Captcha Problems



  • I've requested more information from them... I'll let you know as soon as I have an answer.
  • I really wonder what security is needed in generating a PNG!
  • Here's the specific error message from their logs:

    /gallery/zp-core/c.php?i=%C58%CBb%F3 HTTP/1.1

    "Access denied with code 406 (phase 2). Invalid Unicode encoding: invalid byte value in character. [id "950801"] [msg "UTF8 Encoding Abuse Attack Attempt"] [severity "WARNING"]"

  • Interesting. At least we can figure out a way to deal with this.
  • There will be a fix for this in tonight's build.
  • Great, thanks. :)
  • We are indebeted to you for finding out what was being complained about.
  • Glad I could help... The thanks though should go to the folks at Inmotion hosting who were happy to provided the details.
  • Hi, I downloaded the lastest version of zen-photo but I'm getting the captcha error ( Should I contact my server administrator in the meantime?
  • I don't know where you downloaded your version of zenphoto, but you do not have the latest version. We are on zenphoto 1.2 currently and at the end of the month will be releasing version 1.2.1.

    So, you need to be on the latest version for this fix. I suggest you download the nightly build as there are other captcha fixes in it.
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