Zenphoto 1.2.5

We have created the first release candidate for Zenphoto 1.2.5. You can download the ZIP version or the tar.gz version.

Please provide feedback through the Ticket system on TRAC. (You must register first.)

There will possibly be one more release candidate before our June 1 full release. We appreciate your help in insuring that this release is the best ever.


  • Release candidate #2 is now available. You can download the ZIP version or the tar.gz version.

    Please provide feedback through the Ticket system on TRAC. (You must register first.)
  • I try the version 2.5 RC2 now. Expect this version could solve the grey thumb pic problem.

    my ablum address is http://girlsspot.info/v
  • So, what is the problem?
  • mypart Member
    Doesn't install in my MAMP test environment.
    The setup stops at the 7th point zp-config.php-Datei (that would be zp-config.php-file or something).
    I got two warnings on magic_quotes_gpc and mbstring.internal_encoding but even after turning magic quote off and setting internal encoding to UTF-8 the set up still stops at the same point. 1.2.4 installs just fine in the same environment.

    BTW, the warning on magic_quotes_gpc link is dead, at least in the german version it links here:
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I basically do all my main testings with a standard MAMP install and never encountered any error. Do you get any php errors? Did you install eversthing correctly?

    magicquotes and mbstring warnings are just warning and no "showstoppers". The link got accidentally outdated but you can easily find the troubleshooting entry directly on our user guide page, too.
  • mypart Member
    I don't get no errors, nothing the setup just stops:
    Welcome to Zenphoto! This page will set up Zenphoto on your web server.

    Systems Check:

    PHP version 5.2.6
    PHP Safe Mode
    PHP magic_quotes_gpc
    PHP gettext() support
    PHP mbstring package
    PHP MySQL support
    zp-config.php file
    And nothing. No warning, no hint no nothing.
    Again, installing v. 1.2.4 works just fine on the same machine.
    With 1.2.4 I get the strict permissions warning so I tried to set it in both zp-config.php and zp-config.php.source to 0755 for v. 1.2.5 but nothing changes, setup just aborts without any hint.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Did you look at your server's php error log?
  • mypart Member
    No, I didn't, now I did, here is the error:
    [02-Jun-2009 10:49:37] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function zp_loggedin() in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/zenRC/zp-core/setup.php on line 680
    So line 680 is where the strict permissions warning comes from in 1.2.4, exactly where 1.2.5-setup stops...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Are you sure that you uploaded all files of the 1.2.5 RC2 correctly? I believe sbillard had fixed this error a while ago.
  • mypart Member
    I am absolutely sure, I also re-downloaded the .zip and the .tar.gz twice, tried to run setup in Safari and FireFox, deleted the cookies to no avail.
    I downloaded the nightly from yesterday now and it works flawlessly (at least the setup). I got the warning about strict permissions but it was only the warning as expected.
  • The problem is fixed post RC2. The fix is in the final release and in the nightly builds.
  • The official release of Zenphoto 1.2.5 is now available for download at www.zenphoto.org
  • FYI the version # in the admin console shows as version 1.2.5_RC2 [4019]... Other than that everything looks good.

    Bravo Zulu guys.
  • Yes, noticed that. An error in the build script. There is a newer file up now with the correct version numbering. Otherwise, no difference.
  • So without noticing, I installed the RC1 on one of my servers. If I use the check for upgrades button, it fails because I'm on the most recent version. Which I'm not :)

    Not a big deal, I upgraded anyway, but I thought you may want to know.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, thanks for telling. That is because the actual files to download have been moved to a google code repository to save bandwith and traffic on our server just before 1.2.5 and changing that function has just been forgotten.
  • Thanks for the new release!

    You have changed the ratings plug-in, this change gives me small issue. because i'm using custom theme & without printing zenjavascipt() in header.

    now it is corrected & working fine.

  • It will always be a risk not to print zenjavascript() since many plugins will rely on this.
  • Thanks for Zenphoto:)

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  • just got to upgrade to the new version, first i had a note that htaccess is not uploaded properly, ive upload it again but same message received.

    the first thing i notice that all java script functions in the gallery are not working, like when i click on administrator tools nothing happened.

    same happen when i click on image info and i notice the link change from
    and also nothing happen

    on IE i recive this message in the status bar when i access the gallery

    Webpage error details

    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.2; FDM; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648)
    Timestamp: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 18:59:42 UTC

    Message: Syntax error
    Line: 1
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://www.khaled-alsibai.com/gallery/zp-core/js/zenphoto.js.php

    please help
  • I'm having some strange problem with an update to 1.2.5 on a live site. There are a few warnings, but no link or button to run the upgrade.

    I also had a warning note that .htaccess and zp-core/locale/sl_SI is not uploaded properly, I upload it again but still received the same message.

    Zenphoto is installed on a shared server, and I don't have access to the sever logs.

    I'm stuck and out of ideas, does anyone have an idea what might be happening . If so I'd appreciate any ideas.
  • Contact your server support personnel. There is really no reason why you should not have access to the CGI logs for your site. But, without them there is no way to know what the problem is.

    I did look at your site. There is some really strange looking stuff in the HTML. Not things that are a part of Zenphoto. `
    If they sliding and old national insurance number the synthetically unwrapped and insincere dobsonfly of craniologist fresh undeniably they blindfold not be unmedicinal and machination hydrophobic not rhagoletis pensively.` for example.

    This seems also to be part of the zenphoto.js.php file, or at least it shows up when I try to access the link `http://www.khaled-alsibai.com/gallery/zp-core/js/zenphoto.js.php`.

    Perhpaps that stuff has replaced the zenphoto.js.php file? If so that definately would be a problem.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That actually looks like a hack. If you haven't you probably should set the permissions to strict.
  • do you mean my site has been hacked by hackers?!
    should i re upload the gallery files? and how to set the permissions to strict?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I just quickly guessed that from a quick look at the source code as that looks really senseless. You might check that yourself. I would indeed reupload the files.

    Regarding permissions: Run setup, there is an option to set strict permissions and also please read the troubleshooting entry about that, too.
  • Thank you acrylian for support
    i checked the permissions and its sat to (Strict Permissions [is in effect])
    ill try to re upload the files and wish it works this time
    im just wondering if its not the package the one is hacked not my site?! or is not possible? can u check that please?
  • i re uploaded all the files, the Java scipt back to work perfectly, ive changed all the passwords for my hosting and removed any unwanted files, everything is ok now but i still have the message at the setup level that says

    Perhaps there was a problem with the upload. You should check the following files:

    i think this one need to be checked from your side

    Thank you all for your support
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Glad you got it working again. Our package is correct. The htaccess warning is not really a problem. Setup compares the date to check if maybe a file was upload incorrectly or an older outdated one. Sometimes that is a little inaccurat why ever.
  • You will get this message if you have made changes to your .htaccess file. If you know you have changed something, you can ignore its warning.
  • Jonas Member
    This probably isn't the correct thread to ask, but I have a few questions regarding the 1.2.5 release:

    1. When inserting pictures with links into an Article, using tinyZenpage, the link becomes wrong (like album%2Fsubalbum instead of album/subalbum).
    2. I hoped the feature of creating custom lengths on the front page articles would be implemented in the release. Is it not?
    3. At least in Safari 4 Beta, the Options page isn't working well. The tabs are in the wrong place when I click one of the categories. I can upload a screenshot of this if you don't know or understand what I mean.
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