1.5 thumbs are cropped to square

all my thumbs are cropped to square-images. /cache/land-098/XXXXXX/PICT0031_200_w200_h200_thumb.jpg In 1.4.14 there was not so. I don't find options to deactivate the cropping to square. The images are in landscape or portrait and the thumbs should be the same.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited June 2018

    Option > Theme > Crop thumbnails if your theme uses default image functions and no custom sizes on the theme itself.

  • wibbi Member

    Basic Theme.
    there is a checkbox. and checkbox is checked is making squares. the info is missing there.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    Checkbox checked does not mean square, it depends on the two values next to it. Square is just default.

  • Thanks to wibbi for asking this question and to acrylian for answering it! The information in this thread has helped me.

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