Slideshow not working after upgrade

I have just upgraded my site from 1.4.14 to 1.5.1.
I had a slideshow on the home page that used the code [SLIDESHOW Home true] in the content editor.
After the upgrade this has stopped working altogether.
I have tried using the plugin Slideshow2, but this doesn't work either. The slideshow isn't moving, and you can see a div tag: <div class="cycle-slideshow".... ' under the controls.

Is there anyway to get a slideshow on a page now, or is this not supported any more?
Thanks for any help!



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    Nothing changed here and it works for me as always. Check your slidesshow2 plugin settings if the scripts are enabled for the page you are using it (this inconvenient and not really useful option will be removed soon anyway)

  • Hi acrylian, thanks for your reply.
    I've checked the plugin settings and all seems ok. Just to be clear - the slideshow works ok on image pages, but not if I try and include the slideshow on a page.
    I get a div tag showing and the slideshow doesn't work.
    Can you think of anything that might be causing this?

  • I should add - the colorbox optionf for the slideshow works on image pages, but the cycle option is not working at all.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    Then I cannot really help since the content macro for the slideshow works. So you must have any other conflict. Again, please try a standard theme. If it works there, it is possibly your theme doing something different.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited January 2019

    Also review your server, ZP and browser logs for any other conflicts. We really didn't change anything in that area that I can remember except removing the old slideshow plugin.

  • ok thanks acrylian!

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