Center thumbnail

Roland Member, Translator

Hello !

This is probably a dead simple question, but, how to center horizontally and vertically a picture inside a square thumbnail ? At first I was thinking it's was the default config.

Here is the test picture :
Here is how it's render with Basic theme :
Here is how it's render with zpMobile theme :

I played around with the printCustomAlbumThumbImage function on my own theme, without sucess.
I made a simulation on photoshop :

Thanks in advance for any kind of help ! :-)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited February 2023

    You cannot do that via PHP/Zenphoto functions. While we have "maxspace" functions which can generate sizes that fit into a max width/height, the positioning needs to be done via CSS:

  • Roland Member, Translator
    edited February 2023

    Hello acrylian, as I understand your answer, to have a perfectly aligned picture (horizonal and vertical) in a square thumbnail (from any rectangular picture size), I need to generate a rectangular thumb that will be centered and cropped in a squared html element via css. I’m right ?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    With above CSS it does not matter what orientation an image has. The image is not centered within an element, but the image iself. Cropping or not is a matter of setting. Please see the links and their examples.

  • Roland Member, Translator

    Thanks acrylian !

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