New Theme for 1.2.9 - zpGalleriffic



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    For example there are several ocurences of non-respect of the exact msgid for languages
    Well, theme specific gettext calls are of course not covered by the overall Zenphoto translation files. Gettext is dependend on the lines the .mo translation file stores to translate. Some general ones sometimes do work but not all. So you will have to parse Zenphoto with the third party theme (or plugin) in question to add its specific gettext strings (see the translation tutorial).

    We have a quite buggy separate theme/plugin translation function (see both the theming, plugin and translating tutorial). We still need to solve that...
  • gjr, im sorry, i dont remember exactly, i added a lot of msgids and translated strings, but in general i can say, i found many msgids that was in general .mo file but in your theme different, i give an example, maybe not right one - in original .mo file there can be a msgid "Next photo" in Your theme it is "Next Photo" or sometimes just a space more like in stand of "details" you got " details" !!!but as i say, this is just an example, not sure thet exact in this cases!!!

    and i want to say also, that i removed from gallery.php a div closing tag, which i found it was there by mistake (i saw thet block separating lines changes in gallery and other views, i sended the code to w3c validation and the machine found a closing div tag more...)

    the closing div tag i removed is here:

    gallery.php, line 13 -

    (<?php include ("header.php"); ?>

    <table id="navbar" class="clr">
    <td width="100%">
    <div id="navbar-center">
    <?php echo gettext('Gallery Stats: ').$_zp_gallery->getNumImages().gettext(' Images in ').$_zp_gallery->getNumAlbums().gettext(' Albums'); ?>
    <!--- </div> -->

    <div id="album-wrap" class="clearfix">

      <?php $x=1; while (next_album()): $lastcol=""; )

      anyway, thank You very much for that theme, it is just the best i ever saw -

      and if You wish to hear about what users like to have in the theme - for example me, i would like to have a like "Home" page, which is actually in the theme options, but also have the possibility to not have it as a starting page... just a "about" or "wellcome" page, but that the visitor is not forced to get there as on index...

      thanks once more,
  • and one more idea... it should be nice if there is a possibility to add custom links in header without touching the code, maybe even set in theme options their target, order and choose between external link or a zendpage page, to have the possibility to set one of them as index, or none of them... well isnt it a too big challenge? :)
  • gjr Member
    i added a lot of msgids and translated strings, but in general i can say, i found many msgids that was in general .mo file but in your theme different

    OK - I guess I really didn't pay much attention to that since it is unrealistic to think a new theme would be tied to the same strings as the included themes - but point well taken.

    and i want to say also, that i removed from gallery.php a div closing tag, which i found it was there by mistake

    Thanks - will look into that...

    i would like to have a like "Home" page, which is actually in the theme options, but also have the possibility to not have it as a starting page... just a "about" or "wellcome" page, but that the visitor is not forced to get there as on index...

    This is what ZenPage DOES... Add a new "about" or "welcome" PAGE in ZenPage and that link will be in the top menu.

    it should be nice if there is a possibility to add custom links in header without touching the code, maybe even set in theme options their target, order and choose between external link or a zendpage page, to have the possibility to set one of them as index, or none of them... well isnt it a too big challenge? :)

    Yes, too big a challenge for a theme IMHO. I believe acrylian has something like this on his, I'm sure, long list of todos... :)

    Thanks for your feedback - much appreciated!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, too big a challenge for a theme IMHO. I believe acrylian has something like this on his, I'm sure, long list of todos... :)
    Indeed and maybe ready for 1.3...:-)
  • gjr: in demo on opera it works fine... on my site no... comments are alowed ...
    check out if You want to: (only registered users can comment)

    acrylian: Thank You much :)
  • i saw the track ticket... i dont really know how to submit requests, but i have an idea for tag management...

    it should be nice if there is an intelligent tag management mechanism, which adds all tags of all images into their album tags and parent album tags too and removes dupolicates...

    i have imported about 600 photos from my previous G2 installation into ZP and im strugling with tags now :)

    (i know, this is not for this topic)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What you want is surely doable as a plugin somehow (it's all code afterall) but it's a really specific personal request. But nevertheless feel free to open a ticket but as said no guarantee.

