Admin password

what with all the hacking that going on, i changed my admin password to something so hard i've now forgotten! oops. I read the troubleshoot guide, deleted the administrators table, ran setup again and i enter all my new user details and all i get is this

Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Compilation failed: range out of order in character class at offset 4 in /mounted-storage/home34b/sub001/sc27915-YPZT/ on line 177

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mounted-storage/home34b/sub001/sc27915-YPZT/ in /mounted-storage/home34b/sub001/sc27915-YPZT/ on line 189


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You did re-upload the setup files (/zp-core/setup.php and the folder /zp-core/setup)?
  • yes i did. do i need to do another clean install?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have no idea about that error. Try to reupload the files in the error.
  • I've just done a full reinstall and its still coming up the same.....could it be something in the database? thats the only thing i've not changed!
  • I don't really understand it but i think its got something to do with the charset? i'm choosing utf-8 on the setup page but i've just noticed on the user details page the warning isn't displaying correctly...

    "{ <b>Warning</b>: htmlspecialchars() [function.htmlspecialchars]: charset `UTF-7' not supported, assuming iso-8859-1 in /mounted-storage/home34b/sub001/sc27915-YPZT/ on line 172
    A-Za-z0-9}, {~!@#$%&amp;*_+`-(),.\^'"/[]{}=:;?|}."
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If the database encoding is changed somehow, that might be if you have special chars in your passwod. Make sure the tables and fields have the same, best urf8. Encoding is a reaelly troublesome thing..
  • confused :( I've checked the db and all seems to be on utf-8. I don't see how it could have changed. All this because i needed to recover my password...

    thanks for the help so far, but any other ideas i can try?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Currently not, sorry. I never encountered this.
  • i've just noticed that when i'm in setup, and i enter my db details, the languages at the bottom disappear and i'm left with just english and slovak! could this be connected somehow?

    also i've done a dump of the sql in phpmyadmin and i noticed the collation is set to

    CREATE DATABASE `database` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;

    I've changed this to utf-8 and tried again but still not working. Any suggestions i can try?

    If i simply wipe zenphoto, do a fresh install with a new database and upload all my photos again, what will i loose exactly from the original db? i don't have any comments/tags to worry about

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The database is recommended to be utf8 if you use specials chars like accents and the like. Otherwise it should of course work.

    The languages flag display is actually a matter of what languages are there installed (zp-core/locale) and which are enabled on the options. (thed display is a plugin dynamic locale).

    Since the language support is gettext based (a php extensions on the server) it is actually dependend on the locales installed on the server. So if you want Spanish and the server has no Spanish locale Spanish will not work.

    Regarding fresh database. Zenphoto stores all that in the database what you entered manually like titles, descriptions, option settings and of course any Zenpage CMS items.

    Regarding the pure albums it is filesystem based and will recognize any folder within the root albums as an album automatically.
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