I have a lot of tags and use them as virtual albums, but far to many to create defined albums for them all. I have created a theme page that lists them all alphabetically and which has links of this form for each one: http://www.mysite.com/page/search/tags/"tag name"/
btw, you can also enable 'Show Tags' option : it displays a tag cloud on gallery page.
And if you want to create a specific page for that, rather than manually add a link for each tag, you cas add some code (using printAllTagsAs() function) in Codeblocks.
Thanks. There's quite a few edits there. I'll give them a try. Much appreciated. I don't tag albums, only images, so that shouldn't present any problems.
I can assure you that I didn't manually add all those links. I had a module in Gallery3 that created a list of all tags automatically, and I migrated it to Zenphoto using printAllTagsAs(). I'll post the code here on the Zenphoto forum once I can make a sufficiently long post. I don't see the point of putting just a code block on github.
The lack of further response didn't mean that I was unappreciative, only that it has been that time of year. Now that "that time of year" is behind me, I've at last had the opportunity to sit down and carefully make these changes.
And I'm pleased to report that they work a treat. Thank you very much! Greatly appreciated.
Mr. Vincent: I am using your beautifull zpArdoise theme in spanish language, and I am trying to traduce all the texts (specially gettext includes in all the .php files, whether the .php files or Zenphoto files). But my problem is that I can't find where can I replace the text "User" in the footer of the main page (this text can only be seen when there is no registered user). I can't find in which .php file is this text. I want to replace it by "Iniciar Sesión" (this mean "Login" in spanish). I had no problem finding and replacing the text "View Archive" or "Logout" in the same footer. (Sorry for my poor english).
Many thanks for your help.
I am not sure what you are doing.
do you use poedit to translate gettext values in spanish or do you replace all gettext values in spanish values in your php files?
of course the best way in the first one, because with poedit you can translate the 'zenphoto core' strings (used in admin and in the theme, official or mine) and you can also translate the zpArdoise specific strings. in fact, there are very few specific strings, and most of them are used in admin/options/theme.
to translate 'zenphoto core' strings, you have to edit zp-core/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/zenphoto.po and, of course, you can make a pull request to zenphoto team to include your translations in the core code (https://github.com/zenphoto/zenphoto/pulls).
to translate zpArdoise specific strings, you have to edit themes/zpArdoise/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/zpArdoise.po and, of course, you can make a pull request to me to include your translations in my theme (https://github.com/vincent3569/zpArdoise/pulls).
@guirala As @vincent3569 pointed out the theme has its own translation file that needs to be updated separately.
If you are using the existing Spanish translation for Zenphoto itself. That is totally outdated and does not contain all strings. You have to update it first to get all the strings following our tutorial here https://www.zenphoto.org/news/translating-tutorial/
Dear Vincent and Acrylian:
Thank you very much for your quick response.
For Vincent: I use the latest versions: ZP (1.5.1) and last of zpArdoise. The translations I did were directly in the .php files, but now I will try to do it using Poedit in the zpArdoise.po file. Once I finish it, I'll let you know so you can incorporate it into your theme. I was just looking at the zpardoise.po file, and in principle I think that text is not there, but I'll check it more deeply anyway.
In the example of the one you posted the link
at the bottom of it you can see the link "Usuario", which is precisely the one I want to change and for which I sent the query due to not finding the origin of the original text to replace.
For Acrylian: very grateful for your intervention. I think I'm already on the way to solve the problem.
Many thanks to both for everything.
the mentionned string is not specific of my theme, but is a part of zenpage core strings.
so, if you think this is not the well translated string in spanish, the best way is to edit the rigt .po file with poedit and change the translation.
as told by acrylian, maybe there is a lot oj job (wrong value and missing rtanslation).
I will also appreciate your translation of my theme (there are only 5/17 translated strings).
@guirala Like Vincent I would appreciate work on the general Spanish translation for Zenphoto. Although it fear it might be quite some work after that long time without being maintained.
Dear Vincent and Acrylian:
Thank you very much for your quick response.
For Vincent: I use the latest versions: ZP (1.5.1) and last of zpArdoise. The translations I did were directly in the .php files, but now I will try to do it using Poedit in the zpArdoise.po file. Once I finish it, I'll let you know so you can incorporate it into your theme. In the example of the one you posted the link https://demo.vincentbourganel.fr/?themeSwitcher=zpArdoise,
at the bottom of it you can see the link "Usuario", which is precisely the one I want to change and for which I sent the query due to not finding the origin of the original text to replace.
For Acrylian: very grateful for your intervention. I think I'm already on the way to solve the problem.
Many thanks to both for everything.
Dear Vincent and Acrylian:
I have finished the"complete" translation for Zenphoto version 1.5.1 of the zenphoto.po and zpArdoise.po files in the Spanish / Argentinian language (es_AR) using Poedit. This I have already posted yesterday in the forum, asking for instructions to upload to you these files, since I do not understand the mechanics explained in the tutorial on how to proceed for this (sorry, but I am not an expert in computer science or web development). For this reason I reiterate here the request for your instructions. I have prepared 2 .zip files, one for zenphoto (including the flag.png corresponding to the Argentine flag) and the other for zpArdoise.
