zenFB Suite - Social Plugins for your zenPhoto



  • Hey radikal, I visited your site and the faces show when clicking the like button for me. I'll do a bit more digging on this though as when I went back to test it on my dev site I noticed that the option switch itself doesn't appear to make a difference for me, showing faces every time.

    As far as the thumnails, those are chosen by the OG:image meta key. Looking at your site I see that the meta-keys in general aren't loading. I believe it's because the theme_head option for the zp_register_filter wasn't introduced yet in the version of zenphoto to be sure.

    However, when the metakeys aren't present the Facebook api tries to generate the thumbnails, site name, article name etc from what it scrapes from the site. It's showing that default thumb because it's not finding an image suitable.

    Try upgrading to the latest nightly, and that will at least solve the meta-keys portion and get us moving a step in the right direction.
  • Alright, it appears that somehow I managed to update the headers on the old version of the file. I've updated this to the newest settings again and managed to (I hope) rid myself of any old development versions.

    Head over to here and that will fix your issue with the show-faces option. As well it fixes the issue with the layout options.

    Once you upgrade to the latest ZP we can take a look at the thumbnail part for your zenFBActivity/recommend boxes
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The theme_head filter is new and will appear with Zenphoto 1.3.2.
  • thanks Micheal, your turnaround is better than some paid support :)
    I've applied the fix (more like ran diff on the files and patched mine with the few new lines of code), unfortunately it makes no difference for me. If I'm not logged in to FB I don't see any faces, and when I'm logged in I see only mine.

    What's the normal behavior when one is logged in? show all faces who also Liked or only those of friends who also Liked? (I know this is not a question for you proper).
    If the latter, it may be because I have no "friends" amongst the other Likes.
    Still, you probably don't have any of them as friends either, so how come you saw the faces? there, I busted my own speculation.

    I will update to the latest nightly soon, hopefully that's the key to solving this.
  • You're correct, you will only see the faces of people that you have set as friends on Facebook. Initially it was wide open, but Facebook made changes almost immediately. So you'll see the faces of you and your friends, as well as the names, but for anyone that's not friends with you on facebook, they'll be thrown into the "others" category. It's something to do with Facebook restructuring their privacy stuff, happened right at the same time.
  • After some major technological glitches with my VPS hosting, coupled with some horrible timing on my part, I've restored my zenphoto site back to full proper working order. The download links for the most current versions of all the zenFBSuite of plug-ins should be functioning properly.

    This "unexpected downtime" of the site however allowed me to tweak the zenFBComments plug-in to allow hiding of the likebutton that is included at the top of the comment box.

    Please note, these plug-ins are only tested with the nightlies at this point in preparation for the release of 1.3.2.

    Information, download, & demos can be found here.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Thanks for the update. I have updated all links.
  • Hello again all!

    I'm wondering if those who are using the zenFBComments plug-in would find it useful to receive email notification when someone posts a comment using the plug-in.

    It there is a demand I will work at incorporating this functionality into the released version of the plug-in.
  • With the official release of Zenphoto 1.4.0 I've dusted off the old coding fingers and put the final touches on the updated zenFBSuite of plugins. Highlights of the changes include:

    * Added requirement of zenFBcommon plug-in to be enabled. Plug-in functionality will be disabled unless you enable the zenFBcommon plug-in.
    * zenFBSuite of plug-ins option interface updated to adhere to Zenphoto 1.4.0's new performance enhancements.
    * zenFBComments can be disabled for all Album/Image/Page/News pages via admin options.
    * zenFBComments now adheres to whether comments are enabled/disabled per article/page as designated via the admin interface by checking "Comments On".
    * Moved OpenGraph keys from zenFBSuite plug-ins to zenFBcommon.
    * Added option interface for specification of application ID & admin ID.
    * Plug-in now distributed as pack with other zenFBSuite plug-ins.

    Information, Demo, & Download available: here.

    Happy New Year!
  • Greets all!

