zenFB Suite - Social Plugins for your zenPhoto



  • Hi micheall!
    I would love to give your plugin a chance but unfortunately your server is down. Where can I get it?

    thanks a lot
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
  • Hello,
    I would like to install the zenFB Suite Plugins for my photo gallery but find that all of the links for it are dead :(
    I've tried different computers and different browsers and still no luck. Does anyone know of a different source for these plugins? Or have them to forward to me directly?

  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Maybe his is also a victim of the recent hacks.
    Anyway, he is a regular visitor of this forum so I think he will respond soon.
  • Its not just his gallery thats down, its the whole site.
  • Sorry all, it was indeed because of the recent exploits etc that caught my server, so my site was disabled quickly by my admin. Working to resolve it now.

    After reading more about the exploits that were happening I didn't feel comfortable re-enabling my site until I can make sure my entire file structure is clean. So I'll be offline probably through most of the weekend. I'll keep this thread updated when I bring it back online.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We are still sorry and my collegue is even working with the deevloper of the ajax file manager to make it secure currently.

    We do our best that this happens not again but again we can't check any 3rd party tool that deeply.
  • Oh no I don't blame anyone, just don't want to re-enable my site till I clean it which I'm beginning today. :) So hopefully should be back online today for those that were looking for the plugins.
  • Oh no I don't blame anyone, just don't want to re-enable my site till I clean it which I'm beginning today. :) So hopefully should be back online today for those that were looking for the plugins.
  • Alright, the site is back up and running and should be clean and clear. If anyone notices any missing/broken links please contact me and let me know. :)

    Edit: and now that it's up and running it appears all the zenFBSuite works fine with this latest version. I'll touchup the zenFBSuite code a bit later to make sure all available options are usable etc still.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, great.
  • Hi guys, sadly it appears Micheall's site is still down. I managed to download the plug-in's and get them installed while the site was up briefly last week. However, I failed to copy the code that is required to make the "Like" button appear. Would it be possible for someone to post that for me?

    Much appreciated, Ree.
  • Errr... my site's down still?

    http://inthemdl.net/ works for me. Try clearing your browser cache? Anyways, the information you're needing is:
    <?php if (function_exists('zenFBLike')) { zenFBLike(); } ?>
    It is also documented in the plugin file itself. I suppose I can put all the instructions in a text file too.

  • Oh, WOW! Sorry, I was clicking the link in the first post to get there before and it wasn't working. Sorry, I should have checked the files, too... I didn't even think to look there! I guess I am used to having some sort of ReadMe file.

    Thanks so much for the reply, Mike! I'm off to try to implement this code. :)
  • Just installed this plugin and it works great. Just a question though, when "liking" an image in the gallery it does not show up in the users facebook news feed only on their wall, whereas "sharing" a video eg on youtube appears on news feed (ie shown to all your friends)

    Could we have the "share" option on this plugin which will result in more exposure therefore more traffic to our galleries?
  • It actually should share the info/image to the newsfeed, at least it does in testing on my site. Give me a test, goto the site and click like on a random picture or two, you should see them on your newsfeed.

    I think what needs to happen is facebook has to scrape your site first. Which it does once every 24 hours (while adhering to your cache expiry), or when you force it to via the URL Debugger under tools (which can be found here).

    Also, as a note. Facebook is currently in court over their new design (a timeline instead of newsfeed), once they get clearance to use it, I'll have the add to timeline released. So, things will change again soon and I'll have to update to fix. (Already doing it against the beta release of timeline).

    Also note, that if you're sure you have everything working right and you're still getting links that aren't pretty showing up on facebook, it's because they're changing the opengraph tags and how the links work when being fed. So I'm working on updating that and should hopefully have that done by this weekend.
  • The plugins installed beautifully for me. It did take a little while for Facebook to scrape my site and to get "likes" to show in my news feed. I also had to work out a few kinks, but using the Linting page and the Debugger really helped me resolve those issues.

    Thanks for the great plugins, Mike, they are truly wonderful and have even more functionality than I had imagined!
  • I even tested the like demo at http://inthemdl.net/pages/zenfblike

    The like appears on my wall, but it is not showing in newsfeed.
    If I "share" any link from any external site, it appears in the news feed. Has facebook changed the way "likes" and "shares" are processed?
  • I was having that issue, panjabi, but entering my Facebook User Id into the "Full Name" box in the Admin panel Users: (Master) account seems to have remedied the problem.

    I also had to purge my html cache from the main overview screen.

    I figured this out by using Facebook's debug tool. When I debugged a url from one of the images, I got this error:

    Object Invalid Value: Object at URL 'http://www.fishworldfyi.com/gallery/All Fish/Algae Control/' of type 'article' is invalid because the given value '--my name was here--' for property 'article:author' could not be parsed as type 'profile'.

