zp_openstreetmaps Field of view

How and where can you adjust the field of view of the map? For me, the cluster symbols are displayed with the numbers too much on the edge and the bottom are only half visible. Near copyrights or zoom buttons they are not visible at all.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited March 2018

    How and where can you adjust the field of view of the map?

    The theme function has parameters for fitbounds and $mapcenter (the class object has the same properties) if you mean that.

    For me, the cluster symbols are displayed with the numbers too much on the edge and the bottom are only half visible.

    There is a clusterradius option (also a class property). Otherwise the cluster layout is from the leaflet plugin.

    Near copyrights or zoom buttons they are not visible at all.

    Don't understand. Those are default layouts provided that cannot be changed except which corner for the zoom buttons. (well you can do a few things by modifying the leaflet map css).

  • wibbi Member

    That's probably coincidence. It depends on the automatically selected zoom level when displaying clusters or multiple image markers. For me, clusters are so close to the top and bottom that they just do not need a smaller zoom level. So they are displayed just close to the edge, with round cluster image below only half visible. For markers and clusters near copyright and the zoom buttons, these disappear behind them. It would therefore be rather a smaller zoom level automatically selected, with a distance to the edge. I do not know if it's a problem with Leaflet or the Leaflet markercluster plugin. No matter. It's not that important.
    PS: I prefer OpenLayer anyway. ;)

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