ZenPhoto + Galleria = awesome



  • And also having slideshow function?
  • My current version just supports titles and tags (I use the tags for the image alt attribute, and both the title and tags together for the title attribute, hopefully to help with SEO).

    Adding descriptions/rating/comments gets a little tricker if you want them to show up on the album view page. If you want to change the image link to go to image.php, then you can have all that stuff there no problem. Getting it to work on the album page will require some fancier JavaScript/AJAX work -- but since I'm not planning on using comments/ratings/etc. myself, it's low priority.

    Slideshow is something I am interested in adding. I don't think it's going to be too hard, I just need to figure out what sort of controls it needs and where to stick them. I'm going to try to have that for an upcoming version.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Slideshow is not very hard to add. It's designed generic as a dark to black grey page with basically just the image to fit for all. Since slideshow is a plugin, you'll have to use the nightly for this. Just install the plugin and copy slideshow.php from any of the default themes to your theme. All you have to do then is to add thte slideshow link to your page (works from album and image pages).
    See our already updated functions guide or the plugin file itself for more info about options.
  • Actually I like your album view page, so don't want to use the image.php. So any clues that I can modify by myself? Is it easy as I don't know much about php.

    I have added <?php printImageDesc(true); ?> in the album page but no description can be retrieved. Don't know why.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    On the album page there is no imagedesc available, that only works on image.php (in single image context).
    That is indeed not that easy if you don't know much about php...
  • I've updated my live site with a slideshow now -- it's based on timer code that plugs into jQuery.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Nicely done.
  • Great job. I was thinking do you want to do a bit of a dissolve effect between slides.
  • in album.php look for this line:
    and change number (it's the milliseconds to take to fade in) to a higher value for for a slower fade -- I set mine fast to keep things snappy :)

    At least, that's the way it works in FireFox. IE seems more abrupt, not sure if a longer values gives you a better fade with it.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You might want to take a look at the jQuery addon that is used by the official slideshow. There are nice additional transition included.
  • peh Member
    I installed the theme, but for some reason it displays all pictures in full size... even if size is set to 600 in admin... did I miss something here?
  • You probably need to change the code in album.php to get the resized image -- on my site I just upload 600px images, so I think it's currently set to use the full size image.
  • peh > You can change where it says getUnprotectedImageURL() to getDefaultSizedImage(). This should take care of your problem. Hope that's helpful!
  • This is exactly what I have been looking for, but for some reason it doesn't work with Safari. I am using 3.1. Works fine in FF. The next/previous triggers seem to be to blame as when I click on the main image to advance, it displays the next image briefly and then reloads the first image again. The implementation on your own site has no issues however, so maybe you are using different code? Thanks for the good work though — looking forward to the final theme.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Alex, it seems indeed that it's not working correctly, at least with the current nightly build. It looks like a broken default theme in Safari and in Firefox, too.
  • hi Alex,

    I love your theme, but I am having a hard time figuring out to remove the image number and title from directly beneath the image. see here: http://greenbuilt.com/portfolio/index.php?album=mf-kitchen-remodel

    Any idea how to resolve this? I want to remove the image title, but keep the album description.

  • I must say that is one nice interface. Keep up the good work and love to see it as part of the supported themes!!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    This theme will most likely not become part of the included themes. But we will gladly add it to our themes page (last time I tried it it didn't work with the nightly build somehow). We don't have the time to maintain more than the currently included themes.
  • True. It would be interesting to see what is the most widely used themes. Maybe we can drop one to improve another. The default theme is what I use now because it looks the cleanest and the best.

    The others I didn't care for, especially with one of them that used script fonts with fushia colors (It looked ugly).

    I started playing with the Alex's version and it really does show some promise, especially with the quick transitions because all the images are preloaded. Of course it becomes an issue with larger albums.

    The galleria reminds me of the .mac gallery.
    Here's a random gallery http://gallery.mac.com/emily_parker

    I like the resizing that it does. The full screen as well as the different 'modes' it can switch to. I think zenphoto has a chance to produce a similar theme. It's all about usability to me, clean and easy and not cluttered.
  • I'll try to have an updated archive of the theme for people to play with shortly.

    I haven't been keeping up with the nightly builds so I'm not sure what the cause of the issue might be with more recent builds. Unfortunately, I've got modifications into some of core files, so upgrading isn't a good option.

    Rebecca: I was going to say the easiest option would probably be to set the CSS for the image title to be no-display or make the text the same colour as the background, but it looks like you already fixed it.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Williamz: I did indeed a google search a while back to find some first sites for our then new showcase page. The most used themes seemed to me default (and it's sterile variant) and stopdesign.

    It should be possible to make such a .mac theme you posted, since jQuery provides all sorts of these ajax stuff and is the standard libary in the nightly builds. So you are invited to make it...:-)

    Alex: That would be great. Try if you can do your core modifications with plugins which are new in the nightly. We have a tutorial about that on our site.
  • Just wanted to pop in here and give up some Kudos. This has been a nice minimal, high-impact theme.

    I've been fiddling around with it and while I'm pretty much lost with PHP, my knowledge of basic HTML and CSS has let me custom this to my liking. My only last issue that remains is trying to center the image title on the bottom. It seems to align or float left. I'd prefer it to be centered. The only way I can do this is if I add "align=center" to <div id="main_image_wrapper"> in album.php But this creates some strange padding (extra space) on the main image that shifts it off-center. I've tried unsuccessfully for several hours now to try to find the right combination of tags or styles in both the CSS files and album.php to force the title to center, but nothing works. Anyone happen to know what to add or edit to get this to work?

    And is there a way to get images to align to the top? (valign=top). My images are all different sizes, and it seems that the image is set to align in the middle. I have a mixture of images in both portrait and landscape mode and the landscape images have a lot of padding between the image navigation and the actual images.

    If anyone could lend a hand it'd be really appreciated. Thanks!
  • Beautiful Beautiful Work Sir!

    This template is one of the most "photography" usable templates on ZP i believe.
  • simom Member
    Thank you for developing this theme.
    I like it!
  • edasque Member
    I like the theme but it's a little too custom. Which I understand since it wasn't develop to be universal but to fit one photographer's need.

    I think the main attraction for me is the thumbnail slider at the bottom of the page and the simple fade-in fade out transition it brings. I'd love to be able to integrate it with my current theme (or even just the default theme so we can see how it can be done cleanly). Ideally, I'd want to use to it browse from photo to photo in image.php, not album.php so I can still have my comments, rating, ...

    I am guessing it relies on the fact that it's much easier to get a list of images and thumbnail in the album context than it is in an image context ? Doesn't seem impossible though, right ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It should not be a big problem, I am not familiar with the details but Alex uses the next_image loop on album.php that works on image.php too.
  • vraa Member
    Do you think for the sliding thing (which displays the thumbnails, clickable) can be made to show a ten by ten grid of thumbnails, not just a few?
    So it's like flipping through pages?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Take a look here, this is what he uses: http://sorgalla.com/jcarousel/
  • most excellent of themes.

    unless i missed the posts, did anyone ask about how to put the scroller above the image instead of below? or how they were able to get to the image page for commenting and whatnot? :S
  • anyone made any progress on this theme?
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