    After a brief respite into non-internet capabilities I've returned. I dusted off the code and finished up a few more changes.


    * Code cleanup.
    * Removal of test code for email notification. Will re-add if I get it functioning.
    * More centralization of options and code into the zenFBcommon portion of the plugin.

    For more information, demo, and downloads: Here
  • lucky Member
    I love the theme and the plugin.
    I have upload the plugin but I cant find it under plugins:(
    I uploaded it to the plugin folder in the root.
    Can someone help me,please?
  • Check to be sure that you uploaded the PHP scripts. (If you uploaded ZIP files they will not be available to Zenphoto.)
  • Yes, as sbillard pointed out you need to uploade the php files and not the zip, also make sure they're in the root of the plugins folder and not under a folder. So under your filestructure you should have something like myhtmlfiles.com/plugins/:


    Also, there will be an update coming for the zenFBSuite soon, waiting on the Facebook dev team to release an update they're working on for the Comments plug-in for dark sites.
  • lucky Member
    Thanks a lot:)
    I had put it in a folder. When I uploaded it without a extra folder it shows.
  • zenFBSuite Updates!

    So I kicked the code and look what happened!


    Updated to utilize the "new" Facebook comments plug-in. I put new in quotes because it's been out for a while now, I just didn't want to make changes until they allowed for either CSS updates or a dark theme option. Eventually they did as well as a few other changes to the API.

    Also, as the zenFBComments style is now handled via a light/dark theme option provided by facebook, the "plugins/zenFBComments" folder with the various CSS files are no longer needed.


    A couple of quick changes here. Most notable would be the addition of the "Default Logo URL" option. If zenphoto is now on a gallery page showing an item with a thumbnail, it will populate og:image with the cached thumbnail. If it is not, it checks to see if anything is specified for the URL to default logo. If "default logo" is not null, it will then populate og:image tag with information pointing to default logo. If "default logo" is null/empty, it will not add og:image metatag.

    More info, demo, changelogs, and download: Here!
  • Quick update to the zenFBSuite.

    Update to zenFBcommon
    *Added handling of og:description tag to pull descriptions fro album/images/pages/news.
    *Added handling of og:author tag to pull information about owner of image/news/page. Currently does not support album owner, will incorporate in future release.
    *Fixed a bug with og:image tag where it would serve a broken thumbnail when sharing from a zenphoto installation that was not at root of URL (i.e. "http://mysite.com/zenphoto" instead of "http://mysite.com/")

    Info and download here.
  • Hi Micheall
    I just downloaded zenFBSuite-current.zip from your site, and don't see the CSS files you referred to in your post from 1 month ago.

    I am having several problems:
    1. It isn't working, I put the like function in my sidebar.php, it doesn't show up, I am guessing that one or more of the other following issues is causing this
    2. The plug-in options aren't working in Admin, I activated FBCommon, then Like and Comments, when I go to configure either (under Options->Plugins, neither Common or Like shows up, just Comments, and when I click Comments, no options show up (options show up for other activated plugins
    3. I am guessing that the UI for configuring the FBApp would appear if I could get to the plugin options for Common, can I configure manually in zenFBCommon.php?
    Here is a test page:

    I am running ZP [5831] with the ZenPhoto theme

    Thank you in advance for all the hard work on this plugin, I am learning a lot about FB integration from it :)

  • The reason it's not working is the version of zenphoto you're using. Please upgrade to the most recent release of zenphoto as the plugin will not work in the older releases anymore.
  • It's that time again! With Zenphoto 1.4.1 around the corner I figured I'd dive right in to testing against the 1.4.1-Beta. After adding compatibility for the upcoming release, I added another one of the Facebook social tools to the suite. A "Send" button, which functions similar to the like button. Instead of posting to your wall for everyone, it allows you to send a Facebook message to a person, people, or even a group.

    It says it can send to an email address as well, however that functionality has yet to be established properly.

