When you click the RSS feed link in Chrome you see the above text when you click on a link to an image or news article from within the RSS feed page. I am using newswithimages. Everything works fine in every other browser under the sun. Chrome seems to not like something, and it appears they have a history of bugging out their RSS feature, but I am not sure if this is a simple issue that could be resolved in ZP. Am I missing something?
Also, I finally set my .htaccess to only allow the default utf-8, but I still get weird artifacts of à in some readers. It is killing me. I know it is because of copy and paste, but I just don't see anything I can do to edit this out.
http://feedvalidator.org/ doesn't like text/html.
The feed generally works fine and should be following the standards. Of course if it is not we will fix it. But I need a little more info what actually it is complaining about. I have for example no idea what these above cited links are actually.
The feed generally works fine and should be following the standards. Of course if it is not we will fix it. But I need a little more info what actually it is complaining about. I have for example no idea what these above cited links are actually.