New Theme for 1.2.9 - zpGalleriffic



  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    thank you
    this is not always easy to find in function documentation
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The trick on the documentation is actually to use the "all elements" page and do a simple browser page search. We try to name all functions as "speaking" as possible.
  • gjr Member
    I have gotten a "non-object" php fatal error when using the openedForComments function, that is why I suggested using getCommentsAllowed() a few posts back.
  • Wonderful theme, I am so pleased with the professional way it's looking.

    Couple of bugs that do need to be verified. I've tested this on Firefox and Opera (both latest versions).

    Not in any kind of priority ....

    1/ The comments and tags entry in the thumb page does not allow the use of the "space" key. It drops it totally. Easy work around is too use notepad and copy / paste.

    2/ If you delete a photograph in the back-end it will still appear in it's position on the thumb page but as a red-cross in both the thumbnail and the image display. I tried refreshing the browser countless times but was never able to find a way to clear the red cross.

    3/ Not getting all of the meta-data (artist and latitude / longitude) displayed and the copyright seems to be truncated, all I have is the word "Copyright", the very next character is the copyright symbol. (I set these using MS Photo Tools.) (Does extract description, tags all OK)

    4/ If you have download option on, after it has generated the page and you do a RMB - Save As the file is saved with a .php extension.

    One question. How do we know as users if a theme has been updated by it's developer?

    Over and out .......
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Your questions seem to be not theme specific.

    1/ Please specify what is not working and try a standard theme.
    2/ Have you the static html cache enabled? Then clear that cache, also a database refresh on the admin overview helps these things.
    3/ See the other thread
    Some cameras or tools do sometimes non standard things.

    4/If you refer to the full image download you just have to left click as the download is passed through a scrip (to prevent direct linking).

    To see if a theme has been update you have to visit the developer's page for it. Or monitor the forum as some post notes about updates here.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    There is a bug on file search.php

    if galleriffic is not active, search.php file use album_alt.php file.
    In this case, the variable $c is not evaluated.

    whatever the results, the message "Sorry, no image matches. Try refining your search." is always displayed.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    some minor bug to fix :

    to have a good traduction :
    - 404.php
    replace 'The page you are requesting cannot be found.' by 'The Zenphoto object you are requesting cannot be found.'

    - Password.php
    replace "Password Required..." by "Password required"
    repalce "A password is required for the page you requested." by "A password is required for the page you requested"

    - News.php
    replace <?php printNewsIndexURL("News"," | "); ?> by <?php printNewsIndexURL(gettext("News")," | "); ?>

    Display bug with IE in News.php

    <?php printNewsExtraContent(); ?>



    <?php if (getNewsExtraContent()) { ?>

    <?php printNewsExtraContent(); ?>

    <?php } ?>

  • gjr Member
    replace repalce with replace. Sorry couldn't resist...:)
    Thanks for pointing these out -
  • gjr Member
    New bugs found:

    keyboard navigation on the gallery/search page is preventing the space bar from being used in comments and tag edit.

    quick fix: disable spacebar nav in jquery.galleriffic.js (comment out or delete):


    // case 32: // space


    // e.preventDefault();

    // break;


    Also I have found there are issues when comments allowed for albums, if comments are made, their permalinks "interfere" with the js "links" when viewing the album images. This has to do with the history plugin in galleriffic interfering with the comments plugin. So, not sure how to get both to play well together in this situation. Easy for the individual - edit the comment plugin; for the community - don't use comments on albums or disable the history plugin in this theme.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    "replace repalce with replace. Sorry couldn't resist...:)"
    => very funny ;-)

    for the problem with comments, it is both with galleriffic enabled or not on albums ?
    in my case i don't want to use it...
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    another major problem of traduction :

    in header.php, replace
    `<?php if (getOption('zenpage_homepage') == 'none') { ?>`


