New Theme for 1.2.7 - zpFocus



  • GJR i did give a try to apply fresh zpfocus and it gave me same issue. also tried disabling plugins as well before i raised question but it was same :(
    will try fresh 2nd install on my xampp laptop and apply zpfocus without enabling plugins..

    and report here
  • no luck did tried fresh setup but still the same issue.
  • gjr Member
    OK I appreciate your effort, but why does it not appear in my demo? Does it not appear in the default themes?
  • it does appear in the default theme as well as your zpGalleriffic theme too dont know why on this theme it dosent appear.

    did try enabling all those plugins i had and applied zpGalleriffic and it worked so i think the issue is with the zpFocus code somewhere.

    appreciate if you can look at that. using current latest version.
  • a little problem
    Set Theme Option :
    Albums per page: 8
    Thumbnails per page: 24

    the sub level dosent show pagination nor it show complete 10 category

    if you see through top menu it shows some more links but not pagination on this page.
    what can be the reason ?
  • I modified printLatestNewsCustom in customfunctions.php so that it would include the "(...) Read More" link like ZenPage does. I can't attach a patch file here, so I hope I escape this properly! The old file's line 668 changed from:

    `echo "

    ".truncate_string($content, $contentlength)."



    if(strlen($content) > $contentlength) {
    $shortenindicator = getOption("zenpage_textshorten_indicator");
    $readmore = getOption("zenpage_read_more");
    $content = shortenContent($content, $contentlength, $shortenindicator.
    " ".$readmore."\n");
    echo "


  • Update to the previous post: Thanks to Ticket #1459 being closed, a more elegant solution would probably be to replace the line ~ 668 from:

    echo "

    ".truncate_string($content, $contentlength)."


    echo "

    ".getNewsContentShorten($content, $contentlength, '', $link)."

  • 1.3 is released can we have update so that the sub album pagination issue can be resolve ?
  • got problem after upgrading to 1.3 the left side Random image shows but above that getting some checkPassword issue

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for checkforPassword(), called in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\themes\zpfocus\sidebar.php on line 2 and defined in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\zp-core\template-functions.php on line 4338

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for checkforPassword(), called in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\themes\zpfocus\sidebar.php on line 2 and defined in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\zp-core\template-functions.php on line 4338
  • I believe those calls to `checkforPassword()` are no longer needed on theme pages. You should simply be able to remove those.
  • oh thanks for the info. will check for that.
  • kilby Member
    I think this is a great theme and have just implemented it on my site replacing a custom theme that I didnt have the time\knowledge to implement properly.

    I am getting the above error

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for checkforPassword(), called in /home/jameskil/public_html/themes/zpfocus/sidebar.php on line 2 and defined in /home/jameskil/public_html/zp-core/template-functions.php on line 4338

    Which i believe is being generated by


    <?php if (!checkForPassword()) { ?> {
    I have tried removing `(!checkForPassword())` but am just getting parse error's could someone post an example please
  • kilby Member
    I think this is a great theme and have just implemented it on my site replacing a custom theme that I didnt have the time\knowledge to implement properly.

    I am getting the above error

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for checkforPassword(), called in /home/jameskil/public_html/themes/zpfocus/sidebar.php on line 2 and defined in /home/jameskil/public_html/zp-core/template-functions.php on line 4338

    Which i believe is being generated by


    <?php if (!checkForPassword()) { ?> {
    I have tried removing `(!checkForPassword())` but am just getting parse error's could someone post an example please
  • I believe that the post JUST ABOVE yours says:
    I believe those calls to checkforPassword() are no longer needed on theme pages. You should simply be able to remove those.
    Did you happen to try that? Really, I think that a little bit of research is not too much to expect.
  • Great! This works in Safari too.....My prayers have been answered! Thanks guys!
  • Great! That's a nice one.
  • ashyuk Member
    Ooooo I'm liking this theme, bit buggy tho
  • i love the theme, it works fine with my safari 4!
  • I like the design it looks very fresh :)
  • PamH1 Member
    I like the theme very much and I am pleased to hear that it works in safari.
  • kilby Member
    Yes I did try what was suggested immediately above my question but I couldn't figure out how to do it because of the if statement. I tried for about an hour before posting ( I'm not a coder) I build networks usually... I have got it working now with some help and will post an example if anyone else needs help.
  • I'm coding the theme so i could implement it very well on my site. I'm so excited to my upcoming photo gallery site:) thanks to theme developer.
  • also getting this error...

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for checkforPassword(), called in /home/jameskil/public_html/themes/zpfocus/sidebar.php on line 2 and defined in /home/jameskil/public_html/zp-core/template-functions.php on line 4338
  • kilby Member
    Hi Derek are you using version 1.3 of zen ? I can post a version of my sidebar.php if you want. It's prob not the most elegant way of making the required changes but it worked for me
  • Hey, it's a pity that "someone" reject it. It is really nice. :)
  • Thanks a lot for sharing. The theme is simple but really nice.
  • This post was great even after half year. Thanks
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