Error index page

We have tree pages of albums and the home page shows the typical "1 2 3 Next" links for navigating through the rest of the pages.
The problem is that clicking on "Next" or "2" or "3" gives the error:
Zenphoto Error: the requested object was not found.
Page: index/2
i.e. even though it correctly knows that there is more than 1 page, it cannot solve going to page 2 or page 3
What is wrong?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited April 2019

    Are you sure you have a 2nd and 3rd page? Be sure to check for page validity. Examples in standard themes like zenpage's functions.php.

    Additionally please always review your Zenphoto and PHP server debug log especially if you are creating your own theme currently.

  • I am not creating any new theme.
    I am currently using the zenpage theme as it got installed.
    And yes, there are more than 1 page. There are 3 pages.
    I don't know how to add a screenshot but you would see at the bottom that there are the links to next pages.
    If ZP computes more than one page (and it is correct) it is not my imagination.
    there are more than 10 albums and the home page shows the thumbnails for the first 6 albums.
    It is clear that there must be more than one page, but ZP produces an error going to

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    You cannot upload on this forum. You have to upload elsewhere and reference to the image by link.

    Again, please review the error logs. I cannot reproduce the error.

  • More information on the issue.
    If I directly type the URL of an album on the second page:
    Then the index page error does not appear and the normal page navigation with the links "1 2" and "Next" work as expected.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    Please sort your error report a bit. The index page pagination is something compeltel different than pagination within an album.

    It appears you are for some reason use non modrewrite URLs. Does your server not support those?

  • mod_rewrite is enabled in my server by default.
    Regarding the index difference between pages and images of an album I do know te difference.
    I am stating that if I type directly the URL for an album in the second page it does go to there.
    Somehow ZP computes correctly the number of pages but the script in index.php does not handle it properly.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    Sorry, if you cannot provide any specific error or other info so it can be reproduced there is not much I can do. It's working here with also three pages as intended.
    Can you link to the site in question?

  • I send it in private message

  • I found that the error does not happens with the basic theme.
    This is really confusing.
    For me, a theme is just a presentation layer, nothing to do with the precess behind.
    This error is really confusing.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    For me, a theme is just a presentation layer, nothing to do with the precess behind.

    That is basically correct. The other themes don't do anything different than basic theme. The only main difference is that Basic does not support the optional Zenpage CMS plugin.

    This is confusing but I still cannot reproduce as it is all working in all official themes as intended for me.

    So did you try modrewite instad? You are still using the nonmodrewrite urls. Maybe that gives us a clue.

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