    `<?php if (getOption('zenpage_homepage') == gettext('none')) { ?>`

    prevent to have a 'ghost' menu item if you have saved your options in another language that english
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    i have changed few code to solve the problem of displaying comments

    in album.php and image.php, i have replaced

    <?php if ((function_exists('printCommentForm')) && (openedForComments()) ) { ?>

    <?php echo gettext('Comments'); ?> (<?php echo getCommentCount(); ?>)

    <?php } ?>

    <?php if ((function_exists('printCommentForm')) && (openedForComments()) ) { ?>

    <?php printCommentForm(); ?>

    <?php } ?>




    <?php if (function_exists('printCommentForm')) { ?>

    <?php if ( getCommentsAllowed() || ( !getCommentsAllowed() && (getCommentCount() > 0 ) ) ) { ?>

    <?php echo gettext('Comments'); ?> (<?php echo getCommentCount(); ?>)

    <?php printCommentForm(); ?>

    <?php } ?>

    <?php } ?>


    and in news.php and pages.php, i have replaced

    <?php if ((function_exists('printCommentForm')) && (zenpageOpenedForComments()) ) { ?>

    <?php echo gettext('Comments'); ?> (<?php echo getCommentCount(); ?>)

    <?php } ?>

    <?php if ((function_exists('printCommentForm')) && (zenpageOpenedForComments()) ) { ?>

    <?php printCommentForm(); ?>

    <?php } ?>




    <?php if (function_exists('printCommentForm')) { ?>

    <?php if ( zenpageOpenedForComments() || ( !zenpageOpenedForComments() && (getCommentCount() > 0 ) ) ) { ?>

    <?php echo gettext('Comments'); ?> (<?php echo getCommentCount(); ?>)

    <?php printCommentForm(); ?>

    <?php } ?>

    <?php } ?>


    with those hacks, comments are displayed correctly :
    if comments are not allowed and there are comments existing, comments are displayed without comment box.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    i've found the solution for the problem of vertical shifting of the naviguation bar.

    in screen.css, line 70, replace

    `div#pagination ul{border:0; margin:10px 0; padding:0;list-style:none;}

    div#pagination ul li{border:0;margin:0;padding:0;list-style:none;display:block;margin-right:2px;}

    div#pagination ul a,div#pagination ul li.current span{border:solid 1px #F09018;margin-right:2px;


    div#pagination ul .disabledlink{border:solid 1px #4A4A4A;display:block;float:left;font-weight:normal;margin-right:2px;padding:3px 4px;


    div#pagination ul li.current a,div#pagination ul li.current span{background:#F09018;color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:bold;display:block;float:left;padding:3px 6px;}

    div#pagination ul a:link,div#pagination ul a:visited{color:#F09018;display:block;float:left;padding:3px 6px;text-decoration:none;}

    div#pagination ul a:hover{color:#fff;}


    `div#pagination ul{border:0; margin:10px 0; padding:0;list-style:none;}

    div#pagination ul li{border:0;margin:0;padding:0;list-style:none;display:block;margin-right:2px;float:left;}

    div#pagination ul a,div#pagination ul li.current span{border:solid 1px #F09018;margin-right:2px;


    div#pagination ul .disabledlink{border:solid 1px #4A4A4A;display:block;font-weight:normal;margin-right:2px;padding:3px 4px;


    div#pagination ul li.current a,div#pagination ul li.current span{background:#F09018;color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:bold;display:block;padding:3px 6px;}

    div#pagination ul a:link,div#pagination ul a:visited{color:#F09018;display:block;padding:3px 6px;text-decoration:none;}

    div#pagination ul a:hover{color:#fff;}

  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    is there a bug on news.php ?

    whatever sort order (date ou title) and sort direction (asc ou desc) in the news loop :
    <?php while (next_news("date","desc")): ;?>

    the display still the same
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, see my response on the other thread.
  • minch Member
    Hi, fantastic theme, but I fixed some problems with the links provided by the RSS functions as they were broken. Is there somewhere to contribute to this theme?
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    could you post here the solutions you have found ?
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    @acylian (about bug on news.php)

    sorry, but I'm not agree with you
    I've made some tests with zenpage and zpgalleriffic.