    Going to the Users: Master account and changing my name to my Facebook ID fixed it.
  • Yeah that's one of the changes to the opengraph tags they made. It didn't used to be that way. I'll try to overhaul the OG properties this weekend if time allows.

    Yeah they did change the way likes vs. shares work. Shares are actually depricated. The like feature "should" show up on your wall (in my tests with my gallery it does on mine). The problem however appears to be a hangup somewhere in the processing of the like. The same thing happened for me when the recently made changes to the news feed. My own personal likes via the zenFBSuite wouldn't show up on my newsfeed, however my test account and other facebook user accounts would show up properly. Try removing your app from your app settings, then reconnecting to it.
  • @micheall: Have your plugin add the following attributes to HTML tag?

    `xmlns:og="http://ogp.me/ns#" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"`
  • the problem is there's no easy hook to add those to the html tag, I have them on my theme and still had the issue with the author tag, that problem is from them changing the opengraph and how they're restricting it. When I added the author bit it was more of a hack than anything to provide it so I needed to revisit it later anyways.

    But yeah, when I retouch the plugins I'm going to add that to the instructions, I knew I was forgetting something.
  • micheall: the 'like' does show on my wall, but its not appearing on the news feed which is visible to all for some reason. The 'share' feature does both, which would mean the 'share' feature is a better option to attract more traffic to our galleries via facebook.

    I think the problem is as ReeRee described. Using the debug tool i get the following;

    Errors That Must Be Fixed:

    Object Invalid Value: Object at URL 'MY URL' of type 'article' is invalid because the given value 'Admin' for property 'article:author' could not be parsed as type 'profile'.
    Missing Required Property: The og:url property is required, but not present.
    Missing Required Property: The og:type property is required, but not present.
    Missing Required Property: The og:title property is required, but not present.

    Warnings That Should Be Fixed:
    Extraneous Property: Objects of this type do not allow properties named og:author.
  • So that sounds to me like it's having issues because you haven't filled in the options on the zenFBCommon portion. You need to do that as the zenFBCommon is partly what drives the OpenGraph metatags. The question I have is how those aren't being populated with default info because there should have defaults and those should be loading in your theme because the plugin makes a call to the theme_head hook. What version of Zenphoto you running?

    As far as the like vs share, Facebook itself deprecated the share function. It would make sense that you're not having info populating to your news feed though because your opengraph tags are messed up somehow.
  • The options within zenFBCommon have been filled in.
    I'm using the latest version of zephoto and the default theme.

    I wouldn't say the share function has been depreciated given that sites like YouTube are still using it as well as fb recently added the option to share status updates. 

    Also I've tested your demo site with 2 accounts, both fail to show the like on the news feed, only visible on profile. Surely it can't be just me having this issue, or are others not concerned about the like appearing in news feed? 
  • Perhaps I'm not being clear, Facebook has deprecated the share function, meaning it no longer supports it. It still functions, but there is no support for it, and it receives no further development.

    Perhaps a link to your site so I can look at it/test it?
  • I get this message now on images with no comments:

    `Warning: this comments plugin is operating in compatibility mode, but has no posts yet. Consider specifying an explicit 'href' as suggested in the comments plugin documentation to take advantage of all plugin features.`

    I noticed one fix that says you might lose previous comments if you fix it. Is there is anyway we can have our wine glass full and our wife drunk?

    See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8417170/how-to-migrate-comments-from-using-url-property-to-href

    Also, glad to see your site back up again finally!
  • `
    // Output Button XFBML
    if ($comments_open) {
    $zenFBComments_html = '';
    echo $zenFBComments_html;

    It looks correct to me the code. href is pointing to $URL and URL: doesn't exist. Sigh.

    Here is another site with a solution, but not sure how that applies here: http://www.iannpurugganan.com/2011/12/fix-specifying-explicit-href-facebook.html
  • @lkjs yeah I noticed that myself. I'm working to see if there's a way. Problem seems to be that Facebook is storing the old format comments separate from the new format, so if I update the plugin to the new format (to remove the warning), then the comments disappear. Still working on it.

    It also seems that with the eventual release of the timeline interface they're retouching the code on all the social plugin components. So inevitably we're going to have to succumb to some changes here. The joys of working with Facebook is the magic changes that get sprung on people.
  • Yea, so weird. Facebook reminds me a lot of American law. You need a lawyer, its expensive, it always changes, and there is no documentation that makes sense, only cryptic case analysis from time to time.

    I think it is great that they like to push things forward, but they don't seem to do it with a lot of notice or understanding of what is going on in the real world.

    Wait, it reminds me of the recent Final Cut Pro X too. :-)
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