I am also interested in indicating that these translations can be perfectly used also for Spanish_Bolivia, Spanish_Latinoamerica, Spanish_United States and Spanish_Uruguay, since there is basically no difference between them (it would be like saying English from Washington or English from New York, without any difference between them except for some another localism). If you are interested in this, I also can send you the .png files of these flags.
The translations also perfectly serves to update the incomplete and outdated translation of Spanish_spain, since despite being able to exist some differences (not too significant), it is always preferable to have a complete and updated translation perfectly usable, instead of an incomplete outdated and without maintaining version.
Best regards and I await your instructions.
PS: I have already uploaded the translations to my site and they work great. So much so that I was able to solve the translation of the term that originated my original query. You can verify it by entering https://viajarporelmundo.ml
@guirala Sorry, somehow I missed your other topic/post. Normally I get a mail from new topics or posts but not that one. I see it now.
First, thanks for your work. Maintaining German myself I know how much work it must have been to update that older translation. This is an ongoing work as the just release 1.5.2 (1.5.3 coming soon because of a serious bug we sadly missed) already adds new strings.
Regarding using your Argentian Spanish (es_AR) version for other Spanish variants. That's great. The "problem" is that we probably would need separate files for all those even if they are the same technically. gettext makes a difference here and the po/mo files internally indicate which variant they belong to and will only work with that. Although there is a general Spanish setting for these files via Poedit, someone who has just the Argentinan Spanish locale installed on his server might not be able to use it (although both the general locale and the specific should be installed).
As the tutorial indicates we use GitHub. This is perhaps a bit technical. Git stuff is not the easiest to understand. @vincent3569 does the same with his theme, too.
But we can add the files for you if you like them to be included. It's also okay to provide these translation separately if that fits you better. You could mail use. You find my mail on the "legal" page here.
Ok acrylian, I'll send you in a few minutes the zip files to es_AR to the malte @ zen address ......
Gradually and as I can, I would complete all the necessary files of the other Spanish languages that I mentioned (en_UY, es_BO, etc.) to send them to you.
I only ask you to confirm me when you have received the files.
I got your files. I will forward the zpArdoise ones to @vincent3569.
If you say Argentinian Spanish is that similar to general Spanish for the start just a generel es_ES version would do for now. Perhaps a bit overload to really add for all variants. We always can do that later if it turns out to be a problem somehow.
by this code from album.php
it supress some code optimizations (load of scripts) but works after quick tests.
btw, you can also enable 'Show Tags' option : it displays a tag cloud on gallery page.
And if you want to create a specific page for that, rather than manually add a link for each tag, you cas add some code (using printAllTagsAs() function) in Codeblocks.
Thanks. There's quite a few edits there. I'll give them a try. Much appreciated. I don't tag albums, only images, so that shouldn't present any problems.
I can assure you that I didn't manually add all those links. I had a module in Gallery3 that created a list of all tags automatically, and I migrated it to Zenphoto using printAllTagsAs(). I'll post the code here on the Zenphoto forum once I can make a sufficiently long post. I don't see the point of putting just a code block on github.
The lack of further response didn't mean that I was unappreciative, only that it has been that time of year. Now that "that time of year" is behind me, I've at last had the opportunity to sit down and carefully make these changes.
And I'm pleased to report that they work a treat. Thank you very much! Greatly appreciated.
Mr. Vincent: I am using your beautifull zpArdoise theme in spanish language, and I am trying to traduce all the texts (specially gettext includes in all the .php files, whether the .php files or Zenphoto files). But my problem is that I can't find where can I replace the text "User" in the footer of the main page (this text can only be seen when there is no registered user). I can't find in which .php file is this text. I want to replace it by "Iniciar Sesión" (this mean "Login" in spanish). I had no problem finding and replacing the text "View Archive" or "Logout" in the same footer. (Sorry for my poor english).
Many thanks for your help.
I am not sure what you are doing.
do you use poedit to translate gettext values in spanish or do you replace all gettext values in spanish values in your php files?
of course the best way in the first one, because with poedit you can translate the 'zenphoto core' strings (used in admin and in the theme, official or mine) and you can also translate the zpArdoise specific strings. in fact, there are very few specific strings, and most of them are used in admin/options/theme.
to translate 'zenphoto core' strings, you have to edit zp-core/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/zenphoto.po and, of course, you can make a pull request to zenphoto team to include your translations in the core code (https://github.com/zenphoto/zenphoto/pulls).
to translate zpArdoise specific strings, you have to edit themes/zpArdoise/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/zpArdoise.po and, of course, you can make a pull request to me to include your translations in my theme (https://github.com/vincent3569/zpArdoise/pulls).
in your case, I am unable to reproduce your issue here: https://demo.vincentbourganel.fr/?themeSwitcher=zpArdoise
what release are you using (zenphoto and zpArdoise)?
@guirala As @vincent3569 pointed out the theme has its own translation file that needs to be updated separately.
If you are using the existing Spanish translation for Zenphoto itself. That is totally outdated and does not contain all strings. You have to update it first to get all the strings following our tutorial here https://www.zenphoto.org/news/translating-tutorial/
Dear Vincent and Acrylian:
Thank you very much for your quick response.
For Vincent: I use the latest versions: ZP (1.5.1) and last of zpArdoise. The translations I did were directly in the .php files, but now I will try to do it using Poedit in the zpArdoise.po file. Once I finish it, I'll let you know so you can incorporate it into your theme. I was just looking at the zpardoise.po file, and in principle I think that text is not there, but I'll check it more deeply anyway.
In the example of the one you posted the link
at the bottom of it you can see the link "Usuario", which is precisely the one I want to change and for which I sent the query due to not finding the origin of the original text to replace.
For Acrylian: very grateful for your intervention. I think I'm already on the way to solve the problem.
Many thanks to both for everything.
the mentionned string is not specific of my theme, but is a part of zenpage core strings.
so, if you think this is not the well translated string in spanish, the best way is to edit the rigt .po file with poedit and change the translation.
as told by acrylian, maybe there is a lot oj job (wrong value and missing rtanslation).
I will also appreciate your translation of my theme (there are only 5/17 translated strings).
@guirala Like Vincent I would appreciate work on the general Spanish translation for Zenphoto. Although it fear it might be quite some work after that long time without being maintained.
Dear Vincent and Acrylian:
Thank you very much for your quick response.
For Vincent: I use the latest versions: ZP (1.5.1) and last of zpArdoise. The translations I did were directly in the .php files, but now I will try to do it using Poedit in the zpArdoise.po file. Once I finish it, I'll let you know so you can incorporate it into your theme. In the example of the one you posted the link
at the bottom of it you can see the link "Usuario", which is precisely the one I want to change and for which I sent the query due to not finding the origin of the original text to replace.
For Acrylian: very grateful for your intervention. I think I'm already on the way to solve the problem.
Many thanks to both for everything.
Dear Vincent and Acrylian:
I have finished the"complete" translation for Zenphoto version 1.5.1 of the zenphoto.po and zpArdoise.po files in the Spanish / Argentinian language (es_AR) using Poedit. This I have already posted yesterday in the forum, asking for instructions to upload to you these files, since I do not understand the mechanics explained in the tutorial on how to proceed for this (sorry, but I am not an expert in computer science or web development). For this reason I reiterate here the request for your instructions. I have prepared 2 .zip files, one for zenphoto (including the flag.png corresponding to the Argentine flag) and the other for zpArdoise.
I am also interested in indicating that these translations can be perfectly used also for Spanish_Bolivia, Spanish_Latinoamerica, Spanish_United States and Spanish_Uruguay, since there is basically no difference between them (it would be like saying English from Washington or English from New York, without any difference between them except for some another localism). If you are interested in this, I also can send you the .png files of these flags.
The translations also perfectly serves to update the incomplete and outdated translation of Spanish_spain, since despite being able to exist some differences (not too significant), it is always preferable to have a complete and updated translation perfectly usable, instead of an incomplete outdated and without maintaining version.
Best regards and I await your instructions.
PS: I have already uploaded the translations to my site and they work great. So much so that I was able to solve the translation of the term that originated my original query. You can verify it by entering https://viajarporelmundo.ml
@guirala Sorry, somehow I missed your other topic/post. Normally I get a mail from new topics or posts but not that one. I see it now.
First, thanks for your work. Maintaining German myself I know how much work it must have been to update that older translation. This is an ongoing work as the just release 1.5.2 (1.5.3 coming soon because of a serious bug we sadly missed) already adds new strings.
Regarding using your Argentian Spanish (es_AR) version for other Spanish variants. That's great. The "problem" is that we probably would need separate files for all those even if they are the same technically. gettext makes a difference here and the po/mo files internally indicate which variant they belong to and will only work with that. Although there is a general Spanish setting for these files via Poedit, someone who has just the Argentinan Spanish locale installed on his server might not be able to use it (although both the general locale and the specific should be installed).
We would add separate entries for each language version on our extensions page as well: https://www.zenphoto.org/news/category/translations/
As the tutorial indicates we use GitHub. This is perhaps a bit technical. Git stuff is not the easiest to understand. @vincent3569 does the same with his theme, too.
But we can add the files for you if you like them to be included. It's also okay to provide these translation separately if that fits you better. You could mail use. You find my mail on the "legal" page here.
Ok acrylian, I'll send you in a few minutes the zip files to es_AR to the malte @ zen address ......
Gradually and as I can, I would complete all the necessary files of the other Spanish languages that I mentioned (en_UY, es_BO, etc.) to send them to you.
I only ask you to confirm me when you have received the files.
I got your files. I will forward the zpArdoise ones to @vincent3569.
If you say Argentinian Spanish is that similar to general Spanish for the start just a generel es_ES version would do for now. Perhaps a bit overload to really add for all variants. We always can do that later if it turns out to be a problem somehow.