New Theme for 1.2.9 - zpGalleriffic



  • First, thank you very much for this theme!

    Next, there is a couple of problems:
    1. Does not work with static html cache plugin - do you have any idea for a fix for this please?
    2. (minor) Some files referensed in the screen.css are missing in the distribution (images/previous.png, images/next.png, images/pause.png, images/play.png).

    Thnx a lot!
  • Great theme, thanks. Will be interested to know the answer above "Does not work with static html cache plugin.
  • nice theme, but one problem:

    if i want to download a picture, i press download button, in the next window (full screen of the picture) right button, i dont see picture name and the jpg-extension. your theme shows: "full-image.php" for every picture :(

    how can i change this?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There are different settings to eitehr access full images directly, as a download (started by a script automatically) or protected. Then it opens in an full-image.php page.

    @abbiekye: Well, I don't know much about this theme but since the cache caches the pages statically the js stuff might not work as expected.
  • This theme is beautiful. I would like to know though, does it work with the latest version, 1.3.1?
  • Its an awesome theme :) but please can you put google mapping option in that theme so that it looks extravegant
  • I am trying to use this theme for 1.3.1 [5736] and largely it works great.

    When used with the news plugin though I get the following when you go to the news page itself:

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for checkforPassword(), called in [redacted].../themes/zpgalleriffic/news.php on line 25 and defined in [redacted].../zp-core/template-functions.php on line 4372

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for checkforPassword(), called in [redacted].../themes/zpgalleriffic/news.php on line 25 and defined in [redacted].../zp-core/template-functions.php on line 4372

    Anyone give me a clue as to what I should edit this with? I had a quick search for that function but none of the documents that mention it that I found suggest it has any arguments.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    checkForPassword is not needed anymore for quite some time. Delete it from the theme files. And I think there was an update to this theme. Please visit the theme's site.
  • I only downloaded the theme from their site today.

    I will remove the reference to the function. Thanks for the help.
  • I removed the reference from the news.php page and that seems to have sorted it out.
  • It would be amazing if a 1.3.X version of this theme could be released - its an incredible theme but 4 pages of issues is too daunting for me at the moment. Keep up the amazing work!
  • Hi,

    I've been working with ZenPhoto and zpGalleriffic for a while testing it with my pic and I'm thrilled of the result!

    However, the localisation doesn't seems to work however I may try to set it up (http accept language or forced to French), while this works fine with other themes (reacting correctly with my browser setup).

    Anyone experienced this or may have a clue to where I should search?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The Zenphoto translation uses php gettext (see the translation tutorial if you want to know more about how that works) and the Zenphoto translation includes only the standard themes. So you will have either to generate a new translation that includes this file or wait until 1.3.2 is out which will have a new (actually finaly reworked to work) feature for separate theme (and plugin) translations.
  • Here's what I found, though it might not be complete (no expert talk here!).

    zpgalleriffic is using gettext (e.g. in album.php line 44 , `title="<?php echo gettext('View album:'); ?> `).

    This text is included in the fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/zenphoto.po, line 100... (French translation is ok with version 1.3.1 according to trac).

    As the localization files are the same for every themes, I conclude that it's the responsability of the theme to use gettext rather that hard code the text and also to use the correct arguments to this function... which looks like ok to me.

    Can you point me what I didn't catch? (or anyone can try to setup their browser to use French fr_FR and test it to see if the problem is related to my site?)

    Thanks for your time!

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    getext is dependend mainly on lines where the strings are found. Sometimes it is clever and also translates strings in other lines if it has the same string. But sometimes it does not for reasons unknown. Also even small differences like a trailing or ending space make it another string.

    The zpGallerific theme is a third party theme (that does a few things differently than the official ones) and is therefore not covered by the Zenphoto translation. As said parts may work still, others may not.

