Forum users deleted

Please note that if you recently registered to this site your user id may have been accidentally deleted.

We get over 1000 new users daily. Most are SPAMers and their posts are intercepted by our SPAM software. But their user ids clog the system so periodically we remove anyone who has not posted any messages.

Unfortunately when I did this the latest time I missed checking the box that showed me only users with no posts. I did delete some users before noticing this.

So if I deleted your id, I applogize.


  • I should add to this that if you post a message that gets caught by our SPAM filters it is highly likely we will not notice it. It is simply impossible to examine in detail all the SPAM that is filtered. If your post does not show up, try rewording it. Be specially careful of URLs as those tend to trigger SPAM filters.
  • I have managed to modify the SPAM filtering plugin so that it will automatically block any user who posts SPAM. This will cut down trememdusously on the SPAM we need to wade through in monitoring and make it more likely that we will discover any legitimate posting that is caught as a false positive.

    But it does mean you will be marked blocked until one of us changes you back to normal. Please bear with us if this happens to you.
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