printPageListWithNav conflict with Albums and Pictures

Roland Member, Translator

i'm working on a zenphoto responsive theme.

But I'm in trouble with the printPageListWithNav function.
If I have a folder with a few sub-albums and many pictures, the function show pagelist for pictures.
If I have a folder with many sub-albums, the function work for albums but you have to reach the last page to see pictures.

I understand that I need to use this function in each loop (albums and pictures), but I don't get the right way.

This is an album with only two sub-albums and many pictures :

This is an album with many sub-albums and many pictures :
(pictures in "Asie" folder are not shown until you reach the last page)

And the php is here :

Thanks for helping me on that trouble :smile:


  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    edited March 2020

    Sorry but I'm not sure what you are actually asking.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited March 2020

    It is actually normally behaviour I think. Albums always come first, then there might be a transition page where both share a page until you get image only pages. You have many subalbums so you first have to go through them before you reach the images.

    There are some theme options for that which largely depend on your theme as well. ( And the settings of "columns" and "rows" are legacy and for us internally deprecated and don't mean anything especially on resposnives sites).

    To avoid the empty display with the unnecessary double pagenav you encounter on for example you need to wrap the next_image loop in extra checks using isImagePage() like you did with the next_album loop.

    I would always recommend for better organisation to not mix subalbums and images in the same album. Although it is certainly possible it might be cleaner for visitors.

  • Roland Member, Translator

    @fretzl : If I have many albums and many pictures in the same folder, I want to build a double pagination, for albums and pictures.

    "I would always recommend for better organisation to not mix subalbums and images in the same album. Although it is certainly possible it might be cleaner for visitors."

    I agree with you, I'm just trying to make a versatile template. Anyway, thanks to you @acrylian for your quick reaction !

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