I am a photographer (www.fotografixs.com), but have very little computer knowledge, beyond photoshop. I really love the way that zenphoto looks and would like to integrate it into a 'project' blog. I recently downloaded wordpress, however I have not uploaded it yet. Is there a way to some how connect the two, or do I need to be a code wizard to do it? I would love any suggestions. You can also msn me at calvin@bust.com. It would be great to have someone walk me through the process. Thanks.
I am trying to discourage non-computer savvy users from using the beta release, as it still may have bugs and might need some technical knowledge to setup.
You're absolutely welcome to try, I didn't mean to scare you off
WP Theme Integration
Follow the instructions closely. Also, to elaborate on Step 3 since you may need more detail:
First, it mentions using 'get_header()' and 'get_sidebar()'. I just used the get_header() because the sidebar uses too much room, in my opinion.
So, in the 'theme/default' directory you need to modify album.php, image.php, and index.php. You should add the following lines:
1) Just below the "<body> tag:
<?php get_header(); ?>
2) In the <head> section just under the <link> for the stylesheet, add the following:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" type="text/css" media="screen" />
Finally, don' forget to modify the image.php file as described in step 4.
This seems to get most things working. Some of the WP styles conflict slightly, but not very much. Also, since the admin page isn't themed, it won't follow the WP theme. This isn't such a big deal, since users wouldn't see it anyway.
Zen Photo absolutely rocks
Just one very small suggestion, I would align the title of your site so that it is on the same latitude between the homepage and the gallerypage.
I would also remove the 'Home' button on the sidebar, it's redundant.
Just some suggestions, I know you didn't ask for it, hope you don't mind.
I like the drop down menu, excellent, set me thinking..
I installed wp but gives the error below..can anyone help..of course i have a seperate DB for zenphoto..please help
WordPress database error: [Table 'myphotosqldatabase' doesn't exist]
SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'blogname' LIMIT 1
Could someone copy and paste the instructions or something?
Thank you
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/gioloves/public_html/gallery/zen/template-functions.php on line 399
feel free to access my site: http://giolovesgod.com/gallery/ to see what i meant, thanks
the integration was pretty decent when using mikeg's instructions for zenphoto 0.9 beta and wordpress 1.5.2.