I'm having trouble using captcha with the new version of ZenPhoto (1.1.5). I'm not installing the nightly builds...
What's happening is that when I use a theme that supports captcha and I enable it, I get a broken image link for the captcha image.
I've got zenphoto installed in a /gallery folder and I'd prefer to keep it like this. I edited the webpath to point to this folder and everything is working fine except captcha.
Any idea what could be causing this??
http://www.richmondaltphoto.com/galleryI've got an old sterile theme setup right now but I'd like to switch to something different and use captcha.
Thanks for the help!
The zp-core\images folder itself was set to 755, so I've changed it to 777.
I guess I've got to track down code.png...
*edit* Oh wait...I'm looking for "code.png"...nope, thats still not there.
Looks like you have disabled captcha on your site, so I can't investigate any further.
First, is there a file `c.php` in your zp-core folder?
Second, are there any CGI errors in your server log?
Third, do protected full images (have to set the option so that images are protected) show when you click on the image on the image page?
2. I'll have to check on CGI errors...
3. When I click on an image on the image page (right click), it goes to the next image. When I left-click, it brings up the usual left click menu. Ichecked on the image display settings in zenphoto, and YES "protect full images" is checked.
I was curious is the .htaccess file has anything to do with this. I didn't edit the new one before I uploaded everything, and while everything else is working, sould the path in the .htaccess file be causing a problem??
Some system specs might help, but I think everything is a current version:
Apache 1.3.37 (unix) webserver
PHP version 5.0.5
MySQL version 5.0.27-standard-log
Maybe Tris will note this thread and have something to add. I don't know what is wrong.
Ok, got any ideas tris?
The output is actually this...
`Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: image/png
200 OK`
I'm not sure if that's a valid PNG or not, I can't read binary, but the browser definitely says its invalid. It looks like the header is correct (content-type: image/png) but maybe there's something else going on...
It's definitely a problem with GD or the output function, not with the zenphoto configuration. c.php (the captcha creator) doesn't have the same kind of error reporting that i.php does, so it's nearly impossible to debug from its output alone..
The only thing I can think of is maybe the fonts can't be found? Or some other configuration error. I really can't say.
Thanks for all the help guys!
Two things I observe on your site now. The first time I view an image page, the image does not show up, but when I return to view it after going to the next page, it is there! Just refreshing makes it show up. (Unfortunately, if you refresh the image page, the captcha is regenerated.)
Then, viewing the full image gives an error saying the watermark image is not a valid PNG file. I presume it is the one that came with the zenphoto install, that was valid at least when it left the 'factory'. All told, looks like there is a problem with PNG files on your system. (The captcha is a png image.)
Well, it doesn't do that for me...weird.
Its almost like the image is loading before it has been generated/cached, so a refresh makes it show up...Since the captcha is done on the fly, a refresh doesn't help the problem.
If there's any information I could fetch and relay that might lead in the right direction, let me know!
Anyway, somehow the image is not getting generated. So we need to see why.
406 Not Acceptable
Oddly enough I just in the with my one hosts tech support guys and asked them take a look at the gallery... He said he could see the captcha image with both IE7 and Firefox 2.
"The way the captcha works isn't very secure, and our security module running on apache is blocking the Captcha image. This rule has been disabled from the server, and the Captcha is now correctly functioning."
The captcha is working now but I'd like to now exactly what it is they consider insecure.