i have been using the basic features of zenphoto for years. recently after being hacked i had to rebuild everything. for some reason i cannot add a title to my gallery or albums or images. each time i try when i hit "apply" the titles disappear. have i checked or unchecked something that would make this happen?

thank you for your help.............


  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    What version are you using now ?
    Any errors ?

    As for the hack I suggest you read

    B.t.w I'm sure you don't mean to but the use of capitals (your topic title) is considered shouting.
  • sorry for the shouting... i know that but i guess i was aggravated at the time! and shouting for help :)sorry

    i am now using version since i was hacked i emptied EVERYTHING off my server and started everything fresh. i did not have a backup for my database so i rebuilt all my albums from scratch. tried again today to add titles - not working.
  • You should check your error logs.
  • How are you trying to add titles? Are there errors in the log? Are you trying to add them from the admin interface or the frontend?
  • thank you for your responses....
    I am signing in to zenphoto at the admin page and trying to add titles to the gallery, albums and photos i have uploaded this way. where is my error log? is it the same as the setup log? there are a few things there:

    warn: PHP version 5.2.17 Version 5.3 or greater is strongly recommended. (my server -powweb -- just states php version 5

    warn: PHP magic_quotes_gpc [is enabled] ----- i disabled it, does not solve my issue

    warn: The Zenphoto filesystem character define is ISO‑8859‑1 [no test performed] Setup did not perform a test of the filesystem character set.......

    then there was a "Completed system check"

    Migrating lib-auth data version => version 3

    Notice: "Module mod_rewrite" is working. The Zenphoto option "mod_rewrite" will be set to "enabled".

    -- does this tell us anything??
  • The only possible thing here that could be the issue is the magic_quotes_gpc setting. It really should be reset as that is prefered and the functionality magic quotes provides is being phased out of PHP. But Zenphoto "should" work anyway.

    The error log we reffer to is the CGI or script or apache log (the name depends on the installation, but what we need is for you to look in the log where PHP script errors are recorded.) You will need to ask your provider how to find/view this log.
  • thanks again. i had turned the magic quotes off.

    i contacted my server as regards the error logs and thier reply was: I have asked a member of our team who specializes in CGI error concerns to review your account. You should be hearing from this specialist within 24-48 hours

    so i will wait to see what they come back with. The funny thing is i just tried it again in zen photo and refreshed the database and some titles showed up. i tried to add more and all titles disappeared. hopefully i fill find an answer soon.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have asked a member of our team who specializes in CGI error concerns to review your account.
    Maybe you should consider getting another host. They really should provide an error log to be accessible either via FTP or via the webspace admin backend...

    The db refresh just makes sure the filesystem (your albums) matche the db entries. This actually does not change anything regarding titles and such.

    Again, without the log we are guessing which leads to nothing sadly.
  • the server just enabled my cgi error log.

    this is all i was able to find there:

    [26-Dec-2011 13:42:45] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /hermes/web07/b2490/pow.nasd/htdocs/test.php on line 2
    [26-Dec-2011 13:42:50] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /hermes/web07/b2490/pow.nasd/htdocs/test.php on line 2
  • Those are not from Zenphoto. But they could be an indication that not all the rogue files from the hack have been removed. There was a posting here about means for searching your website for hacked files. Maybe you can find that and see if you can use its advice.
  • The other log you should look into is the MySQL log. Perhaps there is a Query error. What version of Zenphoto were you using before the upgrade? How was the upgrade done?
  • i didn't do an upgrade. i removed all my files from my server and installed everything new.
  • never mind. i think who ever was helping me on my server just deleted out my whole gallery when running a test installation. i will deal with them now.

    sorry. this is a mess because of them. i used zenphoto for years with no issue until they screwed me up!!
  • is there a way to delete this whole topic now?
  • sorry - i'm back. :( my host server has reinstalled zenphotos. it is up again with the same issue of not being able to add titles to the gallery, albums and images. i can add them but once i hit "apply" any information disappears. i have been all over this forum. my server says they only support installation and they are getting no errors. i have tried different themes and get the same results. i have searched the forums here and still find no answers. it seems hard to believe that i'm the only one this has happened to but it seems to be the case.

    i hate to "let the computer win" but i'm at a loss. if anyone has any suggestions it would be apprecitated.
  • So, tell us how they did things. My guess is that they installed Zenphoto and then "restored" your database. That may not work. (You still have not told us what the version of Zenphoto was that you were on.) Zenphoto does from time to time make changes to its Database schema. It is necessary to allow Zenphoto to migrate from one release to the next so these changes get made.

    The other possibility is that the hosting company used a third party installer. If so, who knows what it has done.

