I was thinking, could it be something at my webhost? Since I'm the only one having this problem (I did turn off save mode and disabled magic quotes).
Tried adding a news page, same thing, shows up when I'm logged in as admin but not in chrome. Leaves updating the theme to the latest build, will do that later.
I really see no reason this could be related to Chrome. There is no special browser related stuff involved in the printPageMenu() itself. It generates all just a standard (nested) html list. And of course what pages to show is generated via PHP by what is in the database, so it is server related probably.
Please see my test install (plain http://zenphoto.maltem.de/ You should see four pages in the page menu: about, contact, page1, page2.
I'm just using Chrome to see the page as anyone else does, not logged in as admin. I do know a little bit about how it works That's why I'm wondering, could it be my webhost.
OK, was thinking "loud". Then it might indeed be your host or something goes wrong with the saving in the db when setting pages to published. Maybe you should contact your host.
I agree with acrylian. If you use lastest version of ZenPage, with the zenpage theme and zenpage plugin enabled, and if you don't see you page when you are not loggued in, it seems to be a server side problem. have you some message in debug logs ? or maybe, a cache problem : had you try to do some ctrl F5 to force refresh of the cache ?
Lensvision, on the screenshots you showed, you are logged in with FF, and not logged in with Chrome. with FF, have you the same problem if you are not connected? have you the same problem with IE ?
so, I think that the zpArdoise theme is not responsible for your problem. maybe,you could open a new topic to follow it on forum ? I will help you as far as I can.
After looking and looking I found zpArdoise. It seems to do everything I want/need.
What I cant seem to figure out with my limited knowledge is bugging me. Im sure it is a setting somewhere that I ticed or didnt tic.
When looking at my page (http://www.pentaxpics.com/gallery/) there are albums (yardbirds) and at the bottom of the main page is Random images.
When you click on a Random Image it brings you to that specific image allowing you to comment, rate, has a description etc. Thats great.
However if I select the album yardbirds I have no ability to do any of that for each individual photo. I can comment on the album as a whole but am looking for a way that if I click the picture to the right it will take me to the image page, not just enlarge it.
you probably use the 'Use Colorbox in Album' option to use colorbox plugin in Album page. in that case, Image page is never called and you can't access to comment, rate, and description.
If comment, rate, and description are important, you should uncheck this option and check "Use Colorbox in Image page" option.
with the release 1.3 of the theme zpArdoise, if you check "Use Colorbox Page in Album" and "Show Image Statistic strip" (with random or other options) and if you click on an image of the "Statistic strip", the image is not displayed in the colorbox.
to improve the theme, I have rewrote two functions zenphoto (printRandomImages() and printImageStatistic()), and I have modified a file of in my theme (image_statistic.php)
to install the MOD: - Downloads the MOD file - unzip the MOD file - upload the 2 files image_statistic.php and functions.php in the directory theme/zpardoise. - check the options "Use Colorbox Page in Album" and "Show Image Statistic strip".
I've installed zenphoto with zpardoise theme, but i can not have the option to see the original sized photo when i click on a image in the gallery (like the default theme...)
this option doesn't realy exist in this theme. however, you can use colorbox plugin and check the option "Use Colorbox in Image page". with that, the full image is diplayed in the colorbox.
I really like the zpArdoise theme and have been testing it for use on my website. I had two questions about the way it behaves that is different than the themes that come with the zenphoto install. Both of these questions also seem to affect gallerific as well. 1.) The favicon appears as an orange square box rather than using the favicon.ico file. The other themes correctly load and display my favicon. I have confirmed that the ico file is available in the images folder for this theme. 2.) In the browser, the other themes correctly show the title of the page as the gallery title, but these two themes show the title of the page as the name of my home page, which is confusing (and not correct anyway). I do want to be able to have a link back to my home page, but it shouldn't show up as the title of the gallery page.
Any way I can modify this theme so that it behaves like the other themes in these two respects?
1/ for the favicon : To display a favicon, you should have a specific line `` in the head tag. I don't know if the official themes are including this code.
zpArdoise does and you have to copy you own favicon.ico in the /themes/zpArdoise/images/ directory.
2/ for the title: zpArdoise is a personnal theme that may not works as the official themes ;-)
with this theme, the title of the gallery is only displayed on the gallery, albums and images (it is my personnal behaviour). the title of the site is used in the footer and in the browser tabs (to display the name of the page you are on). If the website url is specified, the title of the site will also be used to make a link to this url (but if you only use zenphoto to your site, this link is useless).
Hello Vincent, Thank you for your reply. For 1, it turned out the thumbnail image in my file manager was showing me a cached version of my favicon, so I thought it was the right one. When I actually opened the .ico file, it was the incorrect one I had been seeing in the browser. Copied over the correct ico file and problem solved. For 2, I will look at the documentation and see if I can change it.
Just in case anyone wants it, here is the plugin. It will be part of 1.4.2.
