New Theme for 1.2.7 - zpFocus



  • If you look the video takes up more than one spot, try adding two videos or more to the same album, or worse mix videos with pictures. I would expect it to look like this
  • Hi - Hmmm.. if I go to your site and select one of your videos I get a php error.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function getImageEXIFData() in /home/jackelmatador/ on line 54

    The video then, however, does play OK. (archive icehockey I guess!)

    I'm just going to add a multipage video test & will revert.
  • Yah I saw the php error, but I am not worrying about it to much since I want to go to the zpFocus theme. I believe the error is related to the fact that it is trying to display metadata information but there is none with video.
  • I think getImageEXIFData() is a deprecated function.

    I will try to get to the fixes for zpfocus in the next week or so and release a new version. I want to also add the tagging/search of news features added with v1.2.8. Sorry, I am quuite busy this holiday... :)
  • The getImageEXIFData() error is part of a different theme (highslide I believe). Thanks for all the hard work, Merry Christmas and Happy New year.
  • Yes, I agree - something gone bad...

    If you look at:

    There are 4 links to Flash movies which (i) don't have their thumbnail (ii) don't autoplay (despite it being set to =autoplay-on)& (iii) have a weird layout.

    Pages with single links to Flash - such as - have also no thumbnail (but I'm sure in the previous release they did..) and a slightly odd layout, but play OK.

    So if one has more than 1 movie link per page, it seems to go bad..
  • Just to confirm that if I force the theme of the '4 video clip' album to be ZenPage Default, I get 4 neat thumbnails in a row as I'd expect and the videos work fine.

    If I switch back to ZPFocus for the same album I get a single thumbnail and a weird layout - and also a warning about the Flash player not bgeing installed, even though it is.

    Maybe we just have to accept that ZPFocus is only happy with a single video thumbnail per Album page.....
  • Thank you for great theme - the first ever theme suitable for my portfolio! Really great work!

    But now I am customizing it for my own needs ( and I have some questions:

    1) Is it possible to make thumbnails in square format? I mean not only to crop them to my dimensions, but to make them square 100x100 pexels?

    2) Where are I can regulate "Random Gallery Image" (big image thumbnail at left upper corner) - image quality?

    3) How can I define an order of menu items in header? Or even rename some of them? How to rename "Gallery" to "Portfolio"?

    4) I make the whole page design centered ( - and a little formatting bug appears in all these DIVs:
    - I cannot solve it: footer div hyphenation. Maybe someone has an idea: how to fix the footer?

    Thank you!
  • gjr Member
    Hi - Thanks for the feedback, and nice job customizing the colors!

    1)Yes, but you need to understand how the themes work really well. In albums.php and search.php replace all instances of `printCustomSizedImage(getBareImageTitle(),null,'160','120','160','120',Null,Null,'');` with `<?php printImageThumb(getAnnotatedImageTitle()); ?>`
    Then you will be able to control the thumb size and crop in the theme options. Beware this will screw up the layout!

    2)Not sure what you mean here, but the function that pulls this random image is in custom_functions.php

    3)Look in header.php

    4)Looks good to me in Firefox!
  • Thank you so much!
    I have another problem: I`m trying to insert logo image in gallery.php instead of gallery title text. I try something like this:

    <h2 id="logo">"><img src=".../images/tc_logo.png"></h2>

    and I don`t know how? I am not a php-programer at all as you can guess :)
  • just use the themeroot variable infront:

    i.e. src="<?php echo $_zp_themeroot ?>."/images/logo.png"

    it not only works but also is good style
  • I found it:

    <img src="<?php echo $_zp_themeroot ?>/images/logo.png"/>

    Thank you.
  • I have some problems with dropdown menus in IE:
    "Portfolio" dropdown menu is hidden under Random gallery image and "About" dropdown menu doesn`t work. It`s no good because parent menu item ("Portfolio", "About") doesn`t clickable - these items have no links.

    Can I turn off dropdown function at all - so the navigation menu could be fully functional even in IE and parent menu item ("Portfolio", "About") works as links as "Home" or "News"? How it could be turned off?
  • I beg your pardon, anyone have an idea how to replace dropdown menu with simple menu?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I am not familiar in detail with this menu. Have you tried to hardcode the "portfolio" link instead of the dropdown menu function?
  • You have heavily modded this theme, so not sure exactly how to help you. I do know that the demo works fine in ie. I remember it being a huge headache with ie7/8 to get the drop down to appear above the random image. You probably messed with the position and z-index of elements in your mod. Try googling z-index bugs for ie.

    If you just want to remove the drop down js, just remove the call to the superfish js files in the themes header.php file. You will probably have to adjust he css as needed.
  • Has anyone tried this with the nightly build? I updated to the nightly and it broke zpFocus. I'm getting these two errors...

    `Notice: getSubAlbums is deprecated. Use getAlbums(). in /[home]/blv/zp-core/class-album.php on line 1434`


    `Fatal error: Call to undefined function printSortableGalleryLink() in /[home]/blv/themes/zpfocus/customfunctions.php on line 78`

    Can anyone help me figure out what happened? Did something change in the script?
  • I will post a new version with the patches when I can. Thanks for the heads-up
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The trick is to rename `getSubAlbums()` to `getAlbums` as the notice says. The other error should not appear and is related to the drag and drop sorting that has been reworked. I suppose this is not the latest night?
  • That was the nightly as of Wednesday morning (so that would be Tuesday night's nightly).
  • yes, I have the printAdminToolbox customized in customfunctions.php to include in the dropdown menu. So, as it is calling to these functions that are deprecated it is causing the error. Will post soon - fixing as we speak!
  • Ok, would that also be why no content is showing up past the drop down menu? Basically page loads the top menu, and it's blank.
  • OK, new version released 1.2

    - Fixed to work with nightly as of 2/4/2010
    - Fixed video issues

    Note: This version will not work with version 1.2.8 Released 1/1/2010. You MUST upgrade to nightly build for this new version.

    I did this quick, hope there are no issues. Let me know here if there are!
  • Works perfectly! Thanks a lot!
  • @Yuri: please, can you tell me how you achieved in CSS the nice rounded corners for this theme? I modified it a bit also, but I am kind of a css n00b, so I could not achieve the center rounded margins...
    I know it's trivial, but still :)
  • @hvaleanu
    I made rounded corners with large png images by css styles in main.css:

    one image placed in header in top menu section:

    /* TOP MENU */
    #nav{background:url(../images/up_shadow.png) no-repeat;
    and another image in footer:

    /* LAYOUT */
    div.footerwrap{background:url(../images/bottom_shadow.png) no-repeat;
    images are transparent with gray background
  • Anybody have any luck removing the random gallery image in the top right corner and also removing the gallery links on the main page. I have been looking for the directory but no luck. I would just like the news section to be displayed.
  • was trying out and found a really good theme to use. the only thing i have problem with this is search function not working fully. giving some javascript error when clickon arrow "toggle('searchextrashow');" any solution to resolve this ?
  • any update ?
  • gjr Member
    Sorry atomicmak, I cannot reproduce your issue. Nor can I figure out why it happens on your site (the link you provided me). In your modifications something must have been messed up. As you can see this error does not appear in the demo. You also have so many plugins and filters going on that there may be some conflict there. Try switching to a default theme temporarily to see if the same happens.
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