ZenphotoPress: Zenphoto plugin for WordPress

ZenphotoPress is a plugin for WordPress. It is designed to provide an easy way to include Zenphoto images into your blog posts.

ZenphotoPress is a rebranding of a plugin once called ZenPress. I had to change the name due to trademark issues, but the core functionalities remain the same.

I just released version 1.3, with added support for both Wordpress 2.3 and Zenphoto 1.1. The configuration process is also a little easier than before. You can download it here.

As usual, feedback is most welcome ;)


  • I think what would take this to the next level is if you could tell ZenPhotoPress that you want Zenphoto to be another Page/Tab within Wordpress.

    Nevertheless, great work on getting it back and working again!
  • Nice! I've been waiting for this. Great job.
    However, is there a way to make the URLs to the images non-mod_rewrite-enabled? I do not have mod_rewrite enabled and the thumbnails are not showing up.
  • Thanks a lot Simbul, great job! I will test it soon.
  • @alltruist: this is strange, since everything was supposed to work even without mod_rewrite. I will do some testing asap ;)
  • Hey Simbul, I just happened to do a search and guess what? doesn't look like a registered trademark to me.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Yes, I doubt the name rights would ever be legally defensible... It's silly and pointless, but I'd just leave it at ZenphotoPress to avoid any further conflict.
  • I just tested zenphotopress. It works really great. At least I didn't find any problem.

    Is there any chance to add a new feature to add the whole gallery by using one simple code? For example:

    <zenphotopress> gallery=1 </zenphotopress>

    And it will show all the images inside that gallery and link to the image directly.
  • Looks like I'm having the same issue as alltruist. I'm on a Windows Server and have checked all my file permissions and changed my config files to turn off mod-rewrite and changed the paths at the bottom of the config files accordingly. My thumbnails don't show and I get paths like "http://www.mastiffmomma.com/zenphoto/my-puppies/IMG_0020.JPG" when I click the link. I'm new to php and I know that I've got to be missing something terribly simple so I apologise in advance. If someone can provide some insight I would appreciate it. This looks like an excellent product and I hope to get it up and running soon.
  • If you are using 1.1+ then you will have to login to the admin, go to the options tab and turn mod_rewrite off in there.
  • After I turn it off, the result is just the same.
  • I'll just have to look into it, then. As far as I understand, Zenphoto 1.1 changed the way mod_rewrite is managed: maybe ZenphotoPress got a little off-sync ;)

    By the way, someone with Trac access could update ZenphotoPress' infos on the wiki to make them point to this thread?
    In addition, I think there's a typo in the beginning of the description for Zenshow: "Zenpress is a plugin by Rui Cruz..." ;)
  • FYI: I'm on WP 2.3.1, ZenPhoto 1.1.2 and Zenphotopress 1.3. My mod-rewrite is unchecked in the Zenphoto options screen.
  • @Simbul

    I corrected the trac wiki as requested.

    And the mod_rewrite "on" zenphotopress seems to be working OK for me, although I'm on an apache based system.
  • I asked a programmer to modify the plugin, so that people can just use a simple code and display the whole gallery.

    For example:


    This will display all the thumbs of gallery 109 (id in the album table) and link to the image directly.

    I think that programmer also fix a problem of the script. The script seems can't display the thumbs correctly. I think it should work now.

    I also sent the script to Simbul, see if he's willing to include my modifictioans in his script.