` <?php /** * Places a "favicon" reference in the theme head. * * Will use the "favicon.ico" found in the theme/images folder if * present. Otherwise it will use the Zenphoto one. * * @package plugins * @author Stephen Billard (sbillard) * */ $plugin_is_filter = 9|THEME_PLUGIN; $plugin_description = gettext('Adds a "favicon" to the theme.'); $plugin_author = "Stephen Billard (sbillard)"; $plugin_version = '1.4.2'; zp_register_filter('theme_head', 'favicon_rel');
Hello, Just a followup on 2 above. The reason I couldn't make any headway on changing the page title was that when I open the file header.php inside the admin tool, nothing is displayed (can't edit something that isn't there). It's as if the file is empty. So I opened up my local copy with an editor and can read the file fine. Is it possible that the reason the file is not displayed through the admin tool is that the file contains the line // force UTF-8 Ø? Otherwise, I don't see much fundamental difference between the structure of this file and the same header.php file in the gallerific theme, which displays correctly in the admin tool.
Thanks. This is just FYI. I'll go ahead and edit my local copy to make the change for 2.
Hi! I'm having trouble with zpArdoise and displaying image thumbnails.
This is an example of what happens when more than 5 images are loaded into a gallery. If anyone could help me figure out what is wrong, that would be amazing! I've tried reinstalling the theme twice, reinstalling zenphoto but haven't touched any php code. Thankyou!
I'm new to Zenphoto. I installed your theme which is great, but I can't get it to work how it should. Could you please take a look at http://fserv.info. Under look at archive the thubs of 150 px will not load. I probably do something wrong
I'm new to Zenphoto. I installed your theme which is great, but I can't get it to work how it should. Could you please take a look at http://fserv.info. Under look at archive the thubs of 150 px will not load. I probably do something wrong
please, read this topic : http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=9495, and download the latest version for ZenPhoto 1.4.1. as told on my blog, the v1.3 is still avaliable but is no longuer supported. another thing, you could install the latest release of ZenPhoto
zpArdoise uses no plugin to view pages.
there is the code for menu items but only the zenpage printPageMenu() function :
<?php if (($_zp_gallery_page == 'index.php') ||<br />
($_zp_gallery_page == 'gallery.php') ||
($_zp_gallery_page == 'album.php') ||
($_zp_gallery_page == 'image.php') ||
($_zp_gallery_page == 'search.php'))
{ $galleryactive = 1; }
<?php if (gettext(getOption('zenpage_homepage')) == gettext('none')) { ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php if (function_exists('getPageTitleLink')) { ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ((function_exists('getNewsIndexURL')) && ((getNumNews()) > 0)) { ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if (function_exists('printPageMenu')) { printPageMenu('list-top', '', 'active', 'active', '', ''); } ?>
<?php if (getOption('show_archive')) { ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if (function_exists('printContactForm')) { ?>
<?php } ?>
unfortunatly, I have absolutly non idea to solve this issue.
Lensvision, it seems not work with zenpage too. are you sure of your installation ?
I was thinking, could it be something at my webhost?
Since I'm the only one having this problem (I did turn off save mode and disabled magic quotes).
Tried adding a news page, same thing, shows up when I'm logged in as admin but not in chrome.
Leaves updating the theme to the latest build, will do that later.
Please see my test install (plain http://zenphoto.maltem.de/
You should see four pages in the page menu: about, contact, page1, page2.
I do know a little bit about how it works
That's why I'm wondering, could it be my webhost.
I can see about, contact, page1 and page3.
If you use lastest version of ZenPage, with the zenpage theme and zenpage plugin enabled, and if you don't see you page when you are not loggued in, it seems to be a server side problem. have you some message in debug logs ?
or maybe, a cache problem : had you try to do some ctrl F5 to force refresh of the cache ?
Lensvision, on the screenshots you showed, you are logged in with FF, and not logged in with Chrome.
with FF, have you the same problem if you are not connected?
have you the same problem with IE ?
F5 doesn't solve it either.
I'm gonna contact my host.
Thanks for thinking with me so far.
maybe,you could open a new topic to follow it on forum ? I will help you as far as I can.
What I cant seem to figure out with my limited knowledge is bugging me. Im sure it is a setting somewhere that I ticed or didnt tic.
When looking at my page (http://www.pentaxpics.com/gallery/) there are albums (yardbirds) and at the bottom of the main page is Random images.
When you click on a Random Image it brings you to that specific image allowing you to comment, rate, has a description etc. Thats great.
However if I select the album yardbirds I have no ability to do any of that for each individual photo. I can comment on the album as a whole but am looking for a way that if I click the picture to the right it will take me to the image page, not just enlarge it.
Thanks in advance for any help.
you probably use the 'Use Colorbox in Album' option to use colorbox plugin in Album page.
in that case, Image page is never called and you can't access to comment, rate, and description.
If comment, rate, and description are important, you should uncheck this option and check "Use Colorbox in Image page" option.
