I will upgrade from 1.2.6 to
5 of my 30 albums are hacked. It’s a pity that Ajax file manager is not working anymore.
But OK, My real problem is that all the text for Album name en text by photo’s is gone after updating.
Yes I made a backup of the MySQL, but what can I do with this?
Sites for schools and sport clubs with lot of text by album name and photo name.
Is there a way that all this stays intact?
Thank you very much
Kind regards, Niekfox
I use this for my friend because its easy for them.
Since the database structure Zenphoto uses you will probably not be able to just restore a 1.2.6 one to I admit we neither try nor tested that. I assume you did that using phpmyadmin or something. You should reinstall 1.2.6 and import the backup into the database and retry the upgrade.
Newer versions of Zenphoto have its own database backup tool though which is of course of no use with an old 1.2.6 version (dont remember when that was added actually).
Thank you.
I followed the above advice to go back to my old version, but cannot "find" the photos, the texts and the albums in zenphoto administration.
Is there a way to "reimport" the data (photos, albums, texts, etc. that are in my database in zenphoto administration? Strangely, only the comments have reappeard.
For the future you could add the titles and text via metadata to the images itself. Then they would travel with them.
The problem is that I do not know how to reimport the database with phpmyadmin into zenphoto. Could you give some help?
e.g: http://php.about.com/od/learnmysql/ss/mysql_backup_4.htm
1.Login to phpMyAdmin
2.Click on the tab labeled SQL
3.Unclick the 'show query here again' box
4.Choose your backup file
5.Hit GO
Perhaps I have not been clear enough. I know how to import a backuped file into my database via phpMyAdmin. What I do not know is how to integrate these recovered data into zenphoto.