Album Title & Description Not Saving

We have installed the latest version of ZENPHOTO and it does seem to be working OK except to 1 issue.

When we create a NEW Album it does not save the Album Title data. We can add the data when editing an album but it disappears when you click on APPLY

this also happens for any data in the Album Description field.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Standard question: Any errors in the server or browser log? Any warnings or else running the setup script?
  • I have this same issue. I refreshed the database.

    Error log without deprecated items (did not show anything after trying to update album name):

    {4541:Thu, 18 Jul 2013 02:54:36 GMT} Zenphoto v1.4.4.3[3b80873e7088f8115211acd7901634eda308ca2d]
    NOTICE: Undefined variable: page in /home1/mysitecr/public_html/Venezuela/themes/venezuela2/gallery.php on line 72
    require called from include (index.php [13])
    from index.php [108]

    Versión de Zenphoto [3b80873e70] (Official build)
    Puesto actual de ubicación: es_ES.UTF8
    WEB path:
    Current tema de galería: venezuela2
    Versión PHP: 5.3.26:
    Soporte grafico: PHP GD library bundled (2.1.0 compatible).
    supporting: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp
    Límite de memoria de PHP: 128M (Nota: ¡Tu servidor puede estar dándole menos!)
    Versión MySQLi: 5.5.32:
    Nombre de base de datos: mysitecr_znp1
    Prefijo de las tablas: zp_
    Filtro de SPAM: simpleSpam
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, we can't support older release. Please try to upgrade to 1.4.5 or at least the last 1.4.4.x release. Again, we don't release updates for no reason!
  • I do have but I can try 1.4.5...
  • After upgrading to 1.4.5, none of my images are recognized within the albums any more... (mp3 items)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You probably need to re-enable the necessary plugins.
  • As far as I can tell all the plugins are still activated. The folders appear but without any icon. When you click on the albums they are empty.


    {24473:Thu, 18 Jul 2013 14:27:11 GMT} Zenphoto v1.4.5[5cffbe455efd7b3c2579eaaaf8e6fac91dd878c7]
    NOTICE: Undefined variable: page in /home1/mysitecr/public_html/Venezuela/themes/venezuela2/gallery.php on line 72
    require called from include (index.php [13])
    from include (index.php [112])
    from index.php [15]
    {24473:Thu, 18 Jul 2013 14:27:11 GMT}
    USER WARNING: printAdminToolbox (called from functions.php line 242) is deprecated This feature is now done by a "theme_body_close" filter. You can remove the function call.You can disable this error message by going to the deprecated-functions plugin options and un-checking printAdminToolbox in the list of functions. in /home1/mysitecr/public_html/Venezuela/zp-core/zp-extensions/deprecated-functions.php on line 86
    trigger_error called from deprecated_functions::notify (deprecated-functions.php [86])
    from printAdminToolbox (deprecated-functions.php [1295])
    from printFooter (functions.php [242])
    from require (gallery.php [111])
    from include (index.php [13])
    from include (index.php [112])
    from index.php [15]
    {24718:Thu, 18 Jul 2013 14:27:13 GMT}
    USER WARNING: printAdminToolbox (called from functions.php line 242) is deprecated This feature is now done by a "theme_body_close" filter. You can remove the function call.You can disable this error message by going to the deprecated-functions plugin options and un-checking printAdminToolbox in the list of functions. in /home1/mysitecr/public_html/Venezuela/zp-core/zp-extensions/deprecated-functions.php on line 86
    trigger_error called from deprecated_functions::notify (deprecated-functions.php [86])
    from printAdminToolbox (deprecated-functions.php [1295])
    from printFooter (functions.php [242])
    from include (album.php [445])
    from include (index.php [112])
    from index.php [15]
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Now I see the first error is related to your custom theme as is the 2nd (which tells you what to do: remove it). None of these have to do with the backend and not saving of the titles/descriptions. If there is no other error we cannot really help.
  • Right-- I tried a normal theme and the same problem exists. So I am going to revert back to because apparently there's an issue with 1.4.5
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    This is no issue we know of or encountered. We would have seen that since our site uses 1.4.5 naturally.
  • Do you suggest a reinstallation from scratch? One thing I use that you likely don't is the mp3 image files.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Zenphoto supports mp3 but only if the video class and a capable player is enabled. IF you use the flowplayer3 player plugin that is not part of Zenphoto anymore (as announced on the release). You have to use jplayer then.
  • Enabling jplayer fixed the issue with images not showing up, but of course I still have the album edit issue. Jplayer isn't working for me though (locked muted or something) so I think I prefer flowplayer... :(
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Be sure your caches are cleared. jplayer has been tested on lots of browsers and is either html5 or flash on older. The flow player3 was flash only and I have no intend to update to the new flowplayer5 since that has no mp3 support anymore.

    Feel free to use flowplayer3 still but it will not be maintained in the future.

    Again, without more info about the album edit issue we can't help.
  • Yeah, I see the point re jplayer. Cleared cache and still nothing. With no applicable script or php errors I don't know where to go from here either except a total reinstall and migrate everything over.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It should really not be necessary. There must be an error or something, not that much has changed regarding the multimedia stuff.
  • I've seen album edit issues be permission related before. How are your album folders chmod'ed? Have you had this working before recently?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Backend editiong has not much to do with the actual file/folder permissions since the things like titles are stored in the database. Unless you do renaming/moving/copying of course.
  • I changed themes again to check the jplayer and the supplied theme works with out-of-box theme so jplayer can be fixed by looking at changes in the theme code.