    You can downlod it in my site: http://www.site2nd.org/zenphoto/zenphotopress-modification/ , just to share with everyone, hope you love it:
  • maxbear, thanks for sharing. I'm definitely trying it out--I've been looking for something like this for a while. :D
  • maxbear - FYI: I loaded your version and am still having issues with the thumbnails showing on my WP pages. Any other Window's people having issues? I did use the [zenphotopress]gallery=109[/zenphotopress] to populate an album into a page though. Sweet - that will be great once the thumbs show. I'm going to keep digging on my end. Thanks for the script mod.
  • Sorry. 1 thing I forgot to say is you must put the zp db under wordpress db. Otherwise, it won't work. I got the same problem when I first install it, I asked the programmer why and found out that reason. Hope this help.
  • Also, I generate all thumbnails in zp first. I also enable mod_rewrite in zp. It works fine for me.
  • maxbear - I have implemented your programmers script. Strangely, the thumbnails don't show up but I can click on them and it goes to that picture in my zp gallery. So it it's dynamically generating the link but still unable to create that thumbnail. If I go to the zenphoto options and enable mod rewrite everything breaks so I have left it off for now. I did try pre-caching the images but that didn't seem to make a diffence either.
  • @maxbear: thanks. It's always pleasant to see that someone is willing to spend his time and resources trying to make ZenphotoPress a better product.
    Truth be told, I'm not too keen on the BBCode-tag approach in blog posts. I will, however, try to include the modification you suggested in the next major ZP version... which - by the way - is going to show some important overhaul in user-interface ;)
  • Simbul-no problem, I love to share with people :-).

    mastiffmomma-you install zp in which directory? If you enable mod rewrite in zp and got problem, it most likely that you need to edit your .htaccess to the correct zp path. Did you try it? Hope you finally make it works.
  • Maxbear, thanks. your adaption works great.

    I only had to change `if( $zp_mod_rewrite['value'] ) {....` in line 162 to `if( $zp_mod_rewrite['blabla'] ) {....` to get the thumbs point to the image page instead of just opening in a browser window..
    and change

    `$content = str_replace ('[zenphotopress]gallery='.$k.'[/zenphotopress]',$tumbnails',$content);`


    `$content = str_replace('[zenphotopress]gallery='.$k.'[/zenphotopress]','
    ',$content);` in line 170 to get them in a div

    thanks, check it here http://www.bertsimons.nl/wordpress/?p=55
  • BertSimons - It's cool. I use zp as backend image management. So I just link directly to image in wp.
  • One thing for easy adding the code to the wordpress post. You can add something like: id: <?php echo getAlbumID();?> in the zp theme in order to show the album id.

    I think it's easier for you to know the id instead of looking it at the databasse itself. Hope this help.
  • yes..that's usefull, and making it the background color or out of the screen by css so that it doesn't show but still can be seen in the source..
  • simbul:
    I am wondering if the problem described in http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/ticket/45 has been addressed. If the problem has been corrected, the ticket should be closed.

    If it is a problem that needs to be addressed in the zenphoto core, please describe what needs to be done. If it needs to be addressed in ZenphotoPress, someone should step up to owinging it.
  • I vaguely remember fixing the very same problem some months ago... I'll have to check to be sure.
    By the way, as far as I'm concerned, Trac tickets should be related to Zenphoto, not to 3rd party plugins.
  • Using Wordpress 2.3.1.
    Zenphotopress refusing to accept path to admin directory.
    I input the same as I use in browser <www.photo.dinky-stories.co.uk/zp-core
    What am I doing wrong?
  • Where exactly are you inserting the path? If it is in the "Web path" field, it should be the path of the gallery, not the one of the admin directory (i.e. www.photo.dinky-stories.co.uk).
    If it is in the "Admin path" field, it should be a path, not a URL (i.e. something like \var\www\gallery\zp-core).
  • Hello,

    I have a strange issue after installing zenphotopress 1.3.

    When popup window open the "select image" area only displays pictures file names, I can still add some in the post,
    Then the <src> tag looks like that:
    src="http://pascal.ledisque.free.fr/gallery/11-novembre-broons/image/thumb/11novembre_10.jpg" />

    When it should be similar to :
    src="http://pascal.ledisque.free.fr/gallery/zp-core/i.php?a=11-novembre-broons&i=11novembre_10.jpg&s=thumb" />

    I have double checked my gallery url, mod_rewrite is not enable.

    Any idea why do I get that strange link ?
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