If you want to display what commenting tags are allowed to use when leaving comments, paste the following PHP code in your `image.php` file where you want to display it.
<?php<br />
$text = preg_replace("[<]" , " < ;" , $conf['allowed_tags']);<br />
echo $text;<br />
(remove the space after < )
Make sure you have the latest zenphoto (currently 0.8.2), or it won't work. The array of allowed tags was added to the `config.php` file in that version.
The `config.php` file is also where you want to look if you plan to allow more or less tags. Look for this:
`$conf['allowed_tags'] = "
The end result can look like this:
(scroll down and click on "Formatting your comment).
I figured you'd add it at one point anyway. This post is just for "bleeding edge" users