    I wrote

    while (next_news("date","asc")): ;?>

    on line 57 of zenpage
    => it's ok, my news are well displayed in ascending order

    I wrote the same code on line 60 of zpgalleriffic
    => it's not ok, my news are still displayed with descending order

    follow the link to see the result with zpgalleriffic.
  • Somewhat strange observation. But the rational analysis would be that there is something in your theme that is causing the difference since it works in a "standard" theme and does not in a custom one.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, I agree to sbillard. I don't of course not know about what custom stuff this theme does. It is a quite advanced one that might do things differently. Probably its developer will be of help here.
  • afarkas Member
    Hi, im back again with a question...
    In my gallery, inalbum view, for example like here: ( the default behavior of the mouse-click on thumbnail on the right leads to show the next image...
    I would like rather that it leads to show the full image (i use the "colorbox" way) like it is done when the thumb is clicked in image details page...

    In this discussion i find a post where user "sceilig" mentioned the line in jquery.galleriffic.js which is responsible for this behavior...

    The line is:
    [code] .append('<span class="image-wrapper current"> </span>')[/code]

    Can anyone, please give me a advice how to change this behavior so that the mouse-clik will leads to showing the full-sized image in colorbox?

    Thank You
  • afarkas Member
    OOOps, i made a mistake... well, the line responsible in jquery.gallerific.js is:

    `.append(' ')`
  • sceilig Member
    Actually in looking at the original galleriffic plugin, there is documentation to change the default behaviour when you click on the large image by changing the onTransitionIn callback in zpgalleriffic.js.

    From this page
    To use facebox/lightbox in the caption, you will need to call the facebox/lightbox function each time an image/caption is loaded. You can do this in the galleriffic onTransitionIn callback like such:
    onTransitionIn: function() {
    $('#slideshow, #caption').fadeIn('fast', function() {
    $('#caption a.lightbox').lightBox();
    However, I tried implementing this in the zpGalleriffic theme but ended up with a blank large image - no javascript errors? I also tried it with the slimbox jquery plugin but with the same blank image?
  • sceilig Member
    I also wanted to place the caption container div above the Image/Slideshow div in album.php so the caption would always display above the image. However, by default the image would be positioned on top of part of the caption text(title and description).

    I did get the caption container div to display completely above the image/slideshow div (no matter how much of a caption description was used), and also got the Image itself to be aligned to the top so horizontal and vertical images were always directly under the caption. Only problem is that when a new image loads, the caption and image load in the middle of the righthand container(#content) and then automatically jump so that they are aligned to the top of that container. Im not sure what causes that or how to fix it?
  • afarkas Member
    To sceilig:

    Im not sure - was this a reply for me? thank You
  • afarkas Member
    sceiling, I think this clicking stuff will be defined in query.gallerific.js in "gallery.clickHandler" functions ... but i have no idea of js ...
  • My albums work just fine in all the standard themes but I downloaded zpGalleriffic and uploaded it and got it to be the theme but when I click on any of the albums I get this error:

    Fatal error: Call to a member function getFolder() on a non-object in /hermes/bosweb/web044/b446/ipg.charlesly/portfolio/zp-core/template-functions.php on line 3413

    Anyone know what's going on and how to fix it? I'm brand new to Zenphoto and not a web expert. Thanks.
  • gjr - is there a minor bug in the footer.php? For the copyright, it currently says:

    © <?php echo getBareGalleryTitle(); ?>, <?php echo gettext('all rights reserved'); ?> <?php if (function_exists('printContactForm')) { ?> | <?php printCustomPageURL(gettext("Contact Us"),"contact"); } ?>

    Should `getBareGalleryTitle()`
    be `getOption('tagline')` instead?
  • I'm using this theme and I realise that in album view page, when image are in vertical position, bottom of images pass over the "Slideshow" and "Previous/Next" button.
    You can see a capture from this here :
  • grapan Member
    same problem with overlapping over "Slideshow" and "Previous/Next" button for me.
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