    The answer still is that we will have to find out what is happening. There will be an error, eiter PHP or MySQL that is occurring. Otherwise it would be working correctly. So we need to know the error.
  • sorry - i did mention at the begining my version i am now using version -- i am unsure how my server installed zenphoto but i'd have to guess that you are correct.

    i figured out a way around this. rather than changing titles thru the admin login are, i have gone thru my mysqladmin on my server and added titles to the albums. it's kind of a pain but it works and i won't be changing them often.

    my gallery remains yet unnamed. i cannot find which area to add a name for my gallery. my guess is it's under zp_options but i am unsure exactly where.

    i don't really know php so this has been a learning experience and i appreciate your patience.
  • @ DraftingGirl
    Not to hijack your thread but maybe you have info about this that would be helpful to me. I am having trouble with some titles as well. Photos from one particular camera out of three. They are the only ones that have a title and seem to refuse to allow me to keep the title data I enter through the admin/albums/image/title section.
    If there is no relation to your issue I understand but I became curious after seeing your thread if the images you can't keep a title on (my descriptions are fine just the titles) are similar in this way.
    Hopefully you sorted your problem with this matter out.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The titles you add via the admin are stored in hte mysql database and have no direct connection to the image files itself.
  • perhaps then it was the act of deleting the image file, running dbrefresh, then re-adding the file. Thanks for the info acrylian. The reason I thought this might be the case was that when putting a new file in if there is a title property in the image file it is used as the title (in the admin interface) instead of the filename.

    now back to the regularly scheduled thread conversation...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, if you have metadata as a title, Znephoto will use that on discovery. But you can of course change that via the admin. The only way to loose titles entered via the admin is if you do a metadata refresh which will overwrite anything entered with the metadata values again
  • I still don't know where to add my gallery title in the mysql data. if someone can help me with that.... please

    @mark r - actually it sounds like you are having a similar issue. i cannot keep titles on anything if i add it via the admin pages. i added titles to my albums by going directly to mysql. if i use the admin page to update a title it just disapears when i hit "apply".

    @acrylian - i am losing the titles i add via admin when i hit "apply" i am not hitting the metadata refresh. that is the issue. this issue started after a complete reinstall, not an update. :(

    i am using zen photo on two different servers. on powweb it is not working. on dreamhost it is. i'm thinking i have to live with this problem since no one has the answer. but still need help to enter my gallery title via mysql
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The gallery title is set in the options table as bascially all things not directly related to items are.

    Anyway, this all is basic functionality and as it works on one host and not on the other it can be assumed the fault is on that host. Again, as my collegue said we need to get an proper mysql error message, otherwise we can only guess.

    The reference to the metadata was mainly for Mark R actually.
  • i have previously looked thru the options table (as i mentioned above) and i knew i have to enter the gallery title there but i'm not sure into which section of the table. that is the answer i am looking for.

    i don't seem to be getting any error messages. i do not know mysql. can i generate an error log thru that interface. is that the mysql query?

    the version that is working on dreamhost is an older version. my older version on powweb did work before i was hacked and installed the newer version. the older version on dreamhost did not get hacked, but i'm afraid to update :)

    i really appreciate the help i cam getting here and the patience shown but i'm about to bang my head on the wall! maybe you are too :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The option for the gallery title is something like, well, "gallery_title" (don't remember exactly offhand, sorry). Options have only one name and one value.

    Again, your host has to provide access to the mysql error log (they do not need to be shown while using Zenphoto, that's why there is a log) and without that we will not be able to find out why you cannot add titles etc. via the backend. You cannot generate that log yourself.
  • not sure if this helps....error log:

    [26-Dec-2011 15:43:35] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /hermes/web07/b2490/pow.nasd/htdocs/test/zp-core/functions-basic.php on line 137
    [26-Dec-2011 15:43:35] PHP Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /hermes/web07/b2490/pow.nasd/htdocs/test/zp-core/functions-basic.php on line 141
  • sorry - i did mention at the begining my version i am now using version -- i am unsure how my server installed zenphoto but i'd have to guess that you are correct.
    I know that is your current version. My question was what was the version you were originally running before the hack. The reason for the question was that it is quite possible that your database tables do not match the ones of the 1.4.6 release. If so, queries will likely fail and updates not happen.

    The error message you show above indicates something wrong with the graphics library--are you by chance using the Imagic library?
  • i am not sure what version exactly i was using before i was hacked. but i deleted that out of my server completley along with the database. zenphoto was reinstalled and i rebuilt my albums using a new database file that was created with the new installation.... i did not update.

    unfortunately i have said that a few times here also. i'm not sure if this makes a difference that it's a completely new install vs an upgrade :(

    i am not using imagic libary. i uploaded the new images directly from my hardrive using the flash file upload in zenphoto. (i am using windows 7 pro if that makes any difference)

    i found the gallery_title table. when i type the name i want in to the box for value = text when i save it disappears. the album names have stayed.
  • clarifying: the server did reinstall zenphoto since they deleted out my NEW version accidentally. but they were using the same version both times.... they did use my NEW database. ...anyhting from the older, hacked version was gone previous to this. both installations are not and were not working as far as adding titles.
  • Sorr, then. I am out of ideas. Generally a new installation will not have these kinds of problems. Everyhing is in sync.

    Have the 26-Dec-2011 error messages gone away? You can reset your error log to clear out old messages. Perhaps they were from when POWWEB was playing with your install.

    Just FYI (and I know it does not help) I do use POWWEB for my site without these issues. But I am pretty sure that if POWWEB did the install they used the Simplescripts script to do it. I do not think they "know" how to do otherwise.

    So at this point the only suggestion I can make is to install Zenphoto from scratch again yourself by uploading the files from our site and running setup your self.
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