    But note requests are more considered "wishes" or "suggestions" as there is no guarantee if or when we (only speaking for us devs, if someone else wants to do it right on) will do it. You will surely understand that.
  • (But note requests are more considered "wishes" or "suggestions") - yes, man i understand it absolutely, in fact i meant it more like an idea for You, what can interes users, what users miss or find help/use-full ... i never hoped to get a code on request or something similar, i did not wrote that for my profit ... i mean, i wrote it for you - my little drop into the ocean of ideas...

    thank You
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, I did not want to imply you did not understand. You are fairly new here so I just wanted to tell how request need to be understood. We welcome of course all ideas or suggestions! So feel free to open a ticket about!
  • everything is fine and i just thank You again :)
  • gjr, i try to midify Your theme to show tags on places where they are not shown by default. The only place where tags are shown is in image.php - under the detailed view of image.

    I try to add code to show the image tags in non-detailed view of image, in album.php ...

    I added a code to show image tags just after the code which shows nondetailed image (i think it is the only place i can put it), the code looks like this now:

    (<?php if (getOption('download_link')) { ?>" title="<?php echo gettext('Download: '); ?> <?php echo getImageTitle(); ?>"><?php echo gettext('Download ').$downLoadText; ?><?php } ?>

    <div class="image-title"><?php printImageTitle(false); ?></div>

    <div class="headline-tags"><?php echo gettext('TAGS: '); ?><?php printTags( 'links','','hor-list',', ',true,'',true ); ?></div><!--- -->


    But the tags are shown above the image, not under, and, if image is "portrait layout" the tags are hidden by image... You can check out the example here:
    I want to ask You as the creator of this code - is there something i ommited that im not able to show this tags just under the image?
    Or, is there an other way to do it?

    Thank You
  • Wonderful theme and thanks for taking the time to create it.

    I was wondering if it is possible that when you click on a large image in the slideshow, it actually opens the full image page, rather than going to the next image i.e. emulate the 'image details' link?

    The code in jquery.galleriffic.js that controls the link is this:


    There doesnt appear to be a function in that js file to generate the full image link that I could use instead of advancing to the next image.

    The function in album.php that links to the full image is getImageLinkURL().

    Im not sure
    Because the code that drives
  • Oops, here is the code that is blank in my post above
    ` `
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    you're registration's link doesn't work on your site : error 404
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    i've reported few bugs
    1- with IE, the naviguation bar is vertically shifted
    see screenshot :

    2-on the album page, if comments on album are allowed, there is no display of the comment box :
    see the screenshot of admin pages and album (alt) pages :

    gir, can you fix the 2 problems ?
  • gjr Member
    @vincent3569 - You need to provide a link for further help on the comments issue. I will look into IE display issues.

    @sceilig - Good idea, I will look into it for next release.
  • I noticed that Trent's original galleriffic implementation allows you to customize the url that is displayed when you click on a thumbnail in an album.
    I would prefer to have it display in the browser as photo-album/#caption-for-the-image instead of just photo-album/#2

    Here is how to do that:
    In album.php, one would replace
    `" href="...`

    I also do a str_replace() on the Image caption to replace all spaces with underscores so the urls display nice in IE and then on line 36 of jquery.galleriffic.js replace the underscores with spaces in the hash and do an unescape() to make sure any other characters are decoded from the url. This of course assumes that one doesnt have an underscore in the Image caption. There may be some security concerns with this approach?

    Im also displaying the image description on the album page but it is quite tricky to get the caption and description to display nicely with each image.It would be nice if a defined height did not have to be set on the caption and slideshow containers so that the caption/description could display right above or right beneath the image. Im using 600px wide or high images so my slideshow container is 600px. But landscape images only have a height of about 400px and so there is quite a distance between the caption and the image.

