This theme is for the upcoming release of 1.2.9, I have only been testing it with the nightly build, so
I do not think it will work correctly with the current release.I have been tinkering with this ever since I came across Galleriffic - what a great script! Pair it up with ZenPhoto and it is pretty sweet. I hope you all like it -
Let me know of any issues here and I will try to fix for the 1.2.9 release.
The Effervescence+ theme has a rectangular "lock" image that might work for yor password protected items. Might not be so badly distorted.
Just copy `err-passwordprotected.gif` from that theme into the images folder in your theme to try it out.
One note: It would maybe be better not to preload all big images in the background.
Acrylian, how many images would you suggest to pre-load? Right know it pre-loads all thumbs in the current view. When you click next page, it then pre-loads all of those. Is the demo sluggish for you? This is a setting is the js file, maybe I can make it a user setting...
Galleriffic (nice script, I didn't know that- would make a nice plugin...:-))) does not only preload all thumbs but also all big images.
I know of course that these kind of JS things need that. No big issue just nice to have as less is still more...:-)
(Btw. you might be interessted that I am working on a jCarousel plugin sideways).
The jCarousel plugin will maybe become an official one, we haven't decided yet.
EDIT: Theme entries corrected.
what is the likely date for the release 1.2.9 ?
i've installed this wonderfull theme on zenphoto 1.2.8 but it doesn't completely working (the album's page is allways empty)
thx a lot!
I need your support in two things:
1- How can I enable the alt album view (without pagination) as in the screenshots of your theme?
2- For some reason, no image links are embedded in the image page when I select the colorbox! the photo doesnt open correctly in all other ways. I tried the colorbox in the (about me) page and it seems working fine. This is not the case in the image page. Any suggestions?
- by the way, I tested the colorbox using the default zenpage theme and it worked fine.
Here is the link to an image page:
2 - Did you modify the image.php page? Your link to the image should be going to the full size original image. If you modified, try replacing it with the original again...
1 - worked!
2- I didnt modify the image.php page. Full size image is displayed in any other theme I test. Source code for the image page in the link above you will notice there is no link referenced:
Here is the code piece from image.php included in the theme:
<?php if ((getOption(final_link))=='colorbox') { ?>" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>"><?php printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle()); ?><?php } ?>
<?php if ((getOption(final_link))=='nolink') { printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle()); } ?>
<?php if ((getOption(final_link))=='standard') { ?>" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>"><?php printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle()); ?><?php } ?>
<?php if ((getOption(final_link))=='standard-new') { ?>" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle();?>"><?php printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle()); ?><?php } ?>
Thanks for your support
here is a list of what happens with each option in zpGalleriffic .
1- Colorbox: only shows the spinning line, no full size image is loaded.
2- Standard Zenphoto: just reloads the page.
3- Standard Zenphoto - New Page: opens a new page but loads the image.php page and not the full size image.
One problem I am encountering is from the news page (news.php)
At the bottom of the page the news navigation is broken.
Here is the code that came with news.php
<div id="pagination" class="clearfix">
<?php printNewsPageListWithNav( gettext('Next ›'),gettext('‹ Previous'),true,'clearfix' ); ?>
How and where can I fix this broken pagination.
My screen resolution is 1440 X 900 and I'm using the current Firefox.
Thanks for any and all help.
Also, css/default-orange.css does not exist
Modifying above 500px you will probably have to modify the rest of the theme's css as well.
default-orange.css does not exist, this is not a mistake, the default orange styles are in screen.css. When another color is chosen, those style override the screen.css.
some bug reports
1- with IE (6 and 8), the naviguation bar bar is not right but it is shifted and the display of thumbnail is not smooth : there are some empty spaces in the display
2-on the album page if comments are allowed, there is no display of the comment box
2. I cannot reproduce. Comments work fine for me in all major current browsers on album page when albums are open for comment.
they were taken with IE8 : it's not obsolete ;-)
if you can fix the problem it would be wonderfull
tanks a lot for your theme !!
the zpGalleriffic theme is the most nice theme i ever saw for ZP, I use it on my gallery anyway, there are some "bugs". For example there are several ocurences of non-respect of the exact msgid for languages... and, also, the slideshow cant show buttons in choosed language, because the texts are shown direct withouth calling gettext ...
anyway, great stuf zpGalleriffic
Thanks again for designing this excellent theme.
no idea. Please point me in the right direction.
the slideshow cant show buttons in choosed language, because the texts are shown direct withouth calling gettext ...
Yes, this is unfortunate because the text strings for these are pulled the the galleriffic scripts options. I will plan a work around if I need to release another version.
and, comments are not working on album page in Opera 10
Try in the demo with Opera....still doesn't work? Are comments enabled for albums or that specific album?