zenFB SuiteThe zenFB suite is a host of social plug-ins based on the Facebook SDK and used for integrating your zenPhoto-based site socially with Facebook. Simple things such as adding a like button, to comment box, recent activity, site recommendations, and more.
Please keep in mind that while the Facebook SDK is stable, it is still in development, so some plug-ins may not be available for use with your zenPhoto gallery.
As there are multiple plug-ins, with many options, having the suite as a one-4-all plug-in would create quite a bit of overhead and many users may not use all plug-ins. So I will be releasing each plug-in separately.
Info, Demo, & DownloadzenFB Suite -
Landing Page HereI will be using this thread as support thread for all current and future plug-ins related to the zenFB Suite of plug-ins.
(Just a note: The correct spelling is offcially "Zenphoto" if used in text..;-))
Updated all instances of it on my site. Should be good now there. Past edit time on the original post though.
Thanks for editing, was really not meant as urgent, just as edit on occasion...
And I just added a news post and plugin entries about the new additions.
I've been shuffling my domains(again, lol) but the old gallery should be pointing over to the new gallery domain.
The new landing page located at http://inthemdl.net/pages/zenfb-suite
EDIT: Alright, I see you have setup redirections to them all.
Please make needed corrections on your site for not to confuse users!
Edit: Links are updated.
Landing Page
I cannot get the 'like' button to show though.
This is what I did:
1. I uploaded zenFBLike.php into the plugin folder (not in its own folder).
2. I activated the plugin
3. I tried adding <?php if (function_exists('zenFBLike')) { zenFBLike(); } ?> in various places on the album.php page - without success
3. I then tried adding <?php if (function_exists('zenFBLike')) { zenFBLike(); } ?> in a page where I have place a similar script from another plugin that worked (on the image.php page) - without success
Please advise - thanks
I would prefer to have it on the album page though, as you have it on your website
<?php if (getOption('show_meta')) { ?>
<?php echo gettext('Image Meta Data'); ?>
<?php printImageMetadata( "",false,"exif","",true,"",true ); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if (function_exists('printRating')) { ?>
<?php printRating(); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if (function_exists('zenFBLike')) zenFBLike(); ?>
<?php if ((function_exists('printCommentForm')) && (openedForComments()) ) { ?>
<?php echo gettext('Comments'); ?> (<?php echo getCommentCount(); ?>)
<?php } ?>
<?php if ((function_exists('printCommentForm')) && (openedForComments()) ) { ?>
<?php printCommentForm(); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php include("footer.php"); ?>
It appears that it should be called properly. Could you do me a favor? Just a shot in the dark, try changing that first letter from € to E or something... I'm wondering if the special characters are what's causing the problem. If so I'll go from there.
Also, could you provide your server info? php version etc.
Server info as follows:
Platform Type:
MySQL Version:
Perl Version:
PHP Version:
send to micheall (at) michealmalone.com
Alright, just as I suspected it worked correctly here, so there's got to be something that your hosting provider is blocking with the server config. You can see your image page in action here on my devsite.
I'll take a look and see if I can find a work around for it, but my guess is that your host blocks outbound request via curl etc and that is stuffing the plugins up.
The way the plugins work is that the javascript is loaded, then when a call is made, it pings facebook for their content, which then generates a dynamic iframe. So something in that process is being blocked.
You should also contact your host and see if this is something that can be enabled.
I've transferred VPS and everything appears to be operational as planned with no interruption in service. However, as we all know, sometimes sneaky bugs happen when you attempt full site migrations. I changed from a shared hosting to a dedicated VPS, domain and everything stayed the same.
If you run into any errors on the site, please let me know!
i just downloaded your zenFBLike plugin. it worked right away. I have just a remark, looks like you add a "fb-root" div but you close it immediately. Would it not be more accurate to close it after all the FB scripts (i guess it was intended this way but i am certainly wrong)? Anyway, thanks for the plugin.
ps: sorry for the double post. i didn't pay attention to your last comment in the other thread.
and looks like the 'layout' option has been left on the side too.
also no matter if someone liked the page or not, i still get the 'Be the first of your friends to like this' message. how do you get the 'N people like this' message like on your zenFBLike page ? thanks for your help.
if ($layout == 1) {
$zenFBLike_html .= ' layout="button_count"';
if ($faces == 1) {
$zenFBLike_html .= ' show_faces="false"';
should be added in zenFBLike function right after the `$zenFBLike_html .= '<fb:like href="' . $url .'"';` line. but the plugin's author should definitively cross-check this because i am not a facebook expert.
Sorry for the late reply, real life has been hectic. Changing from a night job to a day-time government job... whew what a change. I'll take a look and get back to you right away.
* bugfix to zenFBLike html output to incorporate all options. It appears the initial save I had made with this was not uploaded properly. (Thanks to FrankM in the support thread for pointing out the oversight!)
* addition of the "Box Count" option for layout giving another layout style for the likebutton.
Info, download, demo HERE
After dusting off the old keyboard and taking a look at the changes to Zenphoto, I realized it was time to do some updates to the zenFBSuite of plugins.
Notable changes:
* Update to plug-in version numbering. Plug-in versions will now reflect the version of Zenphoto the plug-in was tested with.
* Change to meta key loading to migrate from old addpluginscript method to Zenphoto's new zp_register_filter 'theme_head' section.
* Better commenting of code.
*Requirement to register for a facebook app_id.
While I tried to avoid this last bullet, Facebook has made changes to their plug-in api that will require it in the future. I figured now is as good a time as any to require it instead of you losing functionality later down the road.
I have posted step-by-step instructions on how to create your app_id for use with the plug-ins.
For information, demos, and download of the suite of plugins, please visit this link.
Hi, I'm on Zenphoto 1.3.1 [5736] and the v1.3.1.2-6100 plugin suite; could this have any bearing on why the faces don't show? (plugin option is turned on). I will upgrade only if you say it matters.
Also I don't know how to get the Activity plugin to display custom inline thumbnails (it displays stock thumbnails for .mp4.php terminated links); how did you do it on your own site?
You can see the above behaviors here: