when i upload a picture it just shows a red X once it's done...
when i right click on the image and check the linking. it's linked to a wrong place. so no wonder it's a red x, but why is it set up like that?
i didn't change anything cept for the mysql database info.
how do i fix it?
make sure your cache and albums dir are chmod777 or writable by the server...
are there any images in the cache dir?
any idea?
there's nothing in the cache dir
Step 1: Edit the config.php.examplefile and rename it to config.php.
Step 2: Edit the .htaccess file in the root zenphoto folder if you have the mod_rewrite apache module, and want cruft-free URLs. Just change the one line indicated to make it work
Step 3: Change the permissions on the 'albums' and 'cache' folders to be writable by the server chmod 777 cache
Step 4: go to zen/setup.php