People are equally subscribing to both the gallery feed (which is also used as a blog) and the zenpage feed (which is the main blog. How do I go about combining these two for technorati etc...
Also, the rss-news.php is broken and renders no image formatting or text, just a link to the main page. The rss.php works perfectly.
Mixing in rssmix and then putting a parser on the site might work? I want to have only one unified RSS on the site.
Now it is very confusing for the viewers and they are missing out a lot on content. Combi news works but not for RSS!
The combi works nicely, but only has entries from rss.php
Edit: Tired and obviously see why that wouldn't work. If anyone knows a simple way to inject the zenpage entries into rss.php that would be great. rss-news.php is broken anyway so it doesn't matter if it is just the title and link, I can worry about formatting later.
require_once(ZENFOLDER . '/'.PLUGIN_FOLDER . "/image_album_statistics.php");
require_once(ZENFOLDER . '/'.PLUGIN_FOLDER . "/zenpage/zenpage-functions.php");
require_once(ZENFOLDER . '/'.PLUGIN_FOLDER . "/zenpage/zenpage-template-functions.php");
I'm not sure what is needed to inject to rss.php or if it would be corrupted if you did, but it seems to start with this. It is totally different code.
Please see the documentation about the names and option parameters. Also look at the Zenpage plugin that uses these in the sidebar.php.
`<?php printZenpageRSSLink("NewsWithImages","","","RSS"); ?>`
Example of the link itself here (also on the forum in the side bar the rss list ("All news")
Or just insert this code into rss.php? Sorry if I am thick.
Here is site:
Everything shows up there in the RSS except the "Occupy Toronto" post which is part of a zenpage category. The rest are blogs from the gallery. Everything is standard on site, I just commented out link to other RSS feeds so there is only one choice.
I have experience formatting the RSS and it is very difficult much like advance htaccess stuff.
I'm dying for the simple way, but I don't think it is there. Hopefully I'll have an aha moment soon. :-)
Just calling rss-news.php of course only gets the news. Also note that rss feeds (all!) take care of the protection and publish state. If a category is unpublished any article assigned is as well (no matter if in other categories that are not). All items inherit the state from their parents (but that is common for Zenphoto anyway).
Thank you for the more detailed explanation. Been hammering away fixing bits. I have a decent understanding of everything in zpfocus + zenpage and how it works together as I've edited a couple installs, but code makes my head hurt. I'm not a programmer, but understand some procedure.
Trying...will update if anything intelligent to post. :-)
When in school failed Algebra first course three times but got a rare perfect score on the ACT in math. In fact I usually got perfect scores on math tests with bubbles. I still don't understand how to factor a binomial equation, maybe that logic will come to me someday.
Now I just need to fix formatting for the rss-news.php, will check the new version before being acting a script kiddie again. When this site makes me money, I'll definitely throw you a bone or two.
So why do the zenpages not have text? I am at a loss.
All that is shown for news items in the feed itself is:
ZenPage News Entry
(zenpage-category) 26 October 2011 23:00
No summary for the news items!!!! The images are formatting perfectly.
<?php echo $content; ?> echos only albums for some reason. Looking through all the code for mimetype and can't figure out what call is missing. This is Really Difficult Syndication!
`setOptionDefault('zenpage_rss_length', '');`
I still get a 100 character length even after purging cache. What's up with that? Did I miss something?
Not only that, but making this value 500 solved the formatting problem with the News items. It must treat an image as more than 100 characters? It also doesn't show anything if you don't leave a value, and no sumamry text if you put a 0 in there. Strange, but happy it's working.
Ahh, trying the easy way. This has been a good use of my life. :-)
Our truncate function tries not ot break html commands so it it clears more than expected. For example if you cut a <p>gfdgd</p> the code will be invalid. So it tries to eitehr close it or clear it completly. You can't truncate an images so it is cleared.
Acatually no value should show the full text. Might be a bug. Best you file a ticket.
Thanks for your help!
I am trying to get my rss-news to load my image. Basically, I am running ZenPage as a photoblog. My content is just the custom TinyZenPage image I am adding. However, my "/index.php?rss-news&withimages&lang=en_US" page loads nothing but "..."
Has there been any progress to fixing the bug mentioned? I'd like to use the standard rss-news.php without editing it; the only hack I can use is by commenting as below:
if(getOption('zenpage_rss_length') == "") { // empty value means full content!
$content = get_language_string($obj->get('content'),$locale);
} else {
$content = get_language_string($obj->get('content'),$locale);
#$content = shortenContent(get_language_string($obj->get('content'),$locale),getOption('zenpage_rss_length'), $elipsis='...');
Just curious. Thanks!
So if you upload an image today that has been shot three weeks ago it has that old date and therefore does not appear at the beginning. Also if you overwrite an existing image with a same named one it is not considered new, too.
Set the feed items to a very high number and you will surely see the images you are missing as later numbers.
The only thing I have in my news $content is the picture inserted from tinyZenpage. It does not show up. I have the option set for full article (not truncating or shortening, by emptying the value).
All shows up for me in the feed readers I tested (NetNewsWire 3.3 and Apple Mail on Mac, naturally).
Does mine show up for you? RSS-NEWS with images