Zenphoto 1.2.5



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1. %2F is actually the html encoded /. I did not notice that this breaks anything.
    2. It is. Simply use the page break button of TinyMCE (it is also described on the "usage tipps"...)
    3. Yes, please upload a screenshot.
  • Jonas, try dumping your cache? I noticed the CSS for admin stuff changed and Safari caches it.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    @Jonas: I do not see anything unusual. Note that in case you use another language with longer terms for the tabs it may cause line breaks on smaller browser windows (< 1000px).

    re 1. Sadly I can reproduce that...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    @jonas: Tonight's nightly will have a tinyzenpage fix. Please try and report if it works for you, too.
  • Jonas Member
    1. I will try the nightly, but I am actually traveling right now so I'm not sure if I will be able to do it right now :/
    2. Cool!
    3. Ipstenu, yeah that worked! So #3 is taken cared of.
  • There is a problem in the 1.2.5 release with password protected albums. For the fix please see http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/ticket/1155#comment:1
  • It's ok at me

    [link removed by moderator]
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    @edward21: Be careful with your postings...
  • @acrylian: I just tried nightly build for "%2F" issue, and it works for me.

    However, I'm using "zenpage-default" theme and it breaks when viewing just a single image:
    "content" div wont wrap around the image so div's background image wont show up so it looks like there is gray background around the image (instead of white).

    It looks like there one </div> too much, I think instead of:
    </div><!-- content -->
    there should be just:
    </div><!-- content -->
    in "image.php". Not sure, though....?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The white background is missing? That was caused by a bug in the new comment form plugin. Please try a newer nightly.
  • Where can I find the newer one? I'm using http://www.zenphoto.org/files/nightly/zenphoto-2009-06-12-trunk.zip which appears to be the last one. Or you mean SVN?

    Also, I already made some changes to the code locally - is there a way to re-install just the files which changed between nightlies, say just the files from "zenpage-default" theme? Or, I assume, generally, it is safer to erase the whole "zp-core" and "themes" and upload the whole nightly, right?
  • You should always use all files from the same Zenphoto build unless told otherwise or if you can make a compare of the files and know enough to recognize when there are not dependencies on other files in the build.

    2009-06-12 would be the most recent nightly build. They are produced at 11:00pm Pacific time (GMT-8+daylight savings time.)

    We recommend that you make copies of a theme to make changes to it. Then when a new build is considered you can do file compares of the unmodified files from the new build and the build from which you cloned your copy.
  • The %2F problem is real and should probably be fixed. An Apache setting (not modifiable for those in shared hosting environments) called AllowEncodedSlashes is what is needed server-side. Since many of us have no way to change this, we'll need to fix ZenPhoto to stop encoding slashes (I'm seeing that all my RSS links are returning 404's)

    The full article I found on this is at http://www.jampmark.com/web-scripting/5-solutions-to-url-encoded-slashes-problem-in-apache.html

    Which file should be modified to 'fix' the RSS URLs ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You should look at the rss files of course as there are four.

    Edit: note that #5 on the site you linked is not applicable for Zenphoto as "/" are part of the album name for subalbums.
  • I've narrowed down the problem with %2F breaking the RSS links to the mod-rewrite option. If I deselect that option, reload the RSS feed, the URLS supplied by the RSS are once again functional.

    So where within ZP does the mod-rewrite stuff happen? That's where the fix will lie, I think.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The links for the feeds are generated at the beginning of each feed file itself. It does all work for me with modrewrite, just to mention.
  • I guess I'll just have to live with it until enough people report a problem with %2F in the URLS that something gets done. As I've noted, it is a problem that starts with configuration of the Apache server not necessarily within ZenPhoto as such. If your Apache is configured to work with replacement of '/' with %2F then you won't be experiencing the problem. Many of us on shared hosting setups don't have access to their Apache configuration.

    I still can't find anywhere within ZenPhoto a piece of code that specifically replaces / in URLS with %2F so I have no idea where it's happening.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Then probably my shared host has that setting (I can'T access the php.ini but I can configure via htaccess). Within the feed there are the link generated. There are several urlencodes that might cause the trouble for you. I think you got mainly a issue with the / within album names (as subalbum has the name "toplevelalbum/sublevelalbum"). Try to remove the urlencode() calls.
  • Same problem. All my feed links are returning 404's because of that.
    Maybe I'm dense but I don't understand what I have to do to fix the problem. ;)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The feeds have been modified regarding validation since 1.2.5 so you might want to try the nightly build. I have recently checked the feeds with the W3 validator and it did not complain about anything. I also did never encouter any issues with my news reader NetNewsWire on Mac.

    Note that if you use the robots.txt example that we provide with the download disallows the rss files.
  • Upgraded to the latest nightly build and still have the same problem. Some / in urls are replaced with %2F. Strange thing is, I didn't have this problem with older zp versions.
    How would I remove the urlencode() calls?
    In rss.php I changed
    and it broke my feed.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please try to use `pathurlencode` instead of `urlencode`.
  • Aww, thanks acrylian! That fixes the problem. *hugs*
    Glad it was something so simple. :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks for reporting and testing. Sometimes hard to find issues since servers behave differently. I will update all included feeds to use it.
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