP?
The only other thing I can think of to help is to enable the garland theme and search on it. The search page will re-display the search tags so we can see if they got preserved properly in the POSTing process.
According to my phpinfo():
magic_quotes_gpc - ON
magic_quotes_runtime - OFF
magic_quotes_sybase - OFF
If the hosting company cannot change these settings, would it means the end of the road ?
Most providers give you access to your PHP.ini file where you can edit this setting. Also it may be possible to set it in your .htaccess file (again, not all providers allow for this.)