    That just leaves the album naming issue. Album folder permissions are 0755. I have another similar install that works fine with This one used to work until after the server migration/PHP version issues that I was having (got an error saying that PHP version had been changed and needed to rerun setup). I should have mentioned this but it all seemed to work well after that and forgot about it until the need to rename/add folders. There could be something funky messed up during the fix because as I recall I tried to upgrade instead of doing the fix first, which didn't work so I reverted to a backup and completed the fix, then upgraded. However, when I loaded the backup I didn't load the database backup also so not sure if that would have caused the issue or not... lots of variables here, sorry.
  • If you are having problems with the renaming then there is some sort of error occurring on your site since certainly this does work for most.

    For us to be of any help solving this we will need to know the error itself. Depending on the error, it may show up in the Zenphoto debug log or only in your server's CGI error logs.

    The recommended approach to this is to reset your error logs to empty and do the apply for your album changes (and nothing more than this.) That will give you logs with only pertinent information. Otherwise the extraneous entries can cause you to overlook the actual issue.
  • Ah, there's some stuff in the security log that might help? Looks like album access is being blocked and "the permissions of file security records (registry?) are 0640" Does admin-edit.php need to be something other than 644? Hmm, my other install uses 644 so not sure what that's actually telling me. "Establishing security permissions" failed.

    fecha solicitante IP typo usuario ID usuario nombre resultado autoridad informacion adicional
    2013-07-18 13:54:34 Reinicializar registro admin Nathan Bruley Éxitoso zp_admin security.log
    Establecer permisos de seguridad de registro Fallado Los permisos de archivos de registro de seguridad son 0640
    2013-07-18 13:54:50 Album access admin Nathan Bruley Blocked /zp-core/admin-edit.php
    2013-07-18 13:55:00 Album access admin Nathan Bruley Blocked /zp-core/admin-edit.php?action=newalbum&folder&name=nuevo álbum&albumtab=false&XSRFToken=56e053d8268997c2cda137b9650fa6c5c6b90aeb
    2013-07-18 13:55:00 Album access admin Nathan Bruley Blocked /zp-core/admin-edit.php?page=edit&album=nuevo-album
    2013-07-18 13:55:04 Album access admin Nathan Bruley Blocked /zp-core/admin-edit.php?page=edit&action=save&album=nuevo-album
    2013-07-18 13:55:04 Album access admin Nathan Bruley Blocked /zp-core/admin-edit.php?page=edit&album=nuevo-album&saved&tagsort&tab=albuminfo
    2013-07-18 13:55:40 Registro descargado admin Nathan Bruley Éxitoso zp_admin security.log
  • 0644 would allow anyone on your server to read the logs--probably not a good situation which is why Zenphoto does try to change it.

    From your logs, Zenphoto is not being allowed to make permission changes by your site. This may well be related to not being able to rename album folders, but would not be involved in simply changing database items like descriptions.

    The blocked access is another story. Check that your admin account does have all the proper rights set--for the site administrator all boxes should be checked.
  • So you are saying that according to my logs, a security setting may be preventing me from changing an album name? That is indeed what I am trying to do (when I update the album, it erases the album name).

    Re blocked access, do you mean boxes checked in options - security? The only one unchecked is cookie security. If you mean something else, could you please give me a link to info on how to do that? Or actually you probably meant under users-- yes, all those boxes are checked.
  • As sbillard said, database issues shouldn't be related to permissions but in the case of renames I can only think to suggest confirming permissions are uniform across all album folders by opening your command prompt and typing:

    chmod -R 755 /ZENPHOTOLOCATION/albums

    Any directories you have to go through to get to your albums folder would be placed in the ZENPHOTOLOCATION bit...or just change to the zenphoto directory and:

    chmod -R 755 albums

    The syntax being:

    chmod -R <permissionsettings> <dirname>

    That will at least make sure everything permissions related is possible with regards to modifying those folders. Couldn't hurt and worth a try I'd say. I've seen this issue before, especially when the script owner and the FTP upload owner vary and default permissions kick in on certain folders and not others which is a common Linux configuration issue.
  • My file manager confirms all folders are 755 and files are 644. Even if I create a new album and edit the name, the name disappears and then zenphoto errors saying there is an unnamed album.
  • Hmm..well thank you for confirming that. Not sure where you are being disallowed at then, especially the database writes not going through. Tried to make similar settings in my 1.4.5 release and couldn't replicate the issue to test anything for you.
  • I appreciate you trying anyway...
  • I see that the contact form plugin doesn't take any text either, and images don't accept title text, so this has a wider scope than I thought... but I can make changes like changing theme or setting to be under construction.
  • I have passed this issue on to my host to see if they can come up with a solution. I will let you know if they figure it out.
  • grantl Member
    I had the exact same problem. It was fixed in my case by making the album folders chmod 0775 and the files chmod 0664
    The advice given previously by another user to do chmod -R 0755 is wrong as that will set all files within the folder and sub folders to 0755 as well as the folders which is not what you want.
    On my ISP the web server is a member of the group and so when permissions are set for a folder as 0755, that is
    owner group other
    rwx r-x r-x

    the web server is unable to write to the directory and so image updates fail.
    As far as I know the instructions in the docs at are not correct, as they say " 0644 files/0755 directories ([rw-r--r--] files and [rwxr-xr-x] directories) permissions, with [youruser:webservergroup] ownership" on the one hand, but then follow that with "keep ownership of the files yourself, give group access to the web server, and shut everyone else out." Sadly the "0644 files/0755 directories" disallows by definition "group access to the web server" and so will not work except where the webserver is running as owner which would be very unusual. To do as is initially suggested will normally require 0664 files/0775 directories. I have just filed a bug about this doc issue.
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