I'm seeing this in my Log
{Fri, 11 Nov 2011 18:53:39 GMT}
Backtrace: class-album detected an invalid folder name: lost-girl/season-1/Posters and Wallpapers.
Album->Album called
from full-image.php [48]
Backtrace: Bad album object parameter to newImage(s1 Lost Girl Poster 01 edit.jpg)
newImage called
from full-image.php [144]
Although the image displays fine
http://spoilertv.co.uk/images/lost-girl/season-1/posters-and-wallpapers/s1-lost-girl-poster-01-edit.jpg.phpDo you know what might be the problem
This means something tried to create an album object using an album folder name that either does not exist or is invalid. Please search the forum, we had this before.