zpArdoise: get album name of news article thumb for printing more thumbs

I am modifying the zpArdoise theme - specificaly news.php. The left side contains the thumbnail image attached to the news article (as assigned using tinyZenPage), and the text of the news content.

Now I'm working on the right side. What I cannot figure out how to do is to show all the image thumbs that occur in the same album as the news article thumb. Any suggestions on how to go about accomplishing this?

Thank you.
Roger Schroeder


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have added the name of the 3rd party theme to the topic title so its author may be able to respond.

    The article does and cannot know what album this embeded image belongs to and there is no way to find out as it is embeded statically.

    Anyway, generally speaking (without knowing this theme) you will probably need to do some custom coding and some manual work.

    PHP knowledge and knowlege about Zenphoto theming is required. See the tutorials on the user guide first. If you don't have decent PHP knowledge you probably better should stop right here.

    - Add the name of the album to for example the custom data field of the article manually
    - Then you need to use use that fields value to create an object of the album to get its images

    So now you should get an idea how to do this.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    I'm the creator of zpArdoise, but I have no idea to help you.
    had you ever try the combi news mode ?

    this mode allows you to automaticaly add a new when you add an album or image in album.
  • Thank you for the responses thus far. I am using the combi news mode, and do add comments to static albums. The reason for my question is that I want to add a news item for a single image in an album that changes regularly, but want followers to be able to view the complete album.

    I do know php well, and am getting to learn more and more of the excellent ZenPhoto package.

    Thank you again for your responses.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The reason for my question is that I want to add a news item for a single image in an album that changes regularly, but want followers to be able to view the complete album.
    I don't understand why using the combinews prevents anyone to view the complete album. The album exists in the gallery and can be viewed there completely no matter how you set the combinews mode.
  • I apologize for not being more clear, and for my lack of coding skill, and lack of understanding all the functions and features of ZP and this theme. Perhaps the following will make more sense.

    Here is the main site: http://rogallery.rohair.com/ and here is an article (news) page http://rogallery.rohair.com/news/keeping-baby-content

    The left side of the news page functions as desired. Note I used printNewsCustomData() as an ahref= link to test this feature - as suggested.

    On the right side at the top is printLatestNews(3,'with_latest_images_date','none'). This is not the desired outcome, nor is 'with latest albums'. What I seek is to print album thumbs from which the news article thumb was selected (using tinyzenpage).

    Below this on the right side I use printImageStatistic(20, 'popular', 'Journal/Big Family Fun/Randomness', ........). This is the desired outcome, however, I need to find a way to replace the $albumfolder option of that function with printNewsCustomData().

    Thank you for your assistance thus far. This is fun!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Below this on the right side I use printImageStatistic(20, 'popular', 'Journal/Big Family Fun/Randomness', ........). This is the desired outcome, however, I need to find a way to replace the $albumfolder option of that function with printNewsCustomData().
    Well that is quite easy actually. Store the albumfolder name in that customdata field. Then use `$albumfolder = getNewsCustomData()` and pass tha variable to the `printImageStastic()` function
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