    For information, demos, and downloads on the zenFBSuite and it's packaged plugins please visit here.
  • petew Member
    Nice work Michaell on this. Although I do have an issue with the Comments plugin which I can't seem to get to show.

    I've successfully got the fbLike button to work by putting the code in the codeblock on a news page for instance. However, when I put the suggested code in for fbComments, it just doesn't show the comments plugin!
    I have it enabled in Plugins and all the boxes ticked in Plugin Options...
    Going to try another one just to be sure.

    Using zenFBcommon v1.4.1-Beta [7271] and associated plugins on a Zenphoto version [7122] site

    thanks in advance
  • Hmmm... I don't think there is any reason why it wouldn't display in a codeblock. Though I never tested it there. Are there any errors in your log? I'll see if I can get my hands on the version you're using (or close enough) and setup a test install.
  • Alright I grabbed [7130] and did an install. Enabled the plug-ins, added the code to the codeblock. Displays fine here, as can be viewed: http://inthemdl.net/test/pages/test-page

    Have you turned the comments on for the page you're attempting to use the comment box on? It does use the hook for Comment control on image/news/page/albums. So if you haven't turned that on check for that on the item. Should be a checkbox that says "Comments On"
  • zed Member
    thanks for this plugin, after all I'm on Facebook and I think I can give a new life to my pictures gallery that is proudly supported by Zenphoto ! Yes because everybody is on facebook ! (fortunately that's not true).

    I'm not 100% sure it's working good (I still have a warning that says the pictures (URL) is unreachable...

    Also I suppose I need to modified your php file (the script) to change the font size, it's too small for me, or is that a facebook option....

    thank you so much
    Gallery at <link removed by moderator>
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please again, no double posts. I have removed the link as it was not needed in context...
  • @zed, the URL unreachable error is because it takes some time for the facebook scraper to check your site. if you've setup your settings in your facebook application properly it should work fine after a bit of time.

    The font bit is set via facebook, and while they allow you to specify what style of font from a list of their options, unfortunately you cannot set font size.

    You could test out some css styling to see if it'll affect it, but as all the facebook plugins load via iframe now I don't think it will. Worth a shot to test though.
  • Hi micheall!

    I tried you FB "Like" function on my fotos and followed the steps creating ID and finding my name on FB.

    Whenever I now try to "like" some of my pics, the small comment space comes up and closes without a cause, displaying an "Error" behind this "Be the first to like" and FB icon. If I click on "Error" I'm redirected to FB Error Page, saying that the APP-ID is not allowed for this domain and I have to configure the Connect Base Domains so that it is an prefix of my domain http://mydomain.com/.../pic.jpg.php. But the Connect Base Domains are "mydomain.com".

    Basicly APP-ID does not match domain. Funnyhow the "like" with the pic appears in my FB profile. After reloading my pic page it says: "XYZ likes this." So it worked. So why that error?

    The Comment function does not work at all.

    How's that?
  • The comment function works now, but with warnings that the image is unreachable ...

    Update: Fixed this by adding "Allow people to log in on my website" service in the FB app dev page.
  • After this I all works. Please note this in you installation guide. Thanks for this great plugin!!

    Update: Hm, every image with a new comment is commited with warning that the image is unreachable.

    Best regards,
  • @Fotoman

    Thanks for the note, yes you'll have to create the new APP-ID like you did etc and make sure it's properly input into your options. The bit about image being unreachable happens because likely when you first installed the plugins and attempted to use it, Facebook crawled the site and got the error. The problem is that Facebook doesn't crawl the sites constantly, in fact last I read there wasn't any definite timeframe that it used to crawl and index the site.

    You can force Facebook to scrape the site by looking for the URL Linter and have it run on the URL but that would be troublesome if you have a lot of images. Eventually though, the error will clear up as Facebook re-caches the site properly. Wish there was an easier way to fix that, sorry.

    I've been kind of afk to real life, I'll be touching on the programs and my zenphoto again shortly to make sure everything functions with the most up-to-date release.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    @micheall: Thanks for the note. Good to hear!
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