New Theme for 1.2.7 - zpFocus

Hi All,

I was designing a site for someone who unfortunately backed out. I decided to continue the design, add some flexibility, and release the zenphoto/zenpage theme to the community. I hope some will find it useful.

Demo and Download here:

I have not tested it very thoroughly (only firefox really) - feedback welcome!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Great, that's a nice one! Thanks for sharing. I can report it seems to work fine in Safari 4, too.

    I will glady add an entry to our themes section.
  • Cool - thanks Acrylian
  • An excellent piece of work right there gjr! Very nice job, can't believe your client backed out.
  • Thanks Micheall!

    @acrylian - I just noticed something strange...When I am viewing the full image from a search, the subalbums disappear in my gallery dropdown menu. Any idea what would be causing that?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Search context is a quite complicated thing. Maybe take a look at the print_album_menu plugin, that should not do that and maybe you can adapt that to your custom function. I don't remember how it is done there and actually sbillard did that part...;-)
  • yeah - my custom function is actually just that plugin with some modified html output for superfish. I will try just outputting that plugin on the sidebar and see if it does the same thing...
  • Nice theme. I'm still doubting if I should use this.
  • Hi!

    I am using your theme right now, but I can't get the albums to use the new theme.
    Except for the first 2 they keep going back to the old theme when you click on an album.

    I can't seem to get it right, does anybody have a solution?
  • I would check the specific albums that are having trouble and make sure you haven't accidentally selected the old album's "Album Theme" to anything. If you have just click and select the blank option at the top.

    A side note to acrylian & sbilliard:
    Having the blank option isn't very intuitive, especially with a theme named "default". Perhaps we can change the blank option to say something like "Gallery Default Setting" or something like that?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sounds reasonable, I would prefer "No album theme" then...;-)
  • Hehe such a simple solution, goes to show when you stare at it too long you don't see anything anymore.
    It worked, thanks!
  • By the way, if you wanna see what I did with it you can visit ;)
  • "No album theme" would be confusig to me, I think. I prefer michaell's suggestion.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Fine with me, too, but actualy "No album theme" is set..;)
  • Great theme - very 'zen' & 'clean'.

    I notice that 'zpfocus' is hardwired into the page header which I guess is a bug.... I'm also having problems getting news to appear on pages..anyone got any tips about how best to get the news & categories to work...? I just get the begining of the news item and then .. nothing.

    My test site is at:

    Thanks for any tips in advance!


  • I fixed the hardwired zpFocus a few days ago I think and updated download package. Let me know if you notice it any where else...

    Looks like your news is causing an error in ZenPage. Did you by chance change the name of the news page and then not in your .htaccess file or something?

    When I get time I will update the theme to use the new ZenPage search and tags functionality of 1.2.8
  • Thanks for the fast reply - I'll re d/l the theme package (1.1?) and check it out. & No, I did a clean install in that sub dir of both ZP & ZF.. I'll check .htaccess..

    Thanks for the suggestions,

  • Hi gjr

    I've trashed the old version of ZPFocus and installed the new one which (partially) fixes the 'zpfocus' bug. (Maybe an idea to increment the version numbers..?)

    And, yes, it does fix the zpfocus bug on most pages but not on zenpage 'text' pages which don't use a gallery and so seem to retain the ZPFocus as the headline. One for after Christmas perhaps!

    Also, having done a clean install I still have the same issue with disappearing news items, which work OK if I flip to the default Zenpage theme.

    As ZPFocus is so good could you maybe have a quick look to see what might be causing this pls? (Or suggest where I might look?)

    My test site is at

    Happy Christmas & good luck in 2010!

    best wishes,

  • Can you view your error log and tell me what you are getting? Or turn on display errors in your php config. You are getting a fatal error at the latest comments block because that is where the page stops rendering. Try turning on comments plugin and activating it for news and entering a comment.

    I need to know what the error is to help you further...
  • The reason you aren't getting this error on the default theme is because the default theme does not use 'Latest Comments'
  • I see the zpfocus on your PAGES, my bad again, I will fix that and reupload but I want to wait to see if your error is in the theme or not so I can do it all together...
  • gjr

    Thanks - will do..

  • gjr


    OK, I've turned comments = ON for News and also Categories = ON.

    I now see the categories which indicate the correct number of news items, but not the actual news item itself.

    I'll look at how to turn the php logging = ON.

    Thanks again - progress!

  • Oh yes, but the 'comments' tag is not showing on the News page.. odd.

  • OK, with php logging = ON, I get this:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function array_slice_preserve() in /hermes/web02/b2955/hy.davidmatthewson/dev-1/zp-core/zp-extensions/zenpage/zenpage-template-functions.php on line 2450

    I've left error display = ON if that helps you.

    Many thanks -

    Bed time here in the UK!

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please try the nightly, that is a "bug" in 1.2.8RC
  • Thanks acrylian - I'l do that.
  • OK, brill. Totally fixed.

    I used the nightly from the 24th and did an upgrade and now the 'news' correctly appears so as acrylian said, a minor bug in the last version. Thanks!

    gjr... so just the ZPFocus issue on PAGES when you get a chance... many thanks

  • Hello,

    Thanks for all the amazing work, I love the look and flexibility of this theme. One question though, has any testing been done with flash videos? I ask because it does not seem to be working I have the latest nightly build and the latest version of zpFocus, I do not have issues with any of the other themes. Basically the problem is that one flash video will dominate the whole screen, and the rest of the videos in the album won't show the thumbnail, just an error. I currently have the video section of my site set to a different theme, but if you need to see what I am talking about I would be glad to switch themes so you can test.

  • Yes, if you look at my toybox test site you will see a range of tests of different video encoding formats. Flash seems to work best of the lot.

    I had no issues - can you give more details?

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