    I did muck with the css to remove the heights and absolute positioning of the caption container and have the image aligned to the top of the slideshow container - that makes my display work the way Id like, even if I have a long image description. The only bug is that when one clicks on a thumbnail, the caption and image initially align themselves to the middle of the righthand container, and then jump into their correct position (both aligned to the top of that container). Not sure how best to fix that?

    Is there a better way to have the caption container div appear right above or beneath the image and fill whatever space is needed for the image height and length of the caption/description?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Regarding title in the url: You should be using the image filename to avoid double work of stripping special chars and such. This is what Zenphoto uses on normal image urls.

    If you really need the title better use the SEO filter function to clear it.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    ok follow this link :
    there is a album "raid obivwak" with 2 sub-albums "raid obivwak 2008" and "raid obivwak 2009"
    comments are allowed on "raid obivwak" and are not allowed on the 2 sub-albums.
    in all the case, the comments box doesn't work properly :
    in the first case : comments(0) should be not displayed
    in the second case : the comment box is not displayed

    other fact : comment box works well for the images :
    in "raid obivwak 2009" album , comments are allowed for CRW_4669 and are not allowed for CRW_4670 : you could see the comment box for the 1st one and don't see it for the 2nd one

    thank for you're help
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    Another question on this wonderfull theme :
    Is it possible to have a higher level for lighting pictures when they are not flown with mousse ?
    with firebug, I see <li style="opacity:0.57;"> and I would have 0.8 example

    where do I change this value?
    i tried to change the ouseOutOpacity value in jquery.opacityrollover.js, but it did not work
  • gjr Member
    Ok for the comments. I cannot figure out why the comment form is not displaying for you on that parent album. I tested this configuration on my test site with a parent allowing comments and the subs not, and it seems to work correctly with this theme. Did you try switching to a default theme to see if the issue is there also? . It IS a theme bug that the comments link appears on closed items. To fix that, wrap a conditional with getCommentsAllowed() around the whole comment block (should do this for image, news, and pages also)


    <?php if (getCommentsAllowed()) { ?>

    <?php if (function_exists('printCommentForm')) { ?>

    <?php echo gettext('Comments'); ?> (<?php echo getCommentCount(); ?>)

    <?php } ?>

    <?php if (function_exists('printCommentForm')) { ?>

    <?php printCommentForm(); ?>

    <?php } ?>

    <?php } ?>


    For opacity, if you are using the alt album, which looks like you are, edit these in the js file: js/zpgalleriffic-min.js, otherwise in zpgalleriffic.js.

    You will see two opacity var sets -
    `var onMouseOutOpacity = 0.67;` sets the initial opacity of image thumbs, and
    `var onMouseOutOpacityAlbums = 0.57;` sets the initial opacity of album thumbs.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    in fact, with the default theme, the following code in album.php
    if (function_exists('printCommentForm')) {

    <?php printCommentForm(); ?>

    produce the following html code

    whenever comments are allowed or not.

    => so, it seems to be a bug of printCommentForm() ?
    this function doesn't work well for album's comments
  • gjr Member
    It is not a bug, just a matter of every theme using the correct conditionals. The theme needs to determine if the comments plugin is activated (function_exists), and then also if the object is allowed for comment (getCommentsAllowed)
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    compared to previous message, I meant that, whatever the theme, the problem is the same on the album pages : Comments are not displayed, even if they are allowed : there's no html code between the div tags.

    so it seems not to be a problem of your theme but to be a problem of printCommentForm function
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, it is not a problem of the comment form.

    The clue is that there is no extra `<div id="comments"></div>" around the form neeeded as the form function would print that itself if activated. If comments for the item are disallowed it normally shows something like "closed for comments". If the plugin is deactivated, it of course shows nothing.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    sorry, i understood and I found my mistake.
    in the admin pages of the comment_form's plugin , there is a check box "Allow comments on" and "Albums" was unchecked.
    if the option is checked, all is ok.

    on the same subject : is there a function to control if comment are opened or not on an album or an image ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sure, there is a checkbox to allow comments specifially for each image, album (as well as Zenpage pages and news).
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    of course, i know that ;-)
    my question was : is there a function which return true ou false if checkbox is checked or not ?
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