    To fully localize a third party theme you need a separate translation for that theme. This feature is already there but is currently broken and will be part of Zenphoto 1.3.2. How that will work can be previewed on the translation tutorial and the current development versions.
  • hello,
    There are several strings in slideshow on the album page (play-stop-next etc), which can not be translated using gettext function, because they are inside zpgalleriffic.js I build international gallery and want them to be also in different languages^(
    Searching net gave several suggestions, howto "introduce" gettext in javascript, but they are all too complicated for me. Here is the links:

    Maybe somebody already done this work, please share!
  • Since Zenphoto uses gettext() for its PHP strings, the most convenient means of making this change is to include a "globals" definition script. It would be a PHP script with in-line javascript which sets vars up to the appropriate gettext'ed strings. e.g.
    `<script type="text/javascript">
    var msg_xxx = <?php echo gettext('english text'); ?>
    Then the javascript uses these messages in lieu of in-line text.
  • I hope this is the right place for my comment or it is actually a question. I am a newbie to both php and zenphoto and zpGallerific. I have translated most of the frontend to Danish by now, and everything is working fine by now except for one thing... I keep getting a Javascript Error and that bugs me a lot when everything else works fine...

    Detaljer om fejl på websiden

    Brugeragent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET4.0C)
    Tidsstempling: Sun, 5 Dec 2010 21:50:35 UTC

    Meddelelse: 'index' er null eller ikke et objekt
    Translates to 'index' is null or not an object.
    Linje: 505
    Tegn: 5
    Kode: 0

    It only happens in albums with subalbums and not in albums with only images.

    Link: with error
    Link: without error.

    I have serched, looked, checked and do not seem to be able to find the solution for that error anywhere :o(
  • I apologize if this isn't the place for it, but I've been searching and hacking at zpGalleriffic for a while and I'm kinda stumped, so I have some questions.

    I've set up ZenPhoto with zpGalleriffic on Apache 2 for Linux. The incomplete site is here: .

    1. album.php and image.php are little redundant for me, and I'd like to put everything on album.php. I'm trying to move the description, comments, and ratings from image.php to the image preview on album.php (ideally to appear under the image, to the right of the thumbnails). I have a feeling this is something fundamental about ZenPhoto, so maybe someone just needs to tell me it isn't possible. Otherwise, any tips would be much appreciated.

    2. If that's not possible, my backup plan is to change the function of clicking on an image preview from album.php. Right now the action is to move to the next image in the album. How could I change that to instead go to the image details on image.php?

    3. zpGalleriffic automatically creates 267x100 thumbnails for each gallery. Am I right to assume the only way to customize those is to replace them with thumbnails I've created manually? And even if I do, will zpGalleriffic just clobber them with automated thumbnails again when I make another site update?

    Thanks in advance for any help.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    For all you wish to do you will have to modify that theme. I suggest to read the theming tutorial to learn the basics of how Zenphoto themes work first.
  • Cool, I'll start looking through there. Thanks for the response.
  • 3. zpGalleriffic automatically creates 267x100 thumbnails for each gallery. Am I right to assume the only way to customize those is to replace them with thumbnails I've created manually?..
    open themes/zpgalleriffic/gallery.php and find `printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getBareAlbumTitle(),NULL,267,100,267,100);` change all the numbers to what you need


    `numThumbs: 18,

    preloadAhead: 18,`
    amount of thumbnails on album page
  • Love the theme! I just have one problem with it, with the dynamic gallery, when you click on the image, it moves to the next image when it would make more sense to either view full image or jump to the main gallery page.

    Also that the spacebar moves forward which ruins ajax editing (not too big a deal)

    If anyone out there knows how to change this (i'm guessing it would be in one of the javascript files) I'd greatly appreciate it, because these problems are the only thing standing in the way of making this a truly awesome theme =]
  • to get rid of the spacebar function (i.e. moving to the next image) you need to edit the galleriffic javascript file and go to the end where the keyboard navigation is defined and comment the lines corresponding to the case 32 (spacebar key code).
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