Thanks! It worked. I appreciate the support.
with the release 1.3 of the theme zpArdoise, if you check "Use Colorbox Page in Album" and "Show Image Statistic strip" (with random or other options) and if you click on an image of the "Statistic strip", the image is not displayed in the colorbox.
to improve the theme, I have rewrote two functions zenphoto (printRandomImages() and printImageStatistic()), and I have modified a file of in my theme (image_statistic.php)
modified files are downloadable here : http://st.free.fr/phpmyvisites.php?url=http://vincent.bourganel.free.fr/data/MOD zpArdoise.zip&id=204639&pagename=FILE:
and will be included in a future version of my theme.
to install the MOD:
- Downloads the MOD file
- unzip the MOD file
- upload the 2 files image_statistic.php and functions.php in the directory theme/zpardoise.
- check the options "Use Colorbox Page in Album" and "Show Image Statistic strip".
see the result here : http://vincent.bourganel.free.fr/zenphoto_test2/index.php?p=gallery
any suggestion of how to solve this problem?
this option doesn't realy exist in this theme.
however, you can use colorbox plugin and check the option "Use Colorbox in Image page".
with that, the full image is diplayed in the colorbox.
I really like the zpArdoise theme and have been testing it for use on my website. I had two questions about the way it behaves that is different than the themes that come with the zenphoto install. Both of these questions also seem to affect gallerific as well.
1.) The favicon appears as an orange square box rather than using the favicon.ico file. The other themes correctly load and display my favicon. I have confirmed that the ico file is available in the images folder for this theme.
2.) In the browser, the other themes correctly show the title of the page as the gallery title, but these two themes show the title of the page as the name of my home page, which is confusing (and not correct anyway). I do want to be able to have a link back to my home page, but it shouldn't show up as the title of the gallery page.
Any way I can modify this theme so that it behaves like the other themes in these two respects?
I am using zenphoto 1.4 and zpArdoise theme version 1.3. I am not using zenpage. Here's the gallery: http://www.greatandlittle.com/artwork/
Thanks for the help!
1/ for the favicon :
To display a favicon, you should have a specific line
`` in the head tag.
I don't know if the official themes are including this code.
zpArdoise does and you have to copy you own favicon.ico in the /themes/zpArdoise/images/ directory.
if the favicon don't change, there is a tip to refresh the favicon here : http://www.phpjunkyard.com/tutorials/force-favicon-refresh.php.
zpArdoise is a personnal theme that may not works as the official themes ;-)
with this theme, the title of the gallery is only displayed on the gallery, albums and images (it is my personnal behaviour).
the title of the site is used in the footer and in the browser tabs (to display the name of the page you are on).
If the website url is specified, the title of the site will also be used to make a link to this url (but if you only use zenphoto to your site, this link is useless).
of course, you can change the theme as you like and you'll probably need the zenphoto's documentation for that
Thank you for your reply. For 1, it turned out the thumbnail image in my file manager was showing me a cached version of my favicon, so I thought it was the right one. When I actually opened the .ico file, it was the incorrect one I had been seeing in the browser. Copied over the correct ico file and problem solved. For 2, I will look at the documentation and see if I can change it.
Thanks again.
* Places a "favicon" reference in the theme head.
* Will use the "favicon.ico" found in the theme/images folder if
* present. Otherwise it will use the Zenphoto one.
* @package plugins
* @author Stephen Billard (sbillard)
$plugin_is_filter = 9|THEME_PLUGIN;
$plugin_description = gettext('Adds a "favicon" to the theme.');
$plugin_author = "Stephen Billard (sbillard)";
$plugin_version = '1.4.2';
zp_register_filter('theme_head', 'favicon_rel');
function favicon_rel() {
$path = getPlugin('images/favicon.ico', true, true);
if (empty($path)) {
$path = WEBPATH.'/'.ZENFOLDER.'/images/favicon.ico';
" />
Just a followup on 2 above. The reason I couldn't make any headway on changing the page title was that when I open the file header.php inside the admin tool, nothing is displayed (can't edit something that isn't there). It's as if the file is empty. So I opened up my local copy with an editor and can read the file fine. Is it possible that the reason the file is not displayed through the admin tool is that the file contains the line // force UTF-8 Ø? Otherwise, I don't see much fundamental difference between the structure of this file and the same header.php file in the gallerific theme, which displays correctly in the admin tool.
Thanks. This is just FYI. I'll go ahead and edit my local copy to make the change for 2.
This is an example of what happens when more than 5 images are loaded into a gallery. If anyone could help me figure out what is wrong, that would be amazing! I've tried reinstalling the theme twice, reinstalling zenphoto but haven't touched any php code. Thankyou!
had you read the instructions of the theme?
In Options>Theme, adujst squared thumb size to 150 px (the theme has been optimized for this size).
I'm new to Zenphoto. I installed your theme which is great, but I can't get it to work how it should. Could you please take a look at http://fserv.info. Under look at archive the thubs of 150 px will not load. I probably do something wrong
I'm new to Zenphoto. I installed your theme which is great, but I can't get it to work how it should. Could you please take a look at http://fserv.info. Under look at archive the thubs of 150 px will not load. I probably do something wrong
please, read this topic : http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=9495, and download the latest version for ZenPhoto 1.4.1.
as told on my blog, the v1.3 is still avaliable but is no longuer supported.
another thing, you could install the latest release of ZenPhoto