Been hacked problems upgrading


I just realised this afternoon the the 3 domains I have on the same host running zenphoto have been hacked. I have now deleted all zenphoto files except the albums and caches from all 3 installations but when I installed the latest update and tried to run zenphoto setup and type in mydomain/zp-core/upgrade.php I get redirected to a url in russia!

Help, what do I do?



  • Did you delete the .htaccess file?
    Tried to clear your cookies and cache?
    my guess is that you either didn't delete your .htaccess or still have a malicious cookie which redirects you.
  • I've this message: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting ')' in /my root/../functions.php on line 506
  • Hi,

    Thanks for that, I did delete the .htaccess files in each of the zenphoto installs but I just discovered another one above my domains and in another domain that does not run zenphoto.

    Yes I have cleared the cookies and cache.
    I only found out about this less than a hour ago so I am still trying to get my head round what happened.

    I will try to reinstall again.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Have a look in this topic ( at the post from jest3r, which explains in more details what the hack did, and what you might want to consider doing.
  • Hi,

    One install now up and running, have also changed database pass as well. Now for the other 2 installs.

    Thanks again for your help.

  • Hi,

    I now have all my installs up and running. I know this might be obvious and mentioned in other threads but just to be on the safe side I have changed all my passwords on: the zenphoto mysql db, the zenphoto admin, my ftp account and server login.

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