New Theme : zpArdoise



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Great, Anything that is compatible with 1.4.6/1.4.7 should generally work with 1.4.8.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    The 1.4.13 zpArdoise release is now avaliable for ZenPhoto 1.4.13

    Improvements of this release :

    - Simplifications of the theme (deleting frames and rollover effect on thumbnails, size optimization of thumbnails and images, code clean up,...)
    -Some graphical improvements (read changelog.txt)
    -Improvements to be compliant with ZenPhoto 1.4.13 (read changelog.txt)
    -Fix some issues (read changelog.txt)

    Follow the link :

    Feel free to download and use it, and thanks in advance for your feedback!

    Please report bugs on the forum and I will try to fix as soon as possible.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    zpArdoise is now hosted on GitHub .
    You can report bugs on the ZenPhoto forum or create an issue on GitHub, I will fix it as soon as possible (only the latest version is supported). You can also improve theme via Pull requests.

    More informations and download here:

    @acrylian: can you update this page:
    ok course, if you can create a news on zenphoto, I will be glad.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator


    The zpArdoise 1.4.14 release is now avaliable for ZenPhoto 1.4.14

    For more information, follow the link :

  • As mentioned in another post, I'm migrating a Gallery3 site to ZenPhoto and selected this theme. Thanks for all your work on it, and also to those who created the one that it was based on.

    I read somewhere that you created it for your own purposes and that's why there some options are missing, For your information, I have hacked it a little to remove the gallery.php option and to have the menu driven by menu_manager. If you don't mind, I may have a few questions about other customisations.

    Have you had any experience in using the 3rd party Facebook plugin with this theme?

  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    yes, I created this theme for my own purposes, so I decided to implement only plugins I needed (and there are a lot).

    I have no experience with 3rd party Facebook plugin at all, but I have noticed that comments are generally not used, as FB comments are.

    as the theme is now hosted on github, feel free to submit some new features (management of menu_manager or other) via pull request.

    you can use the forum to discuss of new feature (maybe in specific topic).

  • Hi Vincent, What a great theme! Thanks for your excellent work!
    I really need your advice, Is there a way to handle documents if you have the Gallerific script on? My docs get stuck.. Maybe exclude them from the Gallerific script somehow? Your help is much appreciated!

  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    edited October 2017

    what kind of documents? as far I know, galleriffic does only manage pictures.
    galleriffic script is an old script, not maintained anymore.
    it is too bad because the new scripts that I tested do not offer useful functions like pagination of thumbnails or responsive behavior.

  • Just a pdf for instance, I have pdf documents and regular photo's in Zenphoto. It keeps loading when it is a pdf. Do you know if there is a way to exclude pdf's from the galleriffic script? I would love to keep using this theme..I am so close to finishing, an idea of how to manage these docs would help me so much!

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited October 2017

    I fear you are out of luck unless you wish to edit the galleriffic script. But I am not familiar with it.

    I would actually not recommend to use this script nowadays as it seems to have been abanoned by its creator about 6 years ago. It is likely to break with newer jquery sooner or later anyway.

  • ah, Thanks!

  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    edited October 2017

    I see 3 ways:
    -first way, basically, uncheck galleriffic option, so you never use the script (but you have the genral "look and feel" of the theme)

  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    edited October 2017

    -second way, duplicate album.php (ie album.php and album-standard.php) and manage them with multiple_layouts plugin.
    the first album stay the the same as actualy, and in the second you have to simply disallow gallerrific option (simply replace all getOption('use_galleriffic') by false or rewrite the file to suppress uneeded code.
    of course I assume that all your pdf files are in specific albums (with images or not, but in all the case you will have a standard display for all items of your albums).

    you have to enable multiple_layouts plugin in admin>plugins.
    then choose this album-standard layout in all albums you need for in admin>albums>[album name]>select album layout

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    Yeah, multiple_layouts would a good solution if these pdfs can be separated to their own albums.

  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    edited October 2017

    -third way, keep your pdf files in private albums hand show them within news or pages.

  • Multiple lay-outs worked!!! You are a genius!! Thank you so much!

  • Just one more question, it does not show the title and description in my new album-standard.php. Is there anything I need to add?

  • I am soo close :)

  • Please would you be so kind to tell me how you can scale the thumbs back to 100% in the gallery, I cannot find this anywhere in the css or in the forum.

  • I found the thumb scaling, still struggling to get the file title and description in the new standard-album.php page.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    I recommend to read the theming tutorial for the theme basics in case you haven't yet.

  • Sorry, I am not a coding expert, I am so close to what I need, you guys have been very helpful! I think title and description don't work at the moment due to fact that they were part of the galleriffic script. I have not done any changes only turning the script off. Vincent, any ideas?

  • Thanks for your help guys, I sorted it out. You made my day with the multiple layouts Vincent!

  • Hi guys, Struggling with a small item...Can anyone show me how to untoggle the comments in ZPArdoise? The toggle settings in the plugin options do not change the behavior. I'd like to make the comments visible all the time.

  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    depending of style used (dark or light), modify zpardoise.js or zpardoise_light.js and comment (or remove) this code:

        //For Comment slide : force to open #comment-wrap if there is an errorbox or notebox
        if (($('#comment-wrap .errorbox').length) || ($('#comment-wrap .notebox').length)) {
            $('#comment-wrap').css('display', 'block');
            $('#comment-wrap').css('opacity', '1');
        } else {
            $('#comment-wrap').css('display', 'none');
            $('#comment-wrap').css('opacity', '0');
  • Worked like a charm! Many Thanks!

  • I am using this theme with the Gallerific option turned on. Before I start digging in the code, is it possible to display search results using Gallerific? I have a lot of tags and use them as virtual albums, but far to many to create defined albums for them all. I have created a theme page that lists them all alphabetically and which has links of this form for each one:"tag name"/

    The resulting page(s) of thumbs seem to behave like albums, in that Colorbox operates on the thumbs, since I have that option enabled for albums, but I don't get Gallerific. I'd like to enable it for such search results. Thanks.

  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    zpArdoise doesn't use Gallerific in search page natively.
    The main reason is because of this troubleshooting you can see in readme:

    If you use Galleriffic script, you should not have any albums that mixes sub-albums and pictures (in this case, there is no navigation bars, so all sub-albums may be not displayed on album.php)

  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    but, of course you can change the code and be aware of using your tags only on pictures and not on albums.

    you have 3 files to update.

  • vincent3569 Member, Translator
    edited December 2017
    • in search.php, replace
                <div class="pagination-nogal clearfix">
                    <?php printPageListWithNav(' « ', ' » ', false, true, 'clearfix', NULL, true, 7); ?>
                if (getNumAlbums() > 0) {
                if (getNumImages() > 0) {
                <div class="pagination-nogal clearfix">
                    <?php printPageListWithNav(' « ', ' » ', false, true, 'clearfix', NULL